


viewpoint,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“看法;視角”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈvjuːpɔɪnt] 美 [ˈvjuːpɔɪnt]
n. 觀點,看法;視角,觀察點
[ 複數 viewpoints ] [1] 


Other Viewpoint 百家新聲 ; 檢驗醫學專題
Viewpoint control 視角控制 ; 視角節制
class viewpoint 階級觀點 ; 階級觀點英語 ; 翻譯
D Viewpoint 三維視點
Viewpoint Presets 視點預設 ; 視點預置
viewpoint of practice 實踐觀
stability viewpoint 穩定性觀點 ; 穩定思想
DxO ViewPoint 照片校正軟件 ; 照片比例校正軟件 ; 圖像處理軟件 ; 鏡頭變形圖片校正 [1] 


  • 1She will have her own viewpoint on the matter.她對這個問題會有她自己的看法。《牛津詞典》
  • 2You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.你得知道站在哪兒才會有好的視角。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3From a practical viewpoint, I'd advise you not to go.從實際角度考慮,我勸你不要去。《牛津詞典》
  • 4On one hand, that viewpoint is a logical product of America's evolution.一方面,這種觀點是美國發展的必然產物。
  • 5Recently the viewpoint has been revised but not entirely discounted by new research.最近,此觀點有所改變,但新研究並未完全否定這一觀點。
  • 6Darwin's original thesis, and the viewpoint supported by evolutionary gradualists, is that species change continuously but slowly and in small increments.達爾文最初的論點以及進化漸進主義者所支持的觀點是,物種的變化是持續的,但非常緩慢,增量也很小。
  • 7Such differences in viewpoint have produced uneasiness among many minority staff members, who feel that minority entrepreneurs and businesses should be judged by established business considerations.這種觀點上的差異使許多少數民族工作人員感到不安,他們認為應根據既定的商業考慮來判斷少數民族企業家和企業。
  • 8The novel is shown from the girl's viewpoint.這部小説是從那個女孩兒的視點展開的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9As for my viewpoint, college graduates should seek a job and accumulate some experience.在我看來,大學畢業生應該找一份工作,積累一些經驗。
  • 10This paper presents the authors' viewpoint on the choice of minimum reinforcement for isolated foundation bottom slab.本文對選擇隔振基礎底板最小配筋量的問題提出了作者的觀點。
  • 11I can see your viewpoint, young man.我可以理解你的觀點,年輕人。
  • 12First: It all depends on your viewpoint.首先:它完全取決於你的觀點。
  • 13Every viewpoint focuses on a given issue.每個視角關注在每個給定的問題上。
  • 14In person, I support the former viewpoint.我個人支持前者的觀點。
  • 15Concurrency is studied from a resource viewpoint.從資源觀點研究並行。
  • 16Nathan Gardels is the editor of Global Viewpoint.內森·賈德爾斯是《環球視點》編輯。
  • 17From the US viewpoint Cuba has been on good behaviour.從美國角度看,古巴已經有了良好的表現。
  • 18That really is implicit in the Russian formalist viewpoint.這其實才是俄國形式主義者們隱含的觀點。
  • 19In most cases, the geometric viewpoint would also apply.在大多數情況下,幾何也將被應用到。
  • 20From parents' viewpoint, the opinions could be quite divided.從父母的觀點、看法可能蠻分開。
  • 21Managers must promote the viewpoint that defects are positive.管理人員必須建立缺陷是積極的這樣的觀點。
  • 22From the user's viewpoint, it's simple to install and configure.從用户的角度看,安裝和配置很容易。
  • 23These elements vary, depending on which viewpoint we are in.根據我們所處視點不同,這些元素進行着變化。
  • 24A service assembly viewpoint leads to "software factory" thinking.服務組合的觀點引發了“軟件工廠”的思想。
  • 25From an overall viewpoint it's true that complexity is raised.從全局觀點來看,複雜性確實增加了。
  • 26You are warned that you will be losing the viewpoint attribute.您會被警告將丟失這個觀察點屬性。
  • 27From a spiritual perspective, this viewpoint is false and distorted.從靈性的視角來看,這種觀點是錯誤和扭曲的。
  • 28The only acceptable viewpoint is that we cannot express a viewpoint.唯一能容忍的觀點是我們不能表達觀點。
  • 29From the viewpoint of the BPM modellers, the association is problematic.從BPM建模者的角度看,這種關聯是有疑問的。 [1] 