


何清華,男,北京師範大學理學學士(2001-2005),博士(2005-2011, 本科直博),美國南加州大學博士後、訪問學者(2008-2013),西南大學“含弘”優青崗位教授(2021)、博士生導師,入選首屆重慶英才·青年拔尖人才項目(2019),“成癮的神經生理基礎與干預”研究團隊負責人。目前擔任西南大學心理學部黨委青年委員、教工第二黨支部書記、學術委員會委員、國際合作與交流中心主任。還擔任Frontiers in Psychiatry、Frontiers in Psychology、Frontiers in Nutrition雜誌副主編,Current Neuropharmacology客座副主編,《教育生物學》雜誌編委。主要從事認知神經科學相關研究,在Journal of Neuroscience、NeuroImage、Cerebral Cortex、MIS Quarterly、心理學報、科學通報等心理學和認知神經科學期刊上發表論文100餘篇,得到了BBC News、華龍網等媒體的報道,論文累計被引次數為3100餘次,H指數30。目前主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、重慶市自然科學基金等項目,作為骨幹參與科技創新2030“腦科學與類腦科學”重大項目。擔任Biological Psychiatry、NeuroImage、MIS Quarterly、心理學報等國內外雜誌的審稿人。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
80篇(截至2019年7月) [1] 



2008年9月-2010年8月,美國南加州大學腦與創造力研究所,訪問學生,導師Antoine Bechara教授; [1] 


2021.01-至今 西南大學“含弘”優青崗位教授,博士生導師 [1] 
2018年1月-2020年12月, 西南大學心理學部,教授,博士生導師
2015年1月-2017年6月 西南大學心理學部,副教授,碩士生導師
2013年10月-2017年6月 西南大學心理學部,副教授


本科生:認知心理學(雙語) [1] 
留學生:Research Methods in Psychology(全英文)


主要集中在基礎和應用基礎研究兩個方面:在基礎研究上,廣泛採用行為技術、基因技術、多模態腦成像技術(包括結構像、靜息態、功能像、DTI、近紅外等)和腦刺激等技術來考察決策能力的基因機制和神經機制;在應用研究上,採用基於腦的訓練技術(遊戲訓練和神經反饋)提升大腦能力,鍛鍊最強大腦。 [1] 


2022.07-2023.08 《人工智能背景下算法規避的認知與腦機制》. 高端外國專家引進計劃項目(G2022168001L). 18萬元人民幣 [1] 
2021.01-2023.12 《腦島亞區網絡在吸煙成癮中的重要作用及干預研究》. 重慶市自然科學基金面上項目(cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0215). 10萬元人民幣
2020.01-2023.12 《中國兒童青少年跨期決策的發展與腦發育機制》. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(31972906). 58萬元人民幣
2019.09-2022.12 《肥胖所伴隨大腦結構和功能改變研究團隊》. 高端外國專家引進計劃項目(G20190022029).24.3萬元人民幣
2019.04-2020.04 《3-6歲中國兒童發展水平(學習品質領域)監測指標體系與工具研製》. 中國基礎教育質量監測協同創新中心學前教育質量監測課題(JCXQ-C-LA-1). 10萬元人民幣
2018.01-2019.12 《腦島網絡在吸煙成癮者中的重要作用及干預手段研究》. 2017年重慶市留學回國人員創業創新支持計劃(優秀項目, cx2017049). 8萬元人民幣
2016.01-2017.12 《肥胖伴隨決策能力失調的認知和神經基礎》.中國科學院心理健康重點實驗室開放課題基金(重點課題, KLMH2015G01).
2016.01-2016.09 《中小學生自控力監測指標體系及工具研究》.2016年度中國基礎教育質量監測協同創新中心自主支持課題(一般項目,2016-06-014-BZK01).
2015.10-2017.09 《成癮人羣決策相關腦結構和功能的改變:以肥胖為例的MRI研究》 西南大學2015年度中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目(重點項目,SWU1509422).
2015.09-2017.09 《以培養心理學國際化創新人才為目標的本科教學改革和實踐》重慶市2015年高等教育教學改革研究項目(重點項目, 152011).
2015.01-2016.12《心理學專業中澳合作辦學模式和運行機制研究》西南大學教育教學改革研究項目(重點項目, 2014JY030).
2014.01-2015.12《五羥色胺轉運體基因多態性對跨期決策神經機制的調節:基因-腦-行為的研究》.北京師範大學認知神經科學與學習國家重點實驗室開放課題基金(重點項目, CNLZD1306). 


2022.09 “中國學齡兒童腦智發育隊列研究項目”認知領域專家委員會委員、秘書組組長 [1] 
2022.09 西南大學“雙帶頭人”教師黨支部書記工作室(培育)
2022.06 中國高等教育學會學習科學研究分會理事
2022.03 中國心理學會青年工作委員會副主任
2021.07 西南大學優秀共產黨員
2021.06 重慶市心理學學會理事兼決策心理學專委會主任
2020.12 光明日報基礎教育智庫“腦科學與教育”專家委員會專家
2020.12 西南大學心理學部2020年度“科研之星”
2020.11 西南大學附屬中學校學生生涯發展規劃導師
2020.11 中國藥物濫用防治協會成癮影像研究分會常務委員
2020.06 中國神經科學學會認知神經生物學分會委員
2020.05 2018-2020年度西南大學優秀教師
2019.12 西南大學心理學部2019年度“科研之星”
2019.12 重慶市科學技術協會自然科學優秀學術論文獎(交叉學科)
2019.12 山東省腦科學教育研究院學術專家委員會委員
2019.05 中國心理學會經濟心理學專業委員會副主任
2019.02 中國社會心理學會青年工作委員會委員
2018.12 重慶市科學技術協會自然科學優秀學術論文獎(交叉學科)


(#共同一作,*通訊作者) [1-2] 
2023 & InPress
  1. He, Y., Liu, Q., Turel, O., He, Q.*, Zhang, S. (2023). Prosocial behavior predicts meaning in life during the COVID-19 pandemic: the longitudinal mediating role of perceived social support. Frontiers in Public Health.
  2. 陳婉婷, 張逸飛, 何清華*. (2023). 準確性提示降低錯誤信息的分享意願. 心理與行為研究.
  3. 陳婉婷, 何清華*. (2023). 錯誤價值感知對社交媒體假新聞分享意願的影響——受眾選擇和分享信息的心理動機研究. 新聞記者, 2: 15-25.
  4. Li, W.#, Chen, S.#, Xiao, Z., Li, D., Lv, C., Zhang, S., Turel, O., He, Q.* (2023). Risk Aversion in Risk-Taking Tasks: Combined Effects of Feedback Attributes and Cognitive Reflection Ability. Brain and Behavior.
  5. He, X., Hu, J., Qi, Y., Turel, O., Bechara, A., He, Q.* (2023). Sex modulates the effect of HD-tDCS over the prefrontal cortex on the Iowa Gambling Task. Brain Stimulation, 16(2): 415-417.
  6. 沈承春, 胡博華, 何清華*. 應激對模糊決策的影響:認知和神經機制. 心理科學.
  7. Zhao, H., Turel, O., Bechara, A., He, Q.* (2023). How distinct functional insular subdivisions mediate interacting neurocognitive systems. Cerebral Cortex, 33(5): 1739-1751. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhac169.
  8. Li, W., He, Q.* (2023) Editorial: Community Series in Overeating and Decision Making Vulnerabilities. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 1101004. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1101004.
  9. Zhang, Y., Chen, J., Gao, W., Chen, W., Xiao, Z., Qi, Y., Turel, O., He, Q.* (2023). From fears of evaluation to social anxiety: The longitudinal relationships and neural basis in healthy young adults. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 23: 100345.
  10. Xu, K., Ou, Q.*, Luo, D., Shi, X., Li, K., Xue, H., Huang, Y., Turel, O., Zhang, S.*, He, Q.* (2023). Moral decision-making in pettism: The influence of animal type, pet ownership status, and social distance. PsyCh Journal, 12(1): 54-72. DOI: 10.1002/pchj.594
  1. 伍子昀, 何清華. (2022). 兒童青少年的執行功能發展與腦發育. 教育家, 43: 64-67.
  2. 呂晨鈺, 何清華*. (2022).選擇的體驗不好是因為花的時間太長?——決策時間對選擇過載效應的中介作用. 西南師範大學學報(自然科學版), 47(9): 64-72.
  3. 朱若瑾, 張正嚴, 何清華*. (2022). 新冠肺炎疫情對大學生科學家形象認知的影響. 西南師範大學學報(自然科學版), 47(9): 55-63.
  4. Zhang, S., Fu, Y., Liu, Q., Turel, O., He, Q.* (2022). Psychological Capital Mediates the Influence of Meaning in Life on Prosocial Behavior of University Students: A Longitudinal Study. Children and Youth Services Review, 140: 106600. 
  5. Zhang, S., Feng, R., Fu, Y., Liu, Q., He, Y., Turel, O., He, Q.* (2022). The bidirectional relationship between basic psychological needs and meaning in life: A longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences, 197: 111784.
  6. Fu, Y., Feng, R., Liu, Q., He, Y., Turel, O., Zhang, S.*, He, Q.*. (2022). Awe and Prosocial Behavior: The Mediating Role of Presence of Meaning in Life and the Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11):
  7. Li, D., Turel, O., Zhang, S., He, Q.* (2022). Self-Serving Dishonesty Partially Substitutes Fairness in Motivating Cooperation When People are Treated Fairly. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10): 6326.
  8. Qi, Y., Liu, Y., Yan, Z., Hu, S., Zhang, X., Zhao, J., Turel, O., He, Q.* (2022). Slow-wave EEG activity revealed impaired inhibitory control in Internet addiction disorders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5): 2686.
  9. Escobar-Magariño, D., Turel, O., He, Q.* (2022). Bilateral intraparietal activation for number tasks in studies using an Adaptation Paradigm: A meta-analysis. Neuroscience, 490: 296-308. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.02.024.
  10. Xiao, Z., Chen, Z., Chen, W., Gao, W., He, L., Wang, Q., Lei, X., Qiu, J., Feng, T., Chen, H., Turel, O., Bechara, A., He, Q.* (2022). Maladaptive changes in delay discounting in males during the COVID-19 pandemic: The predictive role of functional connectome. Cerebral Cortex, 32(20): 4605-4618. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhab505.
  11. Liu, X., Turel, O., Xiao, Z., He, J.*, He, Q.* (2022). Impulsivity and neural mechanisms that mediate preference for immediate food rewards in people with vs without excess weight. Appetite, 169: 105798.
  1. Lv, C., Turel, O., He, Q.* (2021). The Onset of Menstruation and Social Networking Site Use in Adolescent Girls: The Mediating Role of Body Mass Index. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 9942.
  2. 賀馨宇, 何清華*. (2021). 腦島在成癮中的結構和功能異常. 心理科學進展, 29(8): 1438-1449.
  3. 胡欣業, 何清華*. (2021). 自尊與生活滿意度對大學生衝動購買行為的影響機制. 社區心理學研究, 12: 163-174.
  4. Zhang, S.*, Huang, J., Duan, H., Turel, O., He, Q.* (2021). Almost everyone loses from social exclusion, but some more than others: A comparison among victims, self-determined and forced-to-be perpetrators. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 658648.
  5. He, X., Li, T., Turel, O., Kuang, Y., Zhao, H., He, Q.* (2021). The Impact of STEM Education on Mathematical Development in Children Aged 5-6 Years. International Journal of Educational Research, 109: 101795. (SSCI, 2019 IF = 794; ranked #109 out of 263 in Education & Educational Research; Cited by 0 times, WOS: 000695241400009)
  6. Turel, O.#*, He, Q.#*, Wen, Y. (2021). Examining the Neural Basis of Information Security Policy Violations: A Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Approach. MIS Quarterly, 45(4): 1715-1744. (SCI/SSCI, 2019 IF = 370, 5YearIF = 9.921; ranked #12 out of 156 in Computer Science, Information System; ranked #2 out of 87 in Information Science & Library Science; ranked #22 out of 226 in Management, WOS: 000729783800003)
  7. Li, Y., Chen, R., Turel, O., Feng, T., Zhu, C., He, Q.* (2021). Dyad Sex Composition Effects on Inter-Brain Synchronization in Face-to-Face Cooperation. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 15(3): 1667-1675. (SCI, 2019 IF = 391; ranked #5 out of 14 in Neuroimaging; Cited by 2 times, WOS: 000556670500001)
  8. 李婷婷, 況勇, 何清華*. (2021). 腦科學研究與兒童數學學習. 現代教育技術, 31(5):37-43.
  9. Wang, Q., Zhu, Y., Wang, Y., Chen, C., He, Q.*, Xue, G.* (2021). Intrinsic non-hub connectivity predicts human inter-temporal decision-making. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 15(4): 2005-2016.
  10. He, Q.#*, Turel, O.#*, Wei, L., Bechara, A. (2021). Structural Brain Differences Associated with Extensive Massively-Multiplayer Video Gaming. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 15(1): 364-374. (SCI, 2018 IF = 418; ranked #5 out of 14 in Neuroimaging; Cited by 3 times, WOS: 000518076100001)
  11. Turel, O.#*, He, Q.#*, Wei, L., Bechara, A. (2021). The role of the insula in Internet Gaming Disorder. Addiction Biology, 26(2): e12894. (SCI, 2018 IF = 223; ranked #76 out of 299 in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; ranked #2 out of 19 in Substance Abuse; Cited by 0 times, WOS: 000561906200001)
  12. Lv, C.#, Wang, Q.#, Chen, C., Xue, G.*, He, Q.*. (2021). Activation patterns of the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex and frontal pole predict individual differences in decision impulsivity. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 15: 421-429. (SCI, 2019 IF = 391; ranked #5 out of 14 in Neuroimaging; Cited by 2 times, WOS: 000523415400001)
  1. 何清華. (2020). 基於腦刺激的青少年風險行為干預. 教育家, 12: 20-21.
  2. Li, D., Sorensen, T., Li, Y.*, He, Q.* (2020). Systematically Lower Structural Brain Connectivity in Individuals with Elevated Food Addiction Symptoms. Appetite, 155: 104850.
  3. Wang, Q.*, Lv, C., He, Q.*, Xue, G.* (2020). Dissociable fronto-striatal functional networks predict choice impulsivity. Brain Structure and Function, 225: 2377-2386.
  4. Zhang, X., Shi, X., Xu, S., Qiu, J., Turel, O., He, Q.* (2020). The Effect of Solution-Focused Group Counseling Intervention on College Students’ Internet Addiction: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7): 2519. (SCI, 2019 IF = 849; ranked #112 out of 251 in Environmental Sciences; ranked #67 out of 186 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health; Cited by 0 times, WOS: 000530763300351)
  5. Zhao, H., Turel, O., Brevers, D., Bechara, A., He, Q.* (2020). Smoking cues impair monitoring but not stopping during response inhibition in abstinent smokers. Behavioural Brain Research, 386: 112605. (SCI, 2019 IF = 977; ranked #16 out of 53 in Behavioral Sciences; ranked #148 out of 267 in Neurosciences; Cited by 2 times, WOS: 000526072600015)
  6. 王梓昕, 何清華*. (2020). 大學生財經素養現狀及其影響因素研究. 心理技術與應用, 8(4): 206-213.
  7. He Q.*, Li, D., Turel, O., Bechara, A., Hser, Y. (2020). White matter integrity alternations associated with cocaine dependence and long-term abstinence: Preliminary findings. Behavioural Brain Research, 379, 112388. (SCI, 2019 IF = 977; ranked #16 out of 53 in Behavioral Sciences; ranked #148 out of 267 in Neurosciences; Cited by 3 times, WOS: 000526062200042)
  8. 何清華*, 李丹丹. (2020). 中國兒童青少年跨期決策的發展與腦發育機制. 心理科學進展, 28(3): 381-389.
  1. Liu, X., Li, J., Turel, O., Chen, R., He, Q. (2019). Food-Specific Inhibitory Control Mediates the Effect of Disgust Sensitivity on Body Mass Index. Frontiers in Psychology, 10: 2391. (SSCI, 2018 IF = 129; ranked #40 out of 137 in Psychology Multidisciplinary; Cited by 0 times, WOS: 000494660100001)
  2. 何清華, 孫雅晨. (2019). 重複決策個體差異的腦機制及其日常應用. 教育家, 8: 65-67.
  3. Chen, W., Chen, R., He, Q.* (2019). Stimulation Location Determination using a 3D Digitizer with High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments, 154: e60263. (SCI, 2018 IF = 108; ranked #41 out of 69 in Multidisciplinary Sciences; Cited by 0 times, WOS: 000505787900016)
  4. 申婉麗, 張舒涵, 黃小璐, 魏雷, 何清華*. (2019). 線上認知訓練的研究現狀與訓練效果. 心理技術與應用, 7(11): 671-682.
  5. Wen, Y., Turel, O., Peng, Y., Lv, C., He, Q.* (2019). Cathodal stimulating the left DLPFC changes risk disposition toward common risky behaviors in daily-life. Neuroscience Letters, 709:134400. (SCI, 2018 IF = 173; ranked #195 out of 267 in Neurosciences; Cited by 2 times, WOS: 000487173200022).
  6. Lv, C.#, Wang, Q.#, Chen, C., Qiu, J., Xue, G.*, He, Q.* (2019). The regional homogeneity patterns of the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex predict individual differences in decision impulsivity. NeuroImage, 200, 556-561. (SCI, 2018 IF = 812; ranked #1 out of 14 in Neuroimaging in SSCI; ranked #11 out of 129 in Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging in SCI; ranked #36 out of 267 in Neurosciences, Cited by 7 times, WOS: 000481579300048).
  7. 劉星, 陳睿, 黃小璐, 何清華*. (2019). 賭博障礙的認知功能缺陷及神經基礎. 心理科學, 42(6): 1396-1402.
  8. He, Q.*, Turel, O., Wei, L., Bechara, A. (2019). Structural Brain Changes Associated with Extensive Video Gaming. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 8(S1): 76-76.
  9. He, Q.*, Gao, X., Li, Y., Chen, H. (2019). Overeating and decision making vulnerability (Editorial). Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 587. (SSCI, 2017 IF = 857; ranked #45 out of 142 in Psychiatry in SSCI; ranked #60 out of 142 in Psychiatry in SCI; Cited by 1 times, WOS: 000461892100001).
  10. He, Q.*, Huang, X., Zhang, S., Turel, O., Ma, L., Bechara, A. (2019). Dynamic Causal Modeling of Insular, Striatal and Prefrontal Cortex Activities during a Food-Specific Go/Nogo Task. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4(12):1080-1089. (SCI; 中科院1區Top; 2019 IF = 335 Cited by 13 times, WOS: 000500707900010).
  11. 李劍楠, 鄒枝玲, 何清華*. (2019). 重複決策中的匹配行為及其認知機制. 應用心理學, 25(2): 179-188.
  12. Chen, W., Zhang, S., Turel, O., Peng, Y., Chen, H., He, Q.* (2019). Sex-based Differences in Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Roles in Fairness Norm Compliance. Behavioural Brain Research, 361: 104-112. (SCI, 2017 IF = 173; ranked #14 out of 51 in Behavioral Sciences; ranked #119 out of 261 in Neurosciences; Cited by 7 times, WOS: 000458707500013)
  13. Huang, X.#, Zhang, H.#, Chen, C., Xue, G.*, He, Q.* (2019). The Neuroanatomical Basis of the Gambler’s Fallacy: A Univariate and Multivariate Morphometric Study. Human Brain Mapping, 40(3): 967-975. (SCI, 2017 IF = 927; ranked #48 out of 261 in Neurosciences; ranked #2 out of 14 in Neuroimaging; ranked #16 out of 128 in Radiology, Nuclear Medicine& Medical Imaging; Cited by 7 times, WOS: 000459789600020)
  14. Li, Y., Chen, R., Zhang, S.*, Turel, O., Bechara, A., Feng, T., Chen, H.*, He, Q.* (2019). Hemispheric mPFC Asymmetry in Decision Making under Ambiguity and Risk: an fNIRS Study. Behavioural Brain Research, 359: 657-663. (SCI, 2017 IF = 173; ranked #14 out of 51 in Behavioral Sciences; ranked #119 out of 261 in Neurosciences; Cited by 4 times, WOS: 000456222600074)
  1. 文雅童, 何清華. (2018). 兒童的注意研究——基於教育、心理與神經科學的整合視角. 教育發展研究. 38(24): 54-63.
  2. 何清華. (2018). 注意力的腦機制及其培養. 教育家, 7, 51-52.
  3. He, Q.#, Turel, O.#*, Bechara, A. (2018). Association of Excessive Social Media Use with Abnormal White Matter Integrity of the Corpus Callosum. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 278: 42-47. (SCI, 2017 IF = 455; ranked #110 out of 197 in Clinical Neurology; ranked #8 out of 14 in Neuroimaging; ranked #69 out of 142 in Psychiatry; Cited by 20 times, WOS: 000437789300006)
  4. 孫雅晨#, 張漢其#, 李勇輝, 薛貴, 何清華*. (2018). 一味堅持還是靈活變換:換牌頻率的神經結構基礎和認知機制. 心理學報, 50(12): 1449-1459.
  5. 馬隆, 何清華*, 趙玉芳, Kyrios, M. (2018). 高校中外合作辦學項目學生的心理健康狀況調研. 西南師範大學學報(自然科學版), 43(6): 148-153.
  6. Turel, O.#*, He, Q.#, Brevers, D., Bechara, A. (2018). Social Networking Sites Use and the Morphology of a Social-Sematic Brain Network. Social Neuroscience, 13(5): 628-636.
  7. Chen, R.#, Li, D.#*, Turel, O., Sørensen, T., Bechara, A., Li, Y., He, Q.* (2018). Decision making deficits in relation to food cues influence obesity: A triadic neural model of problematic eating. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9: 264. (SCI/SSCI, 2017 IF = 857; ranked #45 out of 142 in Psychiatry in SSCI; ranked #60 out of 142 in Psychiatry in SCI; Cited by 16 times, WOS: 000435371200001)
  8. Turel, O.#*, He, Q.#, Brevers, D., Bechara, A. (2018). Delay discounting mediates the association between posterior insular cortex volume and social media addiction symptoms. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 18(4): 694-704.
  9. Li, Y., Chen, Y., He, Q.* (2018). The Application of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Understanding the Brain Mechanism of Social Interaction. Journal of Psychological Science (in Chinese), 41(2): 305-311.
  10. 李玉華, 陳睿, 何清華*. (2018). 功能性近紅外光譜技術在社會互動腦機制研究中的應用. 心理科學, 41(2): 305-311.
  11. He, Q.*#, Huang, X. #, Turel, O., Schulte, M., Huang, D., Thames, A., Bechara, A., Hser, Y. (2018). Presumed Structural and Functional Neural Recovery after Long-Term Abstinence from Cocaine in Male Military Veterans. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 84(Part A): 18-29. (SCI, 2016 IF = 187; ranked #36 out of 194 in Clinical Neurology; ranked #63 out of 259 in Neurosciences; ranked #41 out of 257 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy; ranked #28 out of 142 in Psychiatry, Cited by 13 times, WOS: 000429000300003).
  1. Wei, L., Zhang, S., Turel, O., Bechara, A., He, Q.* (2017). A Tripartite Neurocoginitive Model of Internet Gaming Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8: 285. (SCI/SSCI, 2016 IF = 532; ranked #25 out of 139 in Psychiatry in SSCI; ranked #41 out of 142 in Psychiatry in SCI; Cited by 37 times, WOS: 000417926500001)
  2. Li, J., Zou, Z., He, Q.* (2017). The Study of Two Cognitive Process on Probability Matching. Advances in Psychology, 7(10), 1223-1232.
  3. He, Q.#*, Turel, O.#*, Brevers, D., Bechara, A. (2017). Excess Social Media Use in Normal Populations is Associated with Amygdala-Striatal but not with Prefrontal Morphology. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 269: 31-35. (SCI, 2016 IF = 878; ranked #129 out of 194 in Clinical Neurology; ranked #10 out of 14 in Neuroimaging; ranked #84 out of 142 in Psychiatry; Cited by 51 times, WOS: 000412461700005)
  4. Zhao, H.#, Qiao, L.#, Fan, D.#, Zhang, S., Turel, O., Li, Y., Li, J., Xue, G., Chen, A., He, Q.* (2017). Modulation of Brain Activity with Noninvasive Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): Clinical Applications and Safety Concerns. Frontiers in Psychology, 8: 685. (SSCI, 2015 IF = 463; ranked #29 out of 129 in Psychology: Multidisciplinary; Cited by 61 times, WOS: 000401283300001)
  5. He, Q.#, Turel, O.#, Bechara, A. (2017). Brain anatomy alterations associated with Social Networking Site (SNS) addiction. Scientific Reports, 7: 45064. (SCI, 2016 IF = 259; ranked #10 out of 64 in Multidisciplinary Sciences, Cited by 106 times, WOS: 000425878400001)
  6. Hou, J.#, He, Q.#, Chen, C.#, Dong, Q.* (2017). Early musical training contributes to decision-making ability. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 27(1): 75-80.
  1. Zhang, L.#, Cai, F.#, Chen, C., He, Q.* (2016). Different Neural Mechanisms for the Comparison and Priming Distance Effects: An fMRI Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 1633. (SSCI, 2015 IF = 463; ranked #29 out of 129 in Psychology: Multidisciplinary; WOS: 000386156600001)
  2. He, Q., & Chen, M. (2016). Stimulating the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Improves Decision Making. International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1): 349.
  3. He, Q.*#, Chen, M.#, Chen, C., Xue, G., Feng, T., Bechara, A. (2016). Anodal Stimulation of the Left DLPFC Increases IGT Scores and Decreases Delay Discounting Rate in Healthy Males. Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 1421. (SSCI, 2015 IF = 463; ranked #29 out of 129 in Psychology: Multidisciplinary; Cited by 30 times, WOS: 000383441600002).
  4. Zhao, H., Huang, X., He, Q.* (2016). Cognitive Dysfunction and Underlying Neural Basis in Substance Addiction. (In Chinese). Chinese Science Bulletin, 61(34): 3672-3683.
  5. 趙海潮, 黃小璐, 何清華*. (2016). 物質成癮所伴隨的認知功能缺陷及其神經基礎. 科學通報, 61(34): 3672-3683.
  6. Li, J., Zhang, M., He, Q.*, Liu, Y. (2016). Neural Processing Mechanism of Potential Threat. (In Chinese). Advances in Psychology, 6(1): 37-43.
  7. 李濟, 張猛, 何清華*, 劉一軍. (2016). 潛在威脅信息加工的神經機制. 心理學進展, 6(1), 37-43.
  8. Lei, X., Chen, C., Chen, C., He, Q., Moyzis, R., Xue, G., Dong, Q. (2016). Striatum-centered fiber connectivity is associated with the personality trait of cooperativeness. PLoS One, 11(10): e0162160.
  9. Brevers, D., He, Q., Keller, B., Noel, X., Bechara, A. (2016). Cue reactivity modulates proactive and reactive motor response inhibition in frequent gamblers. Aging Neurosci. Conference Abstract: 6th Belgian Brain Congress. doi: 10.3389/conf.fnagi.2016.03.00013.
  10. Brevers, D., Noël, X., He, Q., Melrose, J., Bechara, A. (2016) Increased ventral striatal activity during monetary decision-making is a marker of problem poker gambling severity. Addiction Biology, 21(3): 688-699.
  1. He, Q., Bechara, A., Hser, Y. (2015). Brain Structural Changes Associated with Different Stages of Cocaine Addiction and Recovery. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 10(Suppl 1): S22-S23. (SCI, 2014 IF = 110; ranked #39 out of 254 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy; #58 out of 252 in Neurosciences)
  2. He, Q.*, Li, H., Jiang, T., Dong, Q. (2015). The Changeability of Number-Spatial Representation. (In Chinese). Journal of Southwest China Normal University (Natural Science), 40(4): 117-121. (CSCD)
  3. 何清華, 李鶴, 蔣挺, 董奇. (2015). 數字空間表徵的可變性研究. 西南師範大學學報(自然科學版), 40(4): 117-121.
  4. He, Q.*, Chen, C., Dong, Q., Xue, G., Chen, C., Lu, Z., Bechara, A. (2015). Gray and White Matter Structures in the Midcingulate Cortex Region Contribute to Body Mass Index in Chinese Young Adults. Brain Structure and Function, 220(1): 319-329. (SCI, 2014 IF = 618; ranked #2 out of 20 in Anatomy & Morphology; #30 out of 252 in Neurosciences; Cited by 44 times; WOS: 000348980800023).
  5. Hser, Y., He, Q., Schulte, M., Bechara, A. (2015). The brain structural changes associated with stages of cocaine abstinence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 156: e99.
  6. Chen, C.#, Xiu, D.#, Chen, C., Moyzis, R., Xia, M., He, Y., Xue, G., Li, J., He, Q., Lei, X., Wang, Y., Liu, B., Chen, W., Zhu, B., Dong, Q. (2015). Regional Homogeneity of Resting-state Brain Activity Suppresses the Effect of Dopamine-related Genes on Sensory Processing Sensitivity. PLoS One, 10(8): e0133143.
  7. Li, J.#, Liu, B.#, Chen, C., Cui, Y., Shang, L., Zhang, Y., Wang, C., Zhang, X., He, Q., Zhang, W., Bi, W., Jiang, T. (2015). RAB2A polymorphism impacts prefrontal morphology, functional connectivity, and working memory. Human Brain Mapping, 36(11): 4372-4382.
  8. Wei, M., Joshi, A., Zhang, M., Mei, L., Manis, F., He, Q., Beattie, R., Xue, G., Shattuck, D., Leahy, R., Xue, F., Houston, S., Chen, C., Dong, Q., Lu, Z. (2015). How age of acquisition influence brain architecture in bilinguals. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 36: 35-55.
  9. Mei, L., Xue, G., Lu, Z., Chen, C., Wei, M., He, Q., Dong, Q. (2015). Long-term experience with Chinese language shapes the fusiform asymmetry of English reading. NeuroImage, 110: 3-10.
  1. He, Q., Xiao, L., Xue, G., Wong, S., Ames, S., Xie, B., Bechara, A. (2014). Altered Dynamics between Neural Systems Sub-serving Decisions for Unhealthy Food. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8: 350. (SCI; 2014 IF = 656; ranked #81 out of 252 in Neurosciences; Cited by 21 Times; WOS: 000346559200001)
  2. He, Q., Xiao, L., Xue, G., Wong, S., Ames, S., Schembre, S., Bechara, A. (2014). Poor ability to resist tempting calorie rich food is linked to altered balance between neural systems involved in urge and self-control. Nutrition Journal, 13(1): 92. (SCI; 2014 IF = 597; ranked #36 out of 77 in Nutrition & Dietetics; Endorsed as Highly Accessed Article; Cited by 59 Times; WOS: 000341892900002).
  3. He, Q., Xue, G., Chen, C., Dong, Q., Chen, C. (2014). The role of genes in risky decision making. (In Chinese). Advances in Psychological Science, 22(2): 191-204. (Invited Article of Special Column for Decision-making Psychology). (CSSCI, CSCD; Cited by 9 Times)
  4. 何清華, 薛貴, 陳春輝, 董奇, 陳傳升. (2014). 遺傳因素在風險決策加工中的作用. 心理科學進展, 22(2): 191-204. (主編特邀決策心理學專欄).
  5. Turel, O., He, Q., Xue, G., Xiao, L., Bechara, A. (2014). Examination of neural systems sub-serving Facebook “Addiction”. Psychological Reports, 115(3): 675-695.
1.He, Q., Xue, G., Chen, C., Chen, C., Lu, Z., Dong, Q. (2013). Decoding the neuroanatomical basis of reading ability: a multivoxel morphometric study. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(31): 12835-12843. (受到BBC News、Science Daily等報道).
2.Koritzky, G.#,He, Q.#, Xue, G., Wong, S., Xiao, L., Bechara, A. (2013). Processing of time within the prefrontal cortex: recent time engages posterior areas whereas distant time engages anterior areas. NeuroImage, 72, 280-286.
3.He, Q., Xue, G., Chen, C., Lu, Z., Chen, C., Lei, X., Liu, Y., Li, J., Zhu, B., Moyzis, R., Dong, Q., Bechara, A. (2012). Catechol-o-methyl transferase (COMT) Val158Met polymorphism interacts with stressful life events and parental warmth to influence affective decision making. Scientific Reports, 2, 677.
4.He, Q., Xue, G., Chen, C., Lu, Z., Dong, Q., Lei, X., Ding, N., Li, J., Li, H., Chen, C., Li, J., Moyzis, R., Bechara, A. (2010). Serotonin Transporter Gene-Linked Polymorphic Region (5-HTTLPR) Influences Decision Making under Ambiguity and Risk in a Large Chinese Sample. Neuropharmacology, 59(6): 518-526.
5.何清華,李鶴,董奇. (2008).數字與空間表徵聯結研究進展.《北京師範大學學報(自然科學版)》, 44(3): 238-242.
6.He, Q., Zhao, L., Li, H., Yang, Q., Huang, S., Dong, Q. (2007). Language Experience Modulates Visual Word Processing: Evidence from an fMRI Training Study. Progress in Natural Science, 17 (13): 186-187.