


國    籍
職    業
職    務
職    稱


2004-2006:香港大學動物學系, 博士後
2006-現在:四川大學生命科學學院講師,副教授,教授 [1] 


2,腸道微生物代謝產物對動物生長髮育的影響 [1] 


1 Mo C, Cai G, Huang L, Deng Q, Lin D, Cui L, Wang Y, Li Juan* (2015)Corticotropin-releasing Hormone (CRH) Stimulates Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated Transcript Gene (CART1) Expression through CRH Type 1 Receptor (CRHR1) in Chicken Anterior Pituitary. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 417:166-177 (*通訊作者)
2 Cai G, Mo C, Huang L, Li Juan*, Wang Y*(2015)Characterization of the Two CART Genes (CART1 and CART2) in Chickens (Gallus gallus). PLoS One. 18;10(5):e0127107. (*通訊作者)
3 Li X, Fang W, Hu Y, Wang Y, Li Juan* (2015)Characterization of fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5 (FNDC5) gene in chickens: Cloning, tissue expression, and regulation of its expression in the muscle by fasting and cold exposure.Gene. 10;570(2):221-9. (*通訊作者)
4 Zhang J, Cheng S, Wang Y, Yu X, Li Juan* (2014) Identification and characterization of the free fatty acid receptor 2 (FFA2) and a novel functional FFA2-like receptor (FFA2L) for short-chain fatty acids in pigs: Evidence for the existence of a duplicated FFA2 gene (FFA2L) in some mammalian species. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 47:108-118 (*通訊作者)
5 Mo C, Zhong Y, Wang Y, Yan Z, Li Juan* (2014) Characterization of glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor (GLP2R) gene in chickens: functional analysis, tissue distribution, and developmental expression profile of GLP2R in embryonic intestine. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 48:1-6 (*通訊作者)
6 He X, Meng F, Wang Y, Li Juan* (2014) Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Two Pig Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide Receptors (VPAC1-R and VPAC2-R). DNA Cell Biol. 33:259-270 (*通訊作者)
7 Li Juan*, Meng F, Song C, Wang Y, Leung FC* (2012) Characterization of chicken visfatin gene: cDNA cloning, Tissue expression, and promoter analysis. Poultry Science 91: 2885-94 (*通訊作者)
8 Huang G, Li Juan*, Fu H, Yan Z, Bu G, He X, Wang Y* (2012) Characterization of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R) gene in chickens: functional analysis, tissue distribution, and identification of its transcript variants. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 43: 1-15 (*通訊作者)
9 Wang Y, Huang G, Li Juan, Meng F, He X. Leung F.C* (2012) Characterization of Chicken Secretin (SCT) and Secretin Receptor (SCTR) Genes: A Novel Secretin-like Peptide (SCT-LP) and Secretin Encoded in a Single Gene. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 348: 270-280 (*通訊作者)
10 Yao Meng, Shuangfeng Liu, Juan Li, Yanfa Meng, Xiaojun Zhao* (2012) Preparation of an antitumor and antivirus agent: chemical modification of α-MMC and MAP30 from Momordica Charantia L. with covalent conjugation of polyethyelene glycol Int J Nanomedicine. 7: 3133–3142. (*通訊作者)
11. Wang Y*, Huang G, Li Juan, Meng F, He X. Leung F.C* (2012) Characterization of Chicken Secretin (SCT) and Secretin Receptor (SCTR) Genes: A Novel Secretin-like Peptide (SCT-LP) and Secretin Encoded in a Single Gene. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 348: 270-280 (*通訊作者).
12 Wang Y, Li Juan, Kwok AHY, Ge W & Lueng FC* (2010) A novel prolactin-like protein (PRL-L) gene in chickens and zebrafish: Cloning and Characterization of its tissue expression. General and Comparative endocrinology 166: 200-210. (*通訊作者)
13 Wang Y, Li Juan, C. Wang CY, Kwok AHY, Zhang X & Leung FC(2010) Characterization of the receptors for chicken GHRH and GHRH-related peptides: Identification of a novel receptor for GHRH and the receptor for GHRH-LP (PRP). Domestic Animal Endocrinology 38: 13-31. (*通訊作者)
14 Wang J, Wang Y, Li X, Li Juan* and Leung FC* (2008) Cloning, tissue distribution and functional characterization of chicken glucagon receptor. Poultry Science 87:2678-2688 (*通訊作者)
15 Wang Y, Li Juan, Wang CY, Kwok AHY, Leung FC* (2007) Identification of the endogenous ligands for chicken growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor. Evidence for a separate gene encoding GHRH in submammalian vertebrates. Endocrinology 148: 2405-2416 (*通訊作者)
16 Wang Y, Li Juan,Wang CY, Kwok AHY, Leung FC* (2007) Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligand in the chicken ovary: I Evidence for heparin binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) as a potential oocyte-derived factor to control granulosa cell proliferation and HB-EGF and Kit ligand expression. Endocrinology 148: 3426 – 3440. (*通訊作者)
17 Wang Y, Wang Z, Li Juan, Wang Y*, Leung FC* (2007) A database for chicken full-length cDNAs. Physiological Genomics 28:141-5, (*通訊作者)
18 Li Juan, Wang X, and Leung FC* (2007) The intragenomic polymorphism of a partially inverted repeat (PIR) in Gallus gallus domesticus, potential role of inverted repeats in satellite DNAs evolution. Gene 387:118-125. (*通訊作者)
19 Li Juan and Leung FC *(2006) A CR1 element is embedded in a novel tandem repeat (HinfI repeat) within the chicken genome. Genome 49:97-103. (*通訊作者)
20 Wang CY, Wang Y, Li Juan and Leung FC* (2006) Expression profiles of growth hormone-releasing hormone and growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor during chicken embryonic pituitary development. Poultry Science 85:569-576. (*通訊作者)
21 Wang X, Li Juan and Leung FC* (2002) Partially inverted tandem repeat isolated from pericentric region of chicken chromosome 8. Chromosome Res 10:73-82. (*通訊作者)
22 Li Juan, Wang X and Leung FC* (2002) Partially inverted repetitive satellite DNA: A potential indicator for genetic homozygosity in chicken. 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production 33:113-115. [1] 


國家自然科學基金;四川省應用基礎研究基金;成都市應用基礎研究基金 [1] 


《精品開放課程建設突出貢獻獎》(細胞生物學課程組,排名第三) [1] 
  • 1.    李 娟  .四川大學生命科學學院[引用日期2019-08-20]