

任圖生,男,畢業於University of Alberta,博士,中國農業大學教授、博士生導師。
University of Alberta



1981.09-1985.07 山西農業大學 農學 本科 農學學士
1985.09-1988.07 河北農業大學 農學 農學碩士
1992.08-1996.10 University of Alberta 土壤學 農學博士 [1] 


1988.07-1992.07 河北省農林科學院 助理研究員
1997.01-1998.12 Iowa State University 土壤物理學 博士後
1999.01-2002.06 河北省農林 科學院 副研究員
2002.07-2004.03 中國科學院 地理科學與自然資源研究所 副研究員
2004.04- 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 教授 [1] 


Canadian Journal of Soil Science, Associate Editor (2016-)
Soil Use and Management, Associate Editor (2016-)
Methods of Soil Analysis (Soil Science Society of America), Committee member (2016-)
Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Editorial Board Member (2013- )
Agronomy Journal, Senior Associate Editor (2012-2014)
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Editorial Board Member (2008- )
International Agrophysics, Editorial Board Member (2008- )
International Soil & Tillage Research Organization, Member (2008- )
Soil Science Society of America Journal, Associate Editor (2006-2011)
Soil Science Society of America, Member(1999-) [1] 


1. 農田水、熱、氣過程監測與模擬
2. 水土資源利用與農業可持續發展
3. 土壤結構與作物生長
4. 保護性耕作的理論與技術 [1] 


Best Associate Editors for 2016, Canadian Journal of Soil Science(2017)
Editor’s Citation of Excellence for Associate Editor, Soil Science Society of American Journal (2012)
中國農業大學教學成果一等獎 (2012)
中國農業大學優秀指導教師獎 (2010)
中國農業大學優秀指導教師獎 (2007)
河北省科學技術進步三等獎 (2005) 排名3 [1] 


1. 國家自然科學基金項目 "非穩態土壤中熱傳輸及水分蒸發機理" ( 2017.01-2020.12 )
2. 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃 ( 973計劃 ) 課題 "支撐高產羣體的關鍵土壤過程及動態調控機理" ( 2015.01-2019.12 )
3. 國家自然科學基金項目 "耕作層土壤熱特性的時空變異特徵研究" ( 2013.01-2016.12 )
4. 公益性行業 ( 農業 ) 課題 "黃淮海北部缺水區合理耕層構建技術研究與示範" ( 2013.01-2017.12 )
5. 國家科技計劃子課題 "秸稈還田農藝農機相結合的栽培管理技術體系研究" ( 2012.01-2016.12 )
6. 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃 ( 973計劃 ) 課題 "作物高產高效的土壤條件與定向調控" ( 2009.01-2013.12 )
7. 國家自然科學基金項目 "基於農田水分平衡和土壤感熱平衡分解農田蒸散的理論與方法" ( 2011.01-2013.12 ) [1] 



1. Zhang Meng, Yili Lu, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, and Tusheng Ren*. 2017. Temporal Changes of Soil Water Retention Behavior as Affected by Wetting and Drying Following Tillage. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81:1288–1295.
2. Gu Feng, Tusheng Ren, Baoguo Li, Lujiu Li. 2018. Accounting for Calcareous Concretions in Calcic Vertisols Improves the Accuracy of Soil Hydraulic Property Estimations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81:1296–1302.
3. Tian Zhengchao, Yili Lu, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton, Joshua L. Heitman. 2018. Improved thermo-time domain reflectometry method for continuous in-situ determination of soil bulk density. Soil & Tillage Research 178: 118–129.
1. Peng X., J. Heitman, R. Horton, T. Ren*. 2017. Determining Near-Surface Soil Heat Flux Density Using the Gradient Method: A Thermal Conductivity Model–Based Approach. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 18:2285-2295. doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0290.1.
2. Gao W., V. Mun?oz-Romero, T. Ren*, R.W. Ashton, M. Morin, I.M. Clark, D.S. Powlson, W.R. Whalley*. 2017. Effect of microbial activity on penetrometer resistance and elastic modulus of soil at different temperatures. European Journal of Soil Science, 68, 412–419. doi: 10.1111/ejss.12440.
3. Peng X., Y. Wang, J. Heitman, T. Ochsner, R. Horton, T. Ren*. 2017. Measurement of soil-surface heat flux with a multi-needle heat-pulse probe. European Journal of Soil Science, May 2017, 68, 336–344 doi: 10.1111/ejss.12421.
4. Wang Xiaohan and Tusheng Ren*. 2017. Spatial and temporal variability of soil respiration between soybean crop rows as measured continuously over a growing season. Sustainability. doi:10.3390/su9030436.
5. Zhang Xiao, Joshua Heitman, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton. 2017. Advances in heat-pulse methods: Measuring near surface (<1 cm depth) soil water content. Methods of Soil Analysis. 2: doi:10.2136/msa2015.0032
6. Heitman Joshua, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton. 2017. Advances in heat-pulse methods: Measuring soil water evaporation with sensible heat balance theory. Methods of Soil Analysis. 2: doi:10.2136/msa2015.0029.
7. Peng X., Y. Wang, J. Heitman, T. Ochsner, R. Hortom, T. Ren*. 2017. Measuring Surface Soil Heat Flux with a Multi-Needle Heat- Pulse Probe. Euro. J. Soil Sci. 68, 336–344.
8. Lu Yili, Xiaona Liu, Meng Zhang, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, and Tusheng Ren*. 2017. Thermo–time domain reflectometry method: Advances in monitoring in situ soil bulk density. Methods of Soil Analysis. 2: doi:10.2136/msa2015.0031
9. Wang Yueyue, Xiao Zhang, Xinhua Xiao, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, and Tusheng Ren*. 2017. An empirical calibration for heat-balance sap-flow sensors in maize. Agron. J. 109: oi:10.2134/agronj2016.10.0611
10. Wang Yueyue, Tyson Ochsner, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, Xuzhang Xue, and Tusheng Ren*. 2017. Weighing Lysimeter Data Confirm the Accuracy and Precision of the Heat-Pulse Technique for Measuring Daily Soil Evaporation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81:1074–1078
11. Du Zhangliu, Denis A. Angers, Tusheng Ren, Qingzhong Zhang, Guichun Li. 2017. The effect of no-till on organic C storage in Chinese soils should not be overemphasized: A meta-analysis. 236:1–11.
12. Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren*, Yili Lu, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang. 2017. Thermal separation of soil particles from thermal conductivity measurement under various air pressures. Scientific Reports: DOI: 10.1038/srep40181
13. Chen Chong, Kelin Hu, Tusheng Ren, Yin Liang Emmanuel Arthur. 2017. A Simple method for determining the critical point of the soil water retention curve. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81:250-258. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.06.0187
14. Zhengchao Tian, Tusheng Ren, Yuki Kojima, Yili Lu, Robert Horton, Joshua L. Heitman. 2017. An improved thermo-time domain reflectometry method for determination of ice contents in partially frozen soils. Journal of Hydrology. 555: 786–796.
15. Liu Gang, Yili Lu, Minmin Wen, Tusheng Ren, and Robert Horton. 2017. Advances in the Heat-Pulse Technique: Improvements in Measuring Soil Thermal Properties. Methods of Soil Analysis. 2. doi:10.2136/msa2015.0028
16. Zhang Xiao, Tusheng Ren, Joshua Heitman, and Robert Horton. 2017. Advances in Heat-Pulse Methods: Measuring Near-Surface Soil Water Content. Methods of Soil Analysis. 2. doi:10.2136/msa2015.0032
17. Heitman J.L., X. Zhang, X. Xiao, T. Ren, and R. Horton. 2017. Advances in Heat-Pulse Methods: Measuring Soil Water Evaporation with Sensible Heat Balance. Methods of Soil Analysis. 2. doi:10.2136/msa2015.0029
18. Lu Yili, Xiaona Liu, Meng Zhang, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, and Tusheng Ren*. 2017. Thermo–Time Domain Reflectometry Method: Advances in Monitoring In Situ Soil Bulk Density. Methods of Soil Analysis. 2. doi:10.2136/msa2015.0031
1. Cong Weiwei, Tusheng Ren, and Baoguo Li. 2016. Changes in soil organic matter composition after afforestation of arable farmland in northeast China. Chemistry and Ecology. DOI: 10.1080/02757540.2015.1133612
2. Gao Weida, W. Richard Whalley, Zhengchao Tian, Ju Liu, Tusheng Ren*. 2016. A simple model to predict soil penetrometer resistance as a function of density, drying and depth in the field. Soil & Till. Res. 155:190–198
3. Kojima Yuki, Joshua L. Heitman, Gerald N. Flerchinger, Tusheng Ren, and Robert Horton. 2016. Sensible heat balance estimates of transient soil ice contents. Vadose Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2015.10.0134
4. Lu Yili, Xiaona Liu, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, and Tusheng Ren*. Determining soil bulk density with thermo-time domain reflectometry: A thermal conductivity-based approach. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. doi:10.2136/sssaj2015.08.0315
5. Tian Z., Y. Lu, R. Horton, T. Ren*. 2016. A simplified de Vries-based model to estimate thermal conductivity of unfrozen and frozen soil. Euro. J. Soil Sci. doi: 10.1111/ejss.12366
6. Tian Zhengchao, Zizhong Li, Gang Liu, Baoguo Li, Tusheng Ren*. 2016. Soil water content determination with cosmic-ray neutron sensor: Correcting aboveground hydrogen effects with thermal/fast neutron. J Hydrology. 540:923–933
7. Xiao Bo, Kelin Hu, Tusheng Ren, Baoguo Li. 2016 Moss-dominated biological soil crusts significantly influence soil moisture and temperature regimes in semiarid ecosystems. Geoderma. 263:35–46.
8. Zhao Jiankun, Tusheng Ren, Qingzhong Zhang, Zhangliu Du, Yiding Wang. Effects of Biochar Amendment on Soil Thermal Properties in the North China Plain. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 80:1157–1166
9. 趙龍華, 劉小粉, 王雅婧, 任圖生*. 2016. 基於熱分析技術的土壤有機質含量和穩定性分析. 農業工程學報. 32(10):105-114.
1. Cong Weiwei, Tusheng Ren, Baoguo Li. 2015. Assessing the Impact of Afforestation on Soil Organic C Sequestration by Means of Sequential Density Fractionation. Plos One. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0117897.
2. Du Zhangliu, Qingzhong Zhang, and Tusheng Ren*. 2015. Carbon saturation mechanisms in agroecosystems. Soil and Crop. 4(2): 49-56.
3. Du Zhangliu, Tusheng Ren*, Chunsheng Hu, and QingzhongZhang. 2015. Transition from intensive tillage to no-till enhances carbon sequestration in microaggregates of surface soil in the North China Plain. Soil & Till. Res. 146:26-31.
4. Gao W., L. Hodgkinson, K. Jin, C.W. Watts, R.W. Ashton, J. Shen, T. Ren, I.C. Dodd, A. Binley, A.L. Phillips, P. Hedden, M. J., Hawkesford, W.R. Whalley. 2015. Deep roots and soil structure. Plant Cell and Environment. doi: 10.1111/pce.12684
5. Gao Weida, Tianzhen Zhou, Tusheng Ren*. 2015. Conversion from conventional to no tillage alters thermal stability of organic matter in soil aggregates. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 79:585–594.
6. Liu Gang, Meimei Wen, Xuepei Chang, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton. 2015. A Self-Calibrated Dual Probe Heat Pulse Sensor for In Situ Calibrating the Probe Spacing. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 77:417–421.
7. Liu Haitao, Baoguo Li, Tusheng Ren. 2015. Soil profile characteristics of high-productivity alluvial cambisols in the North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 14(4): 765-773.
8. Peng Xiaoyang, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, Tusheng Ren*. 2015. Field evaluation and improvement of the plate method for measuring soil heat flux density. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 214–215: 3
9. Tian Zhengchao, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, and Tusheng Ren*. 2015. Determining soil ice contents during freezing and thawing with thermo-time domain reflectometry. Vadose Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2014.12.0179.
10. Xiao Bo, Kelin Hu, Tusheng Ren, Baoguo Li. 2016. Moss-dominated biological soil crusts significantly influence soil moisture and temperature regimes in semiarid ecosystems. Geoderma 263:35–46.
11. Xiao X., X. Zhang, T. Ren., R. Horton., J. Heitman. 2015. Thermal Property Measurement Errors with Heat-Pulse Sensors Positioned near a Soil–Air Interface. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 79:766–771.
12. 劉海濤, 胡克林, 李保國, 任圖生. 2015. 土壤剖面基礎性質差異對農田水氮過程和作物產量的影響. 48(7): 1348-1360.
13. 張曉, 王月月, 任圖生*. 2015. 利用熱脈衝技術測量土壤表層含水率. 農業工程學報. 31(2):72-78.
14. 李保國, 任圖生, 劉剛, 周虎, 商建英, 沈重陽, 黃峯, 王鋼, 李貴桐. 2015. 土壤物理學發展現. 中國科學院院刊. 30(增刊): 78-90.
15. 杜章留, 張慶忠, 任圖生*. 2015. 農田土壤碳飽和機制. 土壤與作物. 4(2): 49-56.
1. Chen Chong, Kelin Hu, Emmanuel Arthurb and Tusheng Ren*. 2014. Modelling soil water retention curves in the dry range using the hygroscopic water content. Vadose Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2014.06.0062.
2. Davis D. Dedrick, Robert Hortonb, Joshua L. Heitmanc and Tusheng Ren. 2014. An experimental study of coupled heat and water transfer in wettable and artificially hydrophobized soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:125-132.
3. Han Wei, Yuanshi Gong, Tusheng Ren and Robert Horton. 2014. Accounting for time-variable soil porosity improves the accuracy of the gradient method for estimating soil carbon dioxide production. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:1426-1433.
4. Kojima Yuki, Joshua L. Heitman, Gerald N. Flerchinger, Tusheng Ren, Robert P. Ewing, and Robert Horton. 2014. Field test and sensitivity analysis of a sensible heat balance method to determine soil ice contents. Vadose Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2014.04.0036.
5. Liu Xiaona, Sen Lu, Robert Horton and Tusheng Ren*. 2014. In situ monitoring of soil bulk density with a thermo-TDR sensor. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:400-407.
6. Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren*, Yili Lu, Ping Meng, and Shiyou Sun. 2014. Extrapolative Capability of two models that estimating soil water retention curve between saturation and oven dryness. Plos One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113518
7. Lu Yili, Sen Lu, Robert Horton and Tusheng Ren*. 2014. An empirical model for estimating soil thermal conductivity from texture, water content, and bulk density. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:1859-1868.
8. Pukhraj K. Deol, Joshua L. Heitman, Aziz Amoozegar, Tusheng Ren and Robert Horton. 2014. Inception and magnitude of subsurface evaporation for a bare soil with natural surface boundary conditions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:1544-1551.
9. Zhang Bin, Yuanjing Li, Tusheng Ren, Zhengchao Tian, Guiman Wang, Xingyuan He and Chunjie Tian. 2014. Short-term effect of tillage and crop rotation on microbial community structure and enzyme activities of a clay loam soil. Biol. Fertil. Soils. 50:1077-1085.
10. Zhang Xiao, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton and Tusheng Ren*. 2014. Measuring near-surface soil thermal properties with the heat-pulse method: correction of ambient temperature and soil–air interface effects. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:1575-1583.
11. 付永威, 盧奕麗, 任圖生*. 2014. 探針有限特性對熱脈衝技術測定土壤熱特性的影響.農業工程學報. 30(19): 71-77.
12. 華珊, 陳研, 梁露燾, 任圖生. 2014. 利用基於偏微分方程的圖像濾波技術研究土壤孔隙結構. 農業工程學報. 30(3):78-85.
13. 趙葉萌, 劉曉英, 鍾秀麗, 曹金峯, 任圖生, 馮丹紅. 2014. 基於產量響應診斷冬小麥水分虧缺適宜土層及其水分閾值. 農業工程學報. 30(20):147-154.
14. 邸佳穎, 劉小粉, 杜章留, 肖小平, 楊光立, 任圖生*. 2014. 長期施肥對紅壤性水稻土團聚體穩定性及固碳特徵的影響. 22(10): 1129-1138.
1. Chen Chong, Tusheng Ren, Kelin Hu, Baoguo Li, Yajing Wang. 2013. Estimation of Soil Clay Content Using Hygroscopic Water Content at an Arbitrary Humidity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. doi:10.2136/sssaj2013.06.0247
2. Du Zhangliu, Ren Tusheng, Hu Chunsheng, Zhang Qingzhong and Humberto Blanco-Canqui. 2013. Soil Aggregate Stability and aggregate-associated carbon under different tillage systems in the North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 12: 2114-2123.
3. Gao W., C.W. Watts, T. Ren, H.-C. Shin, S. Taherzadeh, K. Attenborough, M. Jenkins, W.R. Whalley. 2013. Estimating Penetrometer Resistance and Matric Potential from the Velocities of Shear and Compression Waves. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 77:721–728.
4. Lu Yili, Yajing Wang, and Tusheng Ren. 2013. Using late time data improves the heat-pulse method for estimating soil thermal properties with the pulsed infinite line source theory. Vadose Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2013.01.0011
5. 杜章留, 任圖生*, 胡春勝. 2013. 保護性耕作對太行山前平原土壤熱水解和酸解有機碳的影響. 中國農業科學. 46(11):2249-2256.
1. Fan Yuan, Pinfang Li, Zhenan Hou, Tusheng Ren, Chunlian Xiong, Biao Zhang. 2012. Water adaptive traits of deep-rooted C3 halophyte (Karelinia caspica (Pall.) Less.) and shallow-rooted C4 halophyte (Atriplex tatarica L.) in an arid region, Northwest China. Journal of Arid Land. 4(4): 469?478.
2. Gang Liu, Bing C. Si, Ai X. Jiang, Bao G. Li, Tu S. Ren, Ke L. Hu. 2012. Probe body and thermal contact conductivity affect error of heat pulse method based on infinite line source approximation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:370–374.
3. Gao W., T. Ren, A. G. Bengough, L. Auneau, C. W. Watts, W. R. Whalley. 2012. Predicting penetrometer resistance from the compression characteristic of soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:361–369.
4. Pukhraj Deo, Josh Heitman, Aziz Amoozegar, Tusheng Ren, and Robert Horton. 2012. Quantifying nonisothermal subsurface soil water evaporation. Water Resources Research 48, W11503, doi:10.1029/2012WR012516.
5. Zhang Xiao, Sen Lu, Tusheng Ren*, Robert Horton, Joshua Heitman. 2012. Measuring subsurface soil-water evaporation with an improved heat-pulse probe. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:876-879.
6. 邸佳穎, 劉曉娜, 任圖生*.2012.原狀土與裝填土熱特性的比較.農業工程學報, 28(21): 74-79.
1. Ju Zhaoqiang, Tusheng Ren*, Hu Chunsheng. 2011. Soil thermal conductivity as influenced by aggregation at intermediate water content. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:26–29.
2. Liu Hui, Zhaoqiang Ju, J?rg Bachmann, Robert Horton, Tusheng Ren*. 2011. Moisture-dependent soil wettability and its influences on soil water retention curve. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:342–349.
3. Liu Xiaofen, Xiaoping Xiao, Guangli Yang, and Tusheng Ren*. 2011. Water retention curves of soil aggregates as affected by long-term fertilizer management. Soil Sci. 176: 537-542.
4. Lu S., T. Ren*, Z. Yu, and R. Horton. 2011. A method to estimate the water vapour enhancement factor in soil. European Journal of Soil Science. 62:498–504.
5. Wang Yajing, Sen Lu, Tusheng Ren*, and Baoguo Li. 2011. Bound water content of air-dry soils measured by thermal analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:481-487
6. Xiao X., R. Horton, T. J. Sauer, J. L. Heitman, and T. Ren. 2011. Cumulative soil water evaporation as a function of depth and time. Vadose Zone J.10:1016-1022.
7. 杜章留, 高偉達, 陳素英, 胡春勝, 任圖生*. 2011. 保護性耕作對太行山前平原土壤質量的影響. 中國生態農業學報. 19(5):1134-1142.
8. 範遠, 任長忠,李品芳,任圖生*. 2011. 鹽鹼脅迫下燕麥生長及陽離子吸收特徵. 應用生態學報. 22(11):2875-2882.
1. Du Zhangliu, Tusheng Ren*, Chunsheng Hu. 2010. Tillage and residue removal effects on soil carbon and nitrogen storage in the North China Plain. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 74:196-202.
2. Heitman J.L., R. Horton, T.J. Sauer, T.S. Ren, X. Xiao. 2010. Latent heat in soil heat flux measurements. Agric. Forest Meteorol. 150: 1147–1153.
3. Ju Zhaoqiang, Xiaona Liu, Tusheng Ren, and Chunsheng Hu. 2010. Measuring soil water content with time domain reflectometry: An improved calibration considering soil bulk density. Soil Sci. 175: 469-473.
4. Li Yi, Robert Horton, Tusheng Ren, Chunyan Chen. 2009. Investigating time scale effects on reference evapotranspiration from Epan data in north China. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol. 49:867–878.
5. Li Yi, Robert Horton, Tusheng Ren, Chunyan Chen. 2010. Prediction of annual reference evapotranspiration using climatic data. Agricultural Water Management. 97:300–308.
6. Lu Sen, Ren Tusheng※, Yang Yang, Sun Shiyou, Ju Zhaoqiang. 2010. Error analysis of multi-needle heat pulse probe for soil thermal conductivity measurement. Transactions of the CSAE. 26(6): 20-25. (in Chinese with English abstract)
7. Sun Yurui, Shujuan Ren, Tusheng Ren, and Budiman Minasny. 2010. A combined frequency domain and tensiometer sensor for determining soil water characteristic curves. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 74:492-494.
8. Xiao X., R. Horton, T.J. Sauer, J.L. Heitman, and T. Ren. 2011. Cumulative soil water evaporation as a function of depth and time. Vadose Zone J.10:1016-1022.
9. 杜章留, 高偉達, 陳素英, 胡春勝, 任圖生*. 保護性耕作對太行山前平原土壤質量的影響. 中國生態農業學報. 2011, 19(5): 1134?1142.
10. 範遠, 任長忠, 李品芳, 任圖生*. 2011. 鹽鹼脅迫下燕麥生長及陽離子吸收特徵.應用生態學報. 22(11): 2875-2882.
11. 陸森, 任圖生*, 楊泱, 孫世友, 巨兆強. 2010. 多針熱脈衝技術測定土壤熱導率誤差分析.農業工程學報. 26(6):20-24. [1] 


1. 任圖生; 彭曉陽; 王月月; 張猛; 盧奕麗. 一種地表熱通量測量裝置. 2016204389992?
2. 任圖生; 盧奕麗; 張; 劉曉娜; 張猛. 一種測量土壤容重的探頭. 2014201063963?
3. 任圖生; 張曉; 陸森. 一種測定土壤原位蒸發量的傳感器. 2010201965339 [1] 


1. 土壤物理與作物生長模型. 中國水利水電出版社. 2016. 參編. [1] 