

詞    性


wholesome education 全人教育
wholesome 健康的 ; 衞生的
wholesome 合乎衞生的 ; 促進健康的 ; 健康的 ; 有益於健康的
wholesome lunch 有益於健康的午餐
find wholesome 合乎衞生
wholesome personality 健全人格
Wholesome Cereals 健康滋養麥片
noxious wholesome 有毒的 [1] 


  • 1It showed stable, wholesome American traditions.它顯示了美國穩定、健全的傳統。
  • 2Peanut butter is a wholesome food, but it will put you over your daily calorie limits.花生醬是一種有益健康的食物,但它會使您超出日常卡路里的攝入量。
  • 3Pleasure him with sports, beguile him in wholesome ways, so that his health come again.讓他在運動中獲得快樂,用有益健康的方式誘導他,這樣他就恢復健康了。
  • 4Would it not be better if they spent more money on wholesome things like oranges and wholemeal bread?如果他們把更多的錢花在有益健康的東西上,比如桔子和全麥麪包,不是更好嗎?
  • 5It was clean wholesome fun.這是健康有益的玩樂。《牛津詞典》
  • 6They're trying to show clean, wholesome, decent movies.他們在努力放純潔、健康、正派的電影。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7The Dove Foundation aims to promote wholesome family entertainment.達夫基金會旨在倡導有益身心的家庭娛樂。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8Water is a wholesome drink.水是有益健康的飲料。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 9It is wholesome and warm.有益健康而且温暖。
  • 10Bread and milk is wholesome breakfast.麪包和牛奶是有益於健康的早餐。
  • 11Both are very clean and wholesome.它們都很乾淨而且有益身心。
  • 12Start every day with a wholesome breakfast.以有益健康的早餐開始每一天。
  • 13Homely food is wholesome, "the comedist said on the dome x."“家常食品有益於健康,”喜劇作家在拱頂上説。
  • 14Words like 'fresh' and 'green' immediately suggest a wholesome image“新鮮”和“綠色”這樣的詞馬上給人有益健康的形象。
  • 15Words like "fresh" and "green" immediately suggest a wholesome image.“新鮮”和“綠色”這樣的詞馬上給人有益健康的形象。
  • 16For wholesome fun, try "Happy Farm", a game about rearing virtual crops.有一些有益健康的娛樂,像“開心農場”,一種種植虛擬作物的遊戲。
  • 17The work of the eighteenth century is healthy and good and wholesome.十八世紀的成就是健康的,好的。
  • 18You can't trust the supermarket companies to sell you only good, wholesome food.你不能相信只有超市公司賣給你的是好的,有益健康的食物。
  • 19Sure, but what they’re used to is a more wholesome lifestyle than what we have.當然,但是他們習慣的是一個比我們更加健康的生活方式。
  • 20Sure, but what they're used to is a more wholesome lifestyle than what we have.當然,但是他們習慣的是一個比我們更加健康的生活方式。
  • 21As a result, many of the products that you think are wholesome are anything but.因此,許多你認為是健康的產品卻絕不是那麼一回事。
  • 22Public health demands that milk and all milk products should be pure and wholesome.公共衞生要求乳品和所有乳製品應該是純淨衞生的。
  • 23The purpose of meat inspection is to provide safe and wholesome meat for human consumption.其目的是為人類消費提供安全有益健康的肉類。
  • 24Also I think everyone is trying to improve their shortcomings to become more wholesome.我也覺得每個人都在努力克服自己的缺點去變得儘量完美。
  • 25There were plenty of wholesome comics in post-war Europe, most of them justly forgotten.戰後的歐洲湧現了大量的有益漫畫讀物,其中的大部分只是被人們遺忘。
  • 26For the town's residents, he prescribed square dances and other wholesome forms of entertainment.他還為鎮裏的居民規定了廣場舞蹈和其他一些健康的娛樂形式。
  • 27When you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don't want to eat dull wholesome food.當你吃不飽,受到剝削、感到無聊和痛苦時,你就不想吃沒有新意的健康食品了。 [1] 