

詞    性


英[ˈstæɡə(r)];美[ˈstæɡər] [1] 


stagger tuning[電子]參差調諧 ; 串聯黨 ; 交錯調諧 ; 串聯調諧
stagger feed交錯送料 ; 鋸齒形送進
stagger ratio[計]參差度 [1] 


  • 1There were so many runners that they had to stagger the start.參加賽跑的選手很多,他們不得不把起跑的時間錯開。《牛津詞典》
  • 2I managed to stagger the last few steps.我好不容易跌跌撞撞走了這最後幾步。《牛津詞典》
  • 3We seem to stagger from one crisis to the next.我們彷彿在接連不斷的危機中舉步維艱。《牛津詞典》
  • 4We stagger from our rooms in various states of undress to the sound of fire engines screaming round the corner, guaranteeing we are all wide awake.我們穿着各式各樣的衣服,搖搖晃晃地從房間裏走出來,聽到消防車在拐角處呼嘯的聲音,這保證了我們都是清醒的。
  • 5We can't hold the two meetings at the same time; we must stagger them.這兩個會不能同時開,得錯一下。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 6His resolution had begun to stagger.他的意志開始動搖了。
  • 7They planned to stagger our rehearsing hours.他們打算錯開我們的排演時間。
  • 8He gave a stagger on hearing the news.他聽到這一消息兩腿搖晃起來。
  • 9Such a heavy load would stagger an elephant.這麼重的擔子,大象擔着也得搖晃。
  • 10Stagger the seats so that everyone can see.把座位錯開,大家就都看得見了。
  • 11To stagger the interfaces of tape and plate.膠帶的介面應與版材的介面錯開。
  • 12Sure enough his resolution began to stagger.果然他的決心開始動搖了。
  • 13The young lady stagger a moment, and then step forward.那位年輕女郎稍稍猶豫了一下,然後就走上前去。
  • 14Perhaps stagger the things we really should be forgotten.也許錯開了的東西我們真的應該遺忘了。
  • 15Can consider whether to stagger off the North and the South?是否可以考慮南北方錯開休假?
  • 16You stagger under this heavy load, which I never intended you to carry.你在這樣的重負下蹣跚而行,這絕不是我打算讓你扛負的。
  • 17Keep your feet parallel, as shown here, or stagger one foot ahead of the other.保持雙腳平行,如圖中所示,或錯開一隻腳在另一隻的前面。
  • 18After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and to call for help.遭到襲擊後,他搖搖晃晃地走到電話亭打電話求救。
  • 19He would stagger back to his desk and collapse there, useless for the rest of the morning.他會步履蹣跚地走回講台,然後癱軟在那裏,一個上午都緩不過勁來。
  • 20You have shown your people desperate times; you have given us wine that makes us stagger.你叫你的民遇見艱難。你叫我們喝那使人東倒西歪的酒。
  • 21Early winter when the cold wind blowing in the Songhua River, a new season of stagger to us.當松花江吹來初冬的寒風,一個嶄新的季節蹣跚地向我們走來。
  • 22Brands such as Louis Vuitton employ staff to stagger the queues that stretch around the block.路易·威登(Louis Vuitton)等大牌聘請當地員工隔開各地塊的排列購物的隊列。
  • 23However, if you stagger and overlap multiple evolutions, then you can effectively manipulate the phases.然而,如果您交錯並重疊多個演進,那麼您可以有效地操縱這些階段。
  • 24Great trucks thundered past, showering her with grit, and a fierce wind got up that made her stagger.一輛輛大卡車呼嘯而過,把她淹沒在捲起的沙塵中。狂風乍起,吹的她踉踉蹌蹌。
  • 25The flames burnt through the rope and he was able to stagger a short distance before collapsing and dying.火焰通過繩索開始燃燒,在死亡之前他還能短距離的蹣跚幾步。 [1] 