


丁劍平,男, 1962 年12月出生於江蘇省江都縣,現任南京大學物理學院教授、博士生導師,全國高等學校光學教學研究會副理事長、江蘇省物理學學會原子分子物理與光學專業委員會主任。 [1] 


1979 年 9 月至 1983 年 6 月,就讀於南京大學物理系,理學學士; 1983 年 9 月至 1986 年 6 月,就讀於南京大學物理系,理學碩士;1991 年 10 月至 1995 年 3 月,攻讀日本筑波大學應用物理系工學博士。
1986 年 7 月至 1988 年 2 月,任南京大學物理系助教; 1988 年 3 月至 1995 年 9 月任南京大學物理系講師; 1995 年 10 月升任南京大學物理系副教授; 2003 年 10 月提拔為南京大學物理系教授。 [1] 


  1. C. Sha, W. Xiong, B. Zhang,J. Ding*, "Broadband achromatic mid-infrared metalens with polarization-insensitivity, " AIP Advances 12, 025123(2022)
  2. W. Xiong, C. Sha, J. Ding*,“Polarization-independent broadband achromatic metalens in the mid-infrared (3-5 μm) region,"Appl. Phys. Express, 15(2), 0220001(2022)
  3. Y. Zhao, W. Yan, Y. Gao, Z. Yuan, Z. Ren, X. Wang, J. Ding*, H. Wang, "High-Precision Calibration of Phase-Only Spatial Light Modulators," IEEE Photonics Journal, 14(1), 7402508(2022)
  4. C. Liang, Z. Yuan, W. Yan, Y. Gao, X. Wang, Z. Ren, X. Wang, J. Ding*, H. Wang, "Radially self-accelerating Stokes vortices in nondiffracting Bessel–Poincaré beams," Appl. Opt. 60, 8659(2021)
  5. W. Yan, Y. Gao, Z. Yuan, Z. Wang, Z. Ren, X. Wang, J. Ding*, H. Wang, "Non-diffracting and self-accelerating Bessel beams with on-demand tailored intensity profiles along arbitrary trajectories," Opt. Lett. 46, 1494(2021)
  6. X. Chao, Y. Gao, J. Ding*, H. Wang, " Impact of the spatial coherence on self-interference digital holography," Chin. Phy. B. 30, 084212(2021)
  7. Z. Wang, Z. Yuan, Y. Gao, W. Yan, C. Liang, Z. Ren, X. Wang, J. Ding*, H. Wang, "Twin curvilinear vortex beams," Opt. Express 29, 14112(2021)
  8. Z.Yuan, Y. Gao, Z. Wang, H. Sun, C. Chang, X. Wang, J. Ding*, H. Wang, "Curvilinear Poincare vector beam," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 32602(2021)
  9. B. Zhang*, C. Sha, J. Ding*,Detecting polarization state of arbitrary polarized light by chiral plasmonic lenses with distributed nanoslits,Appl. Phy. Express. 13, 022011(2020)
  10. . X.Wang, Y Gao, Z Chen, J. Ding*, H.-T. Wang., Dynamic shaping of vectorial optical fields based on two-dimensional blazed holographic grating, Chin. Phys. B, 29,014208(2020)
  11. C. Chang, L. Li, Y. Gao, S. Nie, Z.-C. Ren, J. Ding*, H.-T. Wang,Tunable polarization singularity array enabled using superposition of vector curvilinear beams,Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 041101 (2019)
  12. L. Pan, X. Chao, Z.-C. Ren, H.-T. Wang, J. Ding*,Measuring spatial coherence by using a lateral shearing interferometry, Appl. Opt., 58, 56(2019)
  13. B. Tang, B. Zhang, J. Ding*, Generating a plasmonic vortex field with arbitrary topological charges and positions by meta-nanoslits, Appl. Opt. 58, 833(2019)
  14. F. Gu, L. Li, C. Chang*, C. Yuan, S. Feng, S. Nie, J. Ding*, Generation of fractional ellipse perfect vector beams, Opt. Comm., 443, 44(2019)
  15. B. Zhang*, C. Hu, B. Tang, J. Hao, X. Zhang, M. Sun, J. Ding*, Chiral plasmonic lens with Archimedes-spiral distributed nanoslits, J. Nanophoton. 13, 026008 (2019)
  16. Y. Zhang,C. Chang*,C. Yuan,S. Feng, S. Nie, J. Ding*, Composite generation of independently controllable multiple three-dimensional vector focal curve beams. Opt. Comm., 450, 296(2019)
  17. Y. Gao, Z. Chen, J. Ding*, H. Wang, Single ultra-high-definition spatial light modulator enabling highly efficient generation of fully structured vector beams, Appl. Opt. 58, 6591(2019)
  18. T. Zeng, J. Ding*, Three-dimensional multiple optical cages formed by focusing double-ring shaped radially and azimuthally polarized beams," Chin. Opt. Lett. 16, 0031405(2018)
  19. L. Li, C. Chang*, X. Yuan, C. Yuan, S. Feng, S. Nie, J. Ding*, Generation of optical vortex array along arbitrary curvilinear arrangement, Opt. Express 26, 9798(2018)
  20. T. Zeng, C. Chang, Z. Chen, H.-T. Wang, J. Ding*, Three-dimensional vectorial multifocal arrays created by pseudo-period encoding, J. Opt. 20, 065605(2018)
  21. B. Zhang*, J. Hao, Z. Shen, H. Wu, K. Zhu, J. Xu, J. Ding*, Ultralong photonic nanojet formed by dielectric microtoroid structure, Appl. Opt. 57, 8331(2018)
  22. L. Li, C. Chang, C. Yuan, S. Feng, S. Nie, Z.-C. Ren, H.-T. Wang, J. Ding*, High efficiency generation of tunable ellipse perfect vector beams, Photon. Res. 6, 1116(2018)
  23. C. Chang, Y. Gao, J. Xia, S. Nie, J. Ding*, Shaping of optical vector beams in three dimensions,Opt. Lett. 42, 3884(2017)
  24. J. Xia, C. Chang, Z. Chen, Z. Zhu, T. Zeng, P.-Y. Liang, J. Ding*, Pixel-addressable phase calibration of spatial light modulators: a common-path phase-shifting interferometric microscopy approach, J. Opt. 19, 125701(2017)
  25. R.-P. Chen*, Z. Chen, Y. Gao, J. Ding*, S. He*, Flexible Manipulation of the Polarization Conversions in a Structured Vector Field in Free Space, Laser & Photonics Review 11, 1700165(2017)
  26. Z. Chen, T. Zhen, J. Ding*, Reverse engineering approach to focus shaping, Opt. Lett., 41, 1929(2016)
  27. B. Zhang, Z. Chen, H. Sun, P. Xia, J. Ding*, Vectorial optical vortex filtering for edge enhancement, J. Opt. 18, 035073 (2016)
  28. J. Xia, Z. Chen, H. Sun, P. Liang, J. Ding*, Generalized phase-shifting for three-wave shearing interferometry, Appl. Opt. 55, 2843 (2016) [2] 


1.《光學》, 2007年被評為國家級精品課程
3. 《傅里葉光學》,研究生專業課程 [1] 


主要從事信息光學和光子學的研究,運用理論分析、數值模擬和光學實驗等手段研究特殊光場的傳播特性、空域參量(振幅、相位、偏振等)的調控、光場信息的表徵和測量、光場信息的應用等,研究興趣包括:光場調控;光學微操縱;光學顯微成像;光學干涉測量理論與技術;衍射光學與數字全息等。 [1] 


中國光學學會《饒毓泰基礎光學優秀論文獎》( 1996 年)。
教育部創建名牌課程優秀項目――光學( 2003 年)。