

warmly,英語單詞,主要用作為副詞,用作副詞譯為“熱情地;温暖地;親切地”。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈwɔːmli] 美 [ˈwɔːrmli]
adv. 熱情地;温暖地;親切地 [1] 


warmly ad 熱情地
warmly celebrate 熱烈慶祝
Warmly welcome 熱烈歡迎 ; 熱烈歡迎參加 ; 熱情地歡迎 ; 歡迎之至
warmly receive them 熱情接待
greet warmly 迎接熱烈 ; 熱烈迎接 ; 熱情地歡迎 ; 熱情地打招呼
warmly approving 強烈的贊同
dress warmly 穿暖和 ; 穿得暖 ; 穿得暖暖地
warmly applauded 熱烈的掌聲 ; 温暖地鼓掌 ; 熱烈鼓掌
Thank him warmly 謝謝他熱烈 ; 熱烈感謝他 ; 感謝他熱烈 [1] 


  • 1I warmly welcome this decision.我熱烈歡迎這一決定。《牛津詞典》
  • 2She embraced her son warmly.她熱情地擁抱兒子。《牛津詞典》
  • 3He grasped my hand and shook it warmly.他熱情地抓住我的手握了起來。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Our host shook each of us warmly by the hand.主人熱情地和我們每個人握手。《牛津詞典》
  • 5He greeted all the guests warmly as they arrived.客人到達時他都熱情接待。《牛津詞典》
  • 6She later wrote warmly of his bearing and behaviour.稍後她熱情地寫到了他的風度與舉止。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him warmly.她伸出雙臂摟住他的脖子,熱烈地擁抱他。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8He praised the two leaders warmly for their statesmanship.他熱情地讚揚了兩位領導人的政治家風範。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9He shook hands warmly with us.他和我們熱情地握手。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10The friends warmly embraced.朋友們熱烈地擁抱。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 11She warmly extended both hands towards us.她熱情地向我們伸出了雙手。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 12The audience warmly applauded the performers.觀眾向演員們熱烈鼓掌。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 13People warmly welcome the return with full honours of the delegation.人們熱烈歡迎代表團滿載而歸。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 14In her speech, she spoke warmly about her aims for education and peace.在她的演講中,她熱情洋溢地談到了她的教育與和平目標。
  • 15When he arrived at Sanhe village, he was warmly welcomed by the villagers.當他到達三河村時,他受到了村民們的熱烈歡迎。
  • 16He shook the paws of both of them warmly, never waiting for an introduction to the Mole.他熱情地握着他倆的爪子,從不等鼴鼠莫爾來介紹。
  • 17As I pour tea and coffee, an emaciated black man in a filthy sweatshirt shakes my hand warmly and asks me how I'm doing today.當我倒茶倒咖啡時,一個穿着髒兮兮的運動衫的瘦弱黑人男子熱情地握着我的手,問我今天過得怎麼樣。
  • 18New members are warmly welcomed.新成員受到熱烈歡迎。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 19The play was warmly received by the critics.評論家對這齣戲反應熱烈。《牛津詞典》
  • 20They were warmly dressed in coats and scarves.他們身着大衣,圍着圍巾,穿得暖暖和和。《牛津詞典》
  • 21We will have many activities to warmly celebrate it.我們將舉行許多活動來熱烈慶祝它。
  • 22The elderly white woman took her hand and shook it warmly while Miss Dietrich smiled with pride.這位年長的白人婦女牽住她的手,熱情地握了握,迪特里希小姐則驕傲地微笑着。
  • 23When they got to the United States, a churchman warmly helped place them in a homeless shelter in New York.當他們到達美國時,一位牧師熱情地幫助他們安頓在紐約的一個收容所裏。
  • 24He got up and shook Vinnie's hand warmly, "I've heard that you are a talented young woman, and I have found you charming and intelligent as well."他站起來,熱情地握着文尼的手:“我聽説你是一個有才華的年輕女子,我發現你也很迷人很聰明。”
  • 25After a four-day trip, he gave the water to the old man and he took a deep drink, smiled warmly and thanked his student for the sweet water.經過四天的旅行,他把水給了老人,老人深深地喝了一口,露出了温暖的笑容,感謝他的學生提供的甜水。
  • 26Putting some covers over her knees, he tucked her feet in warmly.他用被子蓋住她的膝蓋,把她的腳裹得暖暖的。
  • 27The clear sunshine streamed so warmly through the window into the pew where Karen sat!明媚的陽光温暖地穿過窗子照射到珈倫坐的位置上。
  • 28It's common sense to dress more warmly when it gets cold.天冷了要穿得暖一點兒,這是常識。《新英漢大辭典》 [1] 