

Vocabulary,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,意思是“全部詞彙;詞彙;專業詞彙,術語;表現形式,表達手段”等。 [1] 
詞    性
釋    義


英 [vəˈkæbjələri] 美 [vəˈkæbjəleri]
n. (某人掌握或使用的)全部詞彙;(某一語言的)詞彙;(某個學科的)專業詞彙,術語;(尤指外語教科書中的)詞彙表;(美術、音樂等領域的)表現形式,表達手段
[ 複數 vocabularies ] [1] 


grammar and vocabulary 語法與詞彙
basic vocabulary 基本詞彙
controlled vocabulary 受控詞表 ; 受控字彙 ; 控制詞彙 ; 控制性詞彙
Defining vocabulary 釋義詞彙 ; 釋義詞 ; 英語中的定義單詞 ; 釋義辭彙
vocabulary and structure 詞彙與語法結構 ; 詞彙與結構 ; 選擇填空 ; 詞彙用法和語法結構
Vocabulary questions 詞彙題 ; 詞彙類問題
active vocabulary 主動詞彙 ; 積極詞彙 ; 詞彙量 ; 動詞彙
Longman Defining Vocabulary 朗文釋義詞彙 ; 義詞表
vocabulary teaching 詞彙教學 ; 詞彙
Other Vocabulary 其他生字 ; 其它詞彙
passive vocabulary 被動詞彙 ; 消極詞彙 ; 動詞彙 [1] 


  • 1Reading will enlarge your vocabulary.閲讀能擴大詞彙量。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Reading will increase your vocabulary.閲讀會增加你的詞彙量。《牛津詞典》
  • 3A child's vocabulary expands through reading.孩子的詞彙量通過閲讀得到擴大。《牛津詞典》
  • 4His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited.他講話不成熟,詞彙量也有限。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Each computer language has its own syntax and vocabulary.每種計算機語言都有自己的語法和詞彙。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6We should have a good command of large vocabulary.我們應該掌握大量詞彙。
  • 7As you learn new vocabulary, add it to the mind map.當你學習新的詞彙時,把它添加到思維導圖中。
  • 8He could say vowels clearly and began to learn vocabulary.他能清楚地説元音並開始學習詞彙。
  • 9It's only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.這只是一個有助於增加我的詞彙量的填字遊戲。
  • 10The response demonstrates the effective use of grammar and vocabulary.(學生的)回答有效運用了語法和詞彙。
  • 11They work very well for vocabulary when you are learning a new language.當你學習一門新語言時,它們對詞彙很有效。
  • 12I think the best way to enlarge your vocabulary is reading English novels.我認為擴大詞彙量的最好方法是讀英文小説。
  • 13It couldn't be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise.不會是詞彙量導致你在練習中出現問題。
  • 14The vocabulary aspect, for example, is dependent on having heard those words.例如,詞彙方面取決於你是否聽過這些詞。
  • 15A bank clerk wants to use this specialist vocabulary and technical terms of finance.一個銀行職員想要使用這種專業詞彙和金融術語。
  • 16Probably the biggest difference between American and British English is the vocabulary.美式英語和英式英語最大的不同可能是詞彙。
  • 17The writing displays accurate but limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary."這篇文章顯示了準確但有限的句法結構和詞彙。
  • 18Another is that long and sophisticated vocabulary choices make listening more difficult.另一個原因是,冗長和複雜的詞彙聽着更費勁。
  • 19Therefore, by definition, they had a much weaker English vocabulary than native speakers.因此,顯然他們的英語詞彙量比以英語為母語的人要小得多。
  • 20Every field from airline pilots to secretaries has its own vocabulary and technical terms.從飛行員到秘書,每個行業都有自己的專用詞彙和專業術語。
  • 21Esperanto vocabulary is drawn primarily from Latin, the Roman's languages, English and German.世界語的詞彙主要來自拉丁語、羅馬語、英語和德語。
  • 22A bank clerk, for example, wants to use this specialist vocabulary and technical terms of finance.例如,一個銀行職員想要使用這種專業詞彙和金融術語。
  • 23It couldn't be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words.不可能是詞彙量的原因導致你在練習中出錯,因為你知道很多單詞。
  • 24Vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation are three ways English is different in different parts of the world.詞彙、語法和發音是英語在世界不同地區會出現差異的三個方面。
  • 25Koehn pointed out that this new era of corporate vocabulary is very "team"-oriented—and not by coincidence.科恩指出,新時代的企業詞彙是非常“團隊”導向的,這並非巧合。
  • 26"Just awesome." She wondered, she later said, what kind of journalist had just one adjective in his vocabulary.“只有棒。”她後來説,她想知道什麼樣的記者的詞彙裏僅有一個形容詞。
  • 27It updates the vocabulary and grammar of the King James Version, while preserving the classic style and beauty.它更新了 the King James Version 中的詞彙和語法,同時保留了經典的風格和美感。
  • 28Everyone agreed that the findings suggest literature is important beyond entertainment or improving vocabulary.所有人都同意,研究結果表明,文學作品的重要性不僅在於娛樂或提高詞彙量。
  • 29He developed an entire vocabulary, a rhetoric of righteous disobedience, of resistance, of protest and revolution.他創造出了一整套詞彙,一套用來表述正義的不服從,反抗,示威,以及革命的修辭。
  • 30You would expect the reading comprehension performance to mirror the vocabulary—it's a cornerstone of comprehension.你會指望閲讀理解的表現能反映詞彙量,因為詞彙是理解的基礎。 [1] 