

詞    性


  1. N-COUNT Someone's wages are the amount of money that is regularly paid to them for the work that they do. 工資
  2. V-T If a person, group, or country wages a campaign or a war, they start it and continue it over a period of time. 發動 (運動或戰爭) [1] 


minimum wage 最低工資
the wages of sin 罪惡的報應,死(源自《聖經》)
wage system 工資制度,工資體系
average wage 平均工資
wage level 工資水準,薪金標準
wage income 工資收入;工資所得
low wage 低工資
wage rate 工資率
basic wage 基本工資
living wage 最低生活工資;餬口工資
hourly wage 計時工資,按時計酬
incentive wage 增產獎勵工資;計件工資
freeze wages 凍結工資
wage earner n. 靠工資為生的人;僱傭勞動者
efficiency wage 效率工資;計件工資
wage freeze [經]工資凍結
wage scale n. 工資等級表
wage labor 僱傭勞動;工資勞工
wage structure 工資結構
wage hike n. 工資的增加 [1] 


  • 1Some of them earn below the minimum wage.他們中的一些人掙的錢低於最低工資。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Wage rates depend on levels of productivity.工資水平取決於生產量的多寡。《牛津詞典》
  • 3How can anyone live on such a miserable wage?這麼少的工資讓人怎麼活呀?《牛津詞典》
  • 4Wage increases must be in line with inflation.工資的增長必須與通貨膨脹率一致。《牛津詞典》
  • 5Wage differences in the two areas are widening.兩個地區之間的工資差距正在拉大。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6Real wage costs have risen by 10% in the past year.在過去的一年裏,實際工資成本增加了10%。《牛津詞典》
  • 7These people deserve to make more than the minimum wage.這些人應該得到高於最低工資的報酬。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8A wage freeze was imposed on all staff earlier this month.本月早些時候,所有員工的工資都被凍結了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9Until now, wage increases have always kept pace with inflation.到目前為止,工資的增長與通貨膨脹始終保持同步。《牛津詞典》
  • 10Such measures are needed to equalize wage rates between countries.要使各國的工資水平均等,這些措施是必要的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11Wage rates must be maintained in order to maintain the purchasing power of the consumer.必須維持工資率以保持消費者的購買力。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 12The real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten in the last 70 years.近70年來工人的實際工資平均增長超過了十倍。《牛津詞典》
  • 13Some workers are legally employed, but the majority work unofficially with neither health insurance nor wage security.一些工人合法受僱用,但大多數人是非正式的,既沒有健康保險,也沒有工資保障。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 14The wage due to him will be paid tomorrow.他應得的工資明天付給他。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 15I think people would push to always increase that minimum wage.我認為人們會一直推動提高最低工資。
  • 16You see, we get very low wages, most of the time less than the minimum wage.你看,我們的工資很低,大多數時候都低於最低工資。
  • 17Imagine that you favor increasing the minimum wage in our state, and I do not.試想一下,你贊成提高我們州的最低工資標準, 而我卻持相反意見。
  • 18Raising the minimum wage is identified as a key way to address the income gap.提高最低工資被認為是解決收入差距的一個關鍵途徑。
  • 19Dowie argued that the reduction, together with rapid wage growth, drove up prices.道伊認為,降薪加上工資的快速增長推動了價格上漲。
  • 20We expect that the second part of the year will not be very good in terms of wage growth.我們預計今年下半年的工資增長不會很樂觀。
  • 21Are blue-collar workers at the university getting paid a decent wage? Are they compensated fairly?大學裏的藍領工人是否得到了一份適當的工資?他們是否獲得了應有的補償?
  • 22A low wage for elementary school teachers, however, doesn't mean elementary education isn't important.但是,小學教師的工資低並不表示小學教育不重要。
  • 23For this scheme to work, the government must provide wage subsidies to compensate for lost pay due to the shorter hours.為了此方案有效運轉,政府必須提供工資津貼以補償工時減少而造成的工資損失。
  • 24I've had the idea for some time that Jack Green's been busy stirring things up in connection with the latest wage claim.傑克·格林一直在煽動最近要求漲工資的事,我已經注意到有一段時間了。
  • 25Some economists believe that rigorous enforcement of existing equal pay laws would substantially decrease this wage inequity.一些經濟學家認為,嚴格執行現有的同工同酬法將大幅減少這種工資不平等。 [1] 
  • 1.    wage  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-21]