


付向東,男,1982年畢業於武漢大學,並獲得病毒學學士學位,1983年通過中美生物化學聯合招生(CUSBEA)計劃留學美國凱斯西儲大學,並於1988年獲得生物化學博士學位,1988年至1992年在哈佛大學生化與分子生物系完成博士後訓練。曾任美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校細胞與分子醫學系教授,獲Searle Scholar (1994)和 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar(1997)、武漢大學傑出校友(2003)、Ray Wu Society終身成就獎(2016)和柏林牆2020年度創新科學突破獎(2020)。2010年入選美國科學促進會成員(AAAS Fellow)。現為西湖大學生命科學院RNA生物學與再生醫學講席教授。 [2] 



1977-1982: 武大病毒系, 本科。
1983-1988: Case Western Reserve University, Biochemistry, 博士。
1988-1992: Harvard University, 博後。


1992-1998 加州大學聖地亞哥分校(UCSD),細胞與分子醫學助理教授
1998-2002 加州大學聖地亞哥分校,細胞與分子醫學副教授
2002-2018 加州大學聖地亞哥分校,細胞與分子醫學教授
2018-2022 加州大學聖地亞哥分校,細胞與分子醫學傑出教授
20231月 加入西湖大學生命科學院,RNA生物學與再生醫學講席教授 [2] 
科技部蛋白質重大研究計劃專家組成員。 [3] 


RNA processing and regulation
microRNA biogenesis and functions
Transcription and mRNA processing coupling
Functional genomics
Genetics and epigenetics regulation of gene expression
付向東實驗室將繼續關注RNA生物學及神經再生領域,致力於發育和疾病中RNA調節機制的探索,通過分子生物學、分子遺傳學、生物化學,基因組學,動物行為學、電生理學等多種實驗手段對疾病機理與干預展開研究。 [1]  [3] 


1. Qian, H., Kang, X.J., Hu, J., Zhang, D., Liang, Z., Meng, F., Zhang X., Xue, Y., Maion, R., Dowdy, S. F., Devaraj, N., Zhou, Z., Mobley, W. C., Cleveland, D. W., and Fu, X-D. (2020). Reversing a model of Parkinson’s disease with in situ converted nigral neurons. Nature 582:550-556.
2. Gou, L-T., Lim, D-H., Ma, W., Aubol, B. E., Hao, Y., Wang, X., Zhao, J., Liang, Z., Shao, C., Zhang, X., Li, H., Zhang, X., Xu, R., Li, D., Rosenfeld, M. G., Mellon, P. L., Adams, J. A., Liu, M-F., and Fu, X-D. (2020). Initiation of parental genome reprogramming in fertilized oocyte by splicing kinase SRPK1-catalyzed protamine phosphorylation. Cell 180:1212-1227.
3. Chen, L., Chen, J-Y., Huang, Y-J., Gu, Y., Qiu, J., Shao, C., Zhang, X., Hu, J., Li, H., He., S., Zhou, Y., Zhang, D-E., and Fu, X-D. (2018). The augmented R-loop is a unifying mechanism for Myelodyplastic Syndromes induced by high risk splicing factor mutations. Mol Cell 69:412-425. 
4. Zhang, X., Zuo, X., Yang, B., Li, Z., Xue, Y., Zhou, Y., Huang, J., Zhao, X., Zhou, J., Yan, Y., Zhang, H., Guo, P., Sun, H., Guo, L., Zhang, Y., and Fu, X-D. (2014).  microRNA directly enhances mitochondrial translation during muscle differentiation. Cell158:607-619.  
5. Xue, Y-C., Ouyang, K., Huang, J., Zhou, Y., Ouyang, H., Li, H., Wang, G., Wu, Q., Wei, C., Bi, Y., Jiang, L., Cai, Z., Sun, H., Zhang, K., Zhang, Y., Chen, J., and Fu, X-D. (2013) Direct conversion of fibroblasts to neurons by reprogramming PTB-regulated microRNA circuits. Cell 152:82-96.  
6. Wang, D., Garcia-Bassets, I., Benner, C., Li, W., Su. X., Zhou, Y., Qiu, J., Liu, W., Kaikkonen, M. U., Ohgi, K.A. Glass, C. K., Rosenfeld, M. G., and Fu, X-D. (2011). Reprogramming transcription via distinct classes of enhancers functionally defined by eRNA. Nature 474:390-394.
7. Xu, X., Yang, D., Ding, J-H., Wang, W., Chu, P-H., Dalton, N. D., Wang, H-Y., Bermingham, Jr., J. R., Ye, Z., Liu, F., Rosenfeld, M. G., Manley, J. L., Ross Jr. J., Chen, J., Xiao, R-P., Cheng, H., and Fu, X-D. (2005). ASF/SF2-regulated postnatal reprogramming of CaMKIId alternative splicing modulates excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle. Cell120:59-72.
8. Gui, J-F., Lane, W. S., and Fu, X-D. (1994). A serine kinase regulates the intracellular localization of splicing factors during the cell cycle. Nature 369:678-682.
9. Fu, X-D. (1993). Specific commitment of different pre-mRNAs to splicing by single SR proteins. Nature 365:82-85.
10. Fu, X-D. and Maniatis, T. (1990). Factor required for mammalian spliceosome assembly is localized to discrete regions in the nucleus. Nature343:437-441. [2] 