


詞    性


  1. V-T If you untie something that is tied to another thing or if you untie two things that are tied together, you remove the string or rope that holds them or that has been tied around them. 鬆開; 解開
  2. V-T If you untie something such as string or rope, you undo it so that there is no knot or so that it is no longer tying something. 解開(繩結等)
  3. V-T When you untie your shoelaces or your shoes, you loosen or undo the laces of your shoes. 解開(鞋帶等) [1] 


untie vt 解開
untie formally 的翻譯是正式放開
untie e 解開 ; 解放
Encryption Untie 加密解密
tile untie 冰消瓦解
Untie a difficult problem 解難題
untie a bundle 打開包袱 [1] 


  • 1His clumsy fingers couldn't untie the knot.他的手很笨拙,無法解開這個結。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The old man smiled and ordered his servant to untie the bundle of sticks.老人笑着吩咐僕人解開那捆木棒。
  • 3Untie my leg and I can tell it to you better.把我的腿鬆開,我就告訴你。
  • 4Will you untie the knot FOR me?幫我把這個結解開好嗎?
  • 5My parents had to untie me.是我的父母把我解開的。
  • 6Please untie the safe belt.請解開安全帶。
  • 7Untie the prisoners; let them go free!釋放這些囚犯,讓他們自由!
  • 8My dead fingers could not untie the knot.我的手指麻木了,解不開結。
  • 9I'll untie the line, then leaves peel, a smell.我先解開線,然後把粽葉剝開,一股香味撲鼻而來。
  • 10Slack the rope before trying to untie the knot.想解結之前先將繩索放鬆。
  • 11Don't be in a hurry to tie what you cannot untie.別急著去打一個你解不開的結。
  • 12Eg: Don't untie the rope, or the young tree will bend.不要解開那根繩子,否則小樹會彎曲的。
  • 13"Untie the gentleman!" said Javert, "and let no one go out!"“替這位先生解開繩子!” 沙威説,“誰也不許出去。”
  • 14You should slack the rope before trying to untie the knot.解結之前你應該先將繩索放鬆。
  • 15The saint said, You tied up the donkey, but did you untie him?聖人説:你把驢拴好了,可你給它解繩子了嗎?
  • 16The saint said, 'you tied up the donkey, but did you untie him?聖人説:“你把驢拴好了,可你給它解繩子了嗎?”
  • 17Yet when one starts to untie Kevin the other takes Teri hostage.但是,其中一名男子動手給凱文鬆綁,另一名捉住了泰瑞。
  • 18The graciousness of tolerance will untie the knots in your mind.寬容的魅力會解開你的心結。
  • 19They're excellent bed warmers, and small fingers can untie hopeless knots.他們是很優秀的牀上取暖器,小手指可以解開無望解開的結。
  • 20No, but he is coming after me, whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.只是有一位在我以後來的,我解他腳上的鞋帶,也是不配的。
  • 21It is your intelligence that cuts the Gordian knot which we cannot untie.是你的智慧一舉解決了我們無法解開的難題。
  • 22My brother, quite a troublemaker as a juvenile, can tie and untie any knot.我哥哥在少年時經常惹事生非,但他打結解結是把好手。
  • 23I guess it's really hard to ask excited Apple fans not to untie their pocket strings!我估計那些狂熱地蘋果粉絲很難不鬆開自己的錢包。
  • 24I’ve seen plenty of hands tremble when they reach for the cotton bow to untie my gown.當他們用手去夠藥棉,弓着身去解我的大衣時,我注意到他們許多人的手都顫抖。
  • 25But behold, One is coming after me, the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie.只是看哪,有一位要在我以後來,我就是解他腳上的鞋帶也不配。 [1] 
  • 1.    untie  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-06-12]