


艾斌,上海財經大學特任研究員、教授。 [1]  主要研究方向包括主要研究方向為應用語言學、語言與社會發展(超語實踐,身份研究等)、區域國別研究等。論文多發表在Oxford University Press, Sage和Routledge期刊,包括Applied Linguistics, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Higher Education Research and Development, Ethnicities, Teachers and Teaching, Teaching in Higher Education, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Life Writing, Third World Quarterly等國際權威期刊。 [1] 
國    籍
職    稱





2000年07月—2001年09月 長江大學(原湖北農學院) 英語系助教
2001年09月—2002年08月 湖北省教育廳對外合作與交流處 借調工作
2002年09月—2014年07月 武漢科技大學國際學院 講師
2014年07月—2018年12月 中南財經政法大學外國語學院 講師、副教授
2015年12月—2018年05月 對外經濟貿易大學英語學院 博士後(應用經濟學方向)
2019年01月至今 上海財經大學外國語學院 副教授、教授






1. 艾斌(獨著)(2015).《中國學生在澳大利亞的交際和身份研究》,武漢:湖北人民出版社(ISBN:9787216085724)
2. 艾斌(副主編)(2015).《經濟英語》(高校碩士研究生學科英語系列精品教材),武漢:武漢大學出版社 (ISBN:9787307164260)
3. 艾斌(副主編)(2022).《北京冬奧會語言服務大數據報告》,北京:對外經濟貿易大學出版社(ISBN:9787566323330)


01. Ai, B. (2010). Chinese International Students' Identity Negotiation: A Communicative Perspective. IADIS International Conference on International Higher Education, Perth, Australia. ISBN: 978-972-8939-32-8
02. Ai, B. (2013). An Ethnographic Investigation into Chinese Students' Identity Negotiation in Australia. Postgraduate Research in Education: Proceedings of the Second Annual Higher Degree Student-led Conference, Sydney, Australia. ISBN: 978-0-947162-00-9
03. Ai, B. (2013). Soil Restaurant? An Investigation into the English Translation of Travel Signs in China. Journal of China Tourism Research, 9(3), 244-256.
04. Ai, B. (2015). Living in-between: A narrative inquiry into the identity work of a Chinese student in Australia. Life Writing, 12(3), 353-368. (A&HCI)
05. Ai, B., & Kostogriz, A. (2015). An Everyday Life Perspective on the Institutional and Cultural Identities of Chinese Students in Australia. In A. Ata & A. Kostogriz (Eds.), International Education and Cultural-Linguistic Experiences of International Students in Australia (pp. 13-27). Queensland: Australian Academic Press.
06. Ai, B. (2015). Crossing the Border: The Sense of Belonging and Identity Work of Chinese Students in Australia. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies, 10(1), 13-26.
07. Ai, B. (2015). A Study of the EFL Writing of Chinese Learners: A Critical Narrative. Changing English, 22(3), 294-306.
08. Ai, B. (2016). Becoming a Bilingual Teacher in a Chinese University: A Case Study. Reflective Practice, 17(5), 605-620.
09. Ai, B. (2016). Experiencing Different Identity Prototypes in Learning and Teaching English: A Chinese Learner's Autoethnography. Changing English, 23(3), 280-291.
10. Ai, B. (2017). The communication patterns of Chinese students with their lecturers in an Australian university. Educational Studies, 43(4), 484-496. (SSCI)
11. Ai, B. (2017). Constructing an academic identity in Australia: An autoethnographic narrative. Higher Education Research & Development, 36(6), 1095-1107. (SSCI)
12. Ai, B., & Wang, L. (2017). Re-entering my space: a narrative inquiry into teaching English as a foreign language in an imagined third space. Teachers and Teaching, 23(2), 227-240. (SSCI)
13. Ai, B., & Wang, L. (2017). Transnational business communication and identity work in Australia. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 60(2), 201-213. (SSCI)
14. Ai, B., & Wang, L. (2017). Homeland integration: An academic returnee's experiences in Chinese universities. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16, 1-9.(SSCI)
15. Ai, B., Wang, L., & Zhang, J. (2018). Using English as Economic Capital in a Chinese–Australian Workplace: Implications for Teaching Business English in China. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 29(4), 272-288.
16. 王立非&艾斌. (2019). 改革開放40年來商務英語教育的發展歷程、總結與再思考. 北京第二外國語學院學報(01),3-19.
17. Ai, B., Cui, C., & Wang, L. (2019). Language, Identity and Transnational Communication: Chinese Business Expatriates in Africa. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 62(2), 178-191. (SSCI)
18. Ai, B. (2019). Pains and gains of working in Chinese universities: An academic returnee's journey. Higher Education Research and Development, 38(4), 661-673. (SSCI)
19. Ai, B. (2019). Book review: Pains and gains of ethnic multilingual learners in China: an ethnographic case study. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 22(5), 645-648. (SSCI)
20. Ai, B., Wang, L., & Kostogriz, A. (2019). Becoming a Teacher of Business English in China: A Critical Narrative. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 42(2), 182-198.
21. Ai, B., Kostogriz, A., Wen, D., & Wang, L. (2020). Student presentations as a means of teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes: An action research study. Teaching in Higher Education, 25(2), 223-237. (SSCI)
22. Li, J., Ai, B., & Zhang, J. (2020). Negotiating language ideologies in learning Putonghua: Myanmar ethnic minority students' perspectives on multilingual practices in a borderland school. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 41(7), 633-646. (SSCI)
23. Li, J., Xie, P., Ai, B., & Li, L. (2020). Multilingual communication experiences of international students during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Multilingua, 39(5), 529–539. (SSCI)
24. 艾斌&孫豔. (2021). 基於第二課堂的國際組織人才培養模式研究. 外語學刊(05),110-115.
25. Zhang, G., Wang, L., & Ai, B. (2021). Improving translation teaching for transnational business: Voices of translators from Chinese enterprises in Africa. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 32(2), 176-194.
26. 廖婧&艾斌. (2021). 目的論視角下出口食品包裝文字英語翻譯研究. 食品工業(11),288-292.
27. Ai, B. (2022). Examining Chinese peasants' transnational communication patterns and identity negotiations on an Algerian construction site. Third World Quarterly, 43(4), 846-863.(SSCI)
28. Yu, H., & Ai, B. (2022). Experiencing 'paragliding': A student-teacher perspective on doing qualitative research in a Chinese university. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, 1-10.(SSCI)
29. Li, J., Ai, B., & Xu, L. C. (2022). Examining Burmese students' multilingual practices and identity positionings at a border high school in China. Ethnicities, 22(2), 233–252.(SSCI)
30. Ai, B., Li, X., & Li, G. (2022). When city meets rural: Exploring pre-service teachers' identity construction when teaching in rural schools. SAGE Open, 12(1), 1-10. (SSCI)
31. Wang, F., Ai, B., & Williams, E. (2022). Capturing Western Educators' Perceptions of Chinese Learners: A Cultural Non-essentialist Perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. (SSCI)
32. Ai, B., Hao, M., & Qiao, X. (2022). Unpacking translanguaging practices in multilingual business communication in China: A qualitative phenomenological approach. Applied Linguistics, 43(6), 1184–1206. (SSCI)
33. Miao, W., Ai, B., & Liao, X. (2022). International engagement or local commitment? Investigating the publication practices of Chinese returnee scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 53(4), 249-270. (SSCI)
34. Li, J., & Ai, B. (2023). Teaching Myanmar students under the Gaokao policy in a borderland school: Teachers' challenges and agency. Ethnography.(SSCI)
35. Ai, B., Ma, S., & Liu, X.(2023). Exploring Tibetan residents' everyday language practices in Danba county, Southwest China: A case study. Applied Linguistics Review. (SSCI)
36. Wang, F., & Ai, B. (2023). Examining Participatory Opportunities in Group Interactions in an ESL Classroom: A Positioning Perspective. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 18(3), 413-430.
37. Ai, B., Zhang, J., & Kostogriz, A. (2023). Unpacking English as a foreign language PhDs' return mobility and identity (re)construction at Chinese universities: A qualitative case study. Research in Education. (Sage, ESCI)
38. Yang, Z., & Ai, B. (2024, accepted). "We're doing well in virtually every corner of the world": A corpus-assisted discourse study of persuasiveness in Apple's earnings conference calls. Journal of Business and Technical Communication. (Sage, SSCI)
39. Wang, F., Ai, B., & Kostogriz, A. (2024). "Writing by oneself is too lonely": Understanding Chinese returnee scholars' English collaborative writing experiences in academic publishing. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. (Elsevier, SSCI)


1. 多元文化背景下大學英語教師身份研究,2014年中南財經政法大學人才引進項目,已結項。
2. 中國夢背景下英語專業大學生的身份衝突和協商,2014年高校基本科研業務費青年教師創新項目,已結項。
3. 基於口語陳述模式的研究生英語思辨和科研能力構建研究,2016年中南財經政法大學研究生教育教學理論研究課題,已結項。
4. 中外上市公司年報話語對資本市場的影響預測對比分析”(2016年國家社科基金一般項目,參與,已結項)
5. “一帶一路”視域下企業跨國交際和語言服務研究,2019年上海財經大學人才引進項目,在研。
6. 基於論文閲讀的英專學生思辨能力培養研究,2020年上海財經大學本科教改項目,已結項。
7. 2021年上海財經大學本科“課程思政”示範項目,在研。