


Facade,英語單詞,主要用作名詞。作名詞時意為“正面,立面;假象,偽裝”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [fəˈsɑːd] 美 [fəˈsɑːd]
n. (建築物的)正面,立面;假象,偽裝
[ 複數 facades ] [1] 


Facade Pattern 外觀模式 ; 門面模式 ; 享元模式 ; 外觀形式
Session Facade 會話外觀 ; 會話門面 ; 會話面 ; 會話虛包
Wrapper Facade 包裝外觀 ; 包裝器外觀 ; 裝外觀
precast facade 預製外牆 ; 預製面牆
back facade 背面 ; 反面
Facade Design 門面設計; 立面設計
Facade room 門面房
all glass facade 全玻璃門面 ; 全玻璃的
facade wall 正裏牆 [1] 


  • 1In the evening the facade is floodlit.晚上,建築物的正面是用泛光燈照明的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The cathedral was eventually completed in 1490, though the Gothic facade remains unfinished.大教堂在1490年終於完工,雖然哥特式的正面仍未建好。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Behind the facade they are just like the rest of us.在這種外表背後,他們同我們其他的人一樣。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The elaborate facade contrasts strongly with the severity of the interior.精緻的門面同室內的簡樸形成強烈反差。《牛津詞典》
  • 5They hid the troubles plaguing their marriage behind a facade of family togetherness.他們把困擾他們婚姻的問題掩藏在家人親密無間的假象背後。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The use of a spandrel glass facade adds rhythm and a sense of playfulness.拱肩玻璃幕牆的使用,增加了一絲韻律和調皮。
  • 7Information service query facade.信息服務查詢facade。
  • 8A foundation or just a facade?是基礎還是門面?
  • 9Hide the ugly behind a custom facade.將難看的東西隱藏在一個定製的facade後面。
  • 10Don't be fooled by the gangster facade.不要被該遊戲中那些匪徒式的外表給忽悠了。
  • 11Implementing a good facade isn't always easy.要實現一個好的facade也並不總是很簡單。
  • 12The facade is adorned with 56 Corinthian columns.正面是由56個柯林斯式的柱子裝飾。
  • 13Highlight 1: Interactive And Intelligent facade.亮點一:互動型智能帷幕。
  • 14Provide a Facade interface for enterprise services.為企業服務提供門面接口。
  • 15Facade: forward the message to the appropriate remote component.外觀:將消息轉發到合適的遠程組件。
  • 16All their strength, their confidence - just a flimsy facade.他們所有的力量和信心,僅僅只是一層薄薄的外殼。
  • 17A house is an escarpment, a door is a refusal, a facade is a wall.一所房屋是一塊峭壁,一扇門是一種拒絕,一座建築物的正面是一堵牆。
  • 18The facade has a wavy shape with vertical wooden constructions.立面用垂直的木結構做出波浪狀。
  • 19This speech builds an idealistic facade on a realist structure.這個演説在一個現實主義的結構上,覆蓋了一層理想主義的外表。
  • 20But in Russia, the gap between facade and reality yawns larger.但是在俄羅斯,表裏差距有些大。
  • 21Private life without an historical dimension is a facade and a lie.沒有歷史維度的私人生活只是一個用來裝點的門面,一個謊言。
  • 22Yet there were, and are, many cracks in this apparently bold facade.然而,在這貌似大膽的外表下,曾經——現在也還存在很多問題。
  • 23Because really, how long can any person fake it and maintain a facade?因為,確實地,一個人能捏造並保持一個假象多久呢?
  • 24The sandstone facade had disintegrated from long exposure to the elements.由於長期暴露在自然環境中,沙岩的表面已經風化了。
  • 25The houses have changed since they were painted: the facade of one has fallen.自從這些房屋被刷上油漆後,身上發生了一些變化:一棟房子的正面落了下來。
  • 26Examples of an enterprise component are an EJB, a component facade, and so on.企業組件的例子有ejb、組件外觀等等。
  • 27The Session Facade pattern can be used with both known and unknown actors.會話虛包模式可用於已知的和未知的參與者。
  • 28So Scarlet o 'hara becomes ohara, and the French word facade becomes facade.所以scarlet ohara變成了ohara,法語單詞facade變成了facade。
  • 29But when the inside is lit up at night, the facade becomes a glowing checkerboard.但是,當夜晚在裏面點亮燈光,外觀就變成一個發光的棋盤。
  • 30The apparent randomness of the scratch ticket was just a facade, a mathematical lie.刮刮樂顯而易見的隨機性僅是表面現象,而實為數字謊言。