

underfoot,英語單詞,主要用作副詞、形容詞,作副詞時譯為“在腳下;擋道地; 用腳踩(壞)地;踐踏地”,作形容詞時譯為“(尤指馬賽)與場地有關的”。 [1] 
詞    性


underfoot /ˌʌndəˈfʊt/
1.ADV You describe something as being underfoot when you are standing or walking on it. 腳下地 [ADV after v, n ADV]
2.ADV If you trample or crush something underfoot, you spoil or destroy it by stepping on it. 用腳踩(壞)地 [ADV after v] [1] 


underfoot coatings 地坪塗料
Gnash Underfoot 踐踏者奈許
Crush Underfoot 一腳踩扁
Underfoot Combat 足下戰鬥
underfoot t 礙事
Tread Underfoot 踩在腳下
Trampled Underfoot 表演者
underfoot detail 在腳下
underfoot mushroom 恩德福蘑菇 [1] 


  • 1The snow scrunched underfoot.雪在腳下發出嘎吱嘎吱的聲音。《牛津詞典》
  • 2It was still wet underfoot.腳下仍是濕的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The ground was dry and firm underfoot.腳下踩的土地又乾又硬。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The carpet of pine needles was soft underfoot.松針鋪成的地毯在腳下軟軟的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Morgan dropped his cigarette and crushed it underfoot.摩根把香煙扔掉並用腳踩滅了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6People were trampled underfoot in the rush for the exit.有人在拼命湧向出口時被踩在腳下。《牛津詞典》
  • 7The crowd stampeded and many were crushed or trampled underfoot.人羣狂奔起來,很多人被撞倒或踩踏。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8I was nearly trampled underfoot by the crowd of people rushing for the door.衝向大門的人羣險些把我踩在腳下。《牛津詞典》
  • 9The water level's back to normal now and you shouldn't have any trouble, the path's very level underfoot.現在水位已恢復正常,你應該不會有什麼麻煩了,腳下的小路非常平坦。
  • 10At first thought it seems incredible that there can be enough space in the "solid" ground underfoot to hold all this water.乍一想,似乎難以置信的是,在腳下的“堅實”地面上居然有足夠的空間來容納這麼多的水。
  • 11Thewet mud shining underfoot.潮濕的稀泥在腳下閃光。
  • 12It's right here underfoot.就在我們腳下呀。
  • 13He trod the golden beetle underfoot.他把一隻金色的甲蟲踩在腳下。
  • 14You fish-shaped island, I take what is underfoot.啊魚形之島,我弄了一手泥。
  • 15Moon gone plowing underfoot no stars; not a trace of light!月亮不見了,她在腳下潛行。 沒有星星。
  • 16The future of machines lies in the tangled weeds underfoot.機器的未來就在腳下這片雜亂的草地裏。
  • 17Aim at heart, road underfoot, grasp now, win in the future.志在心中,路在腳下,把握現在,贏在未來。
  • 18The frosty grass crunched underfoot as they strode down to the stadium.他們大步朝體育場走去,霜凍的草踩在腳下,發出嘎吱嘎吱的響聲。
  • 19This is much quieter and safer with no electric cords or hoses underfoot.因為沒有電線和腳底下的管子,工作區會變得更加安全安靜。
  • 20Then a wild beast in Lebanon came along and trampled the thistle underfoot.後來利巴嫩有一個野獸經過,把蒺藜踐踏了。
  • 21Some of the groups had a dog underfoot throughout, while the others had none.有部分小組在這個過程中始終有隻狗在他們腳下晃悠,另外的小組則沒有。
  • 22There are huge bamboos, palm tree branches overhead, crunchy leaves underfoot.那裏有高大的竹子,頭頂橫着棕櫚樹枝,腳下落葉咯吱作響。
  • 23No matter how much effort, one day, I will be back, to be here all trampled underfoot.無論付出多少努力,總有一天,我會回來的,將這裏的一切踐踏在腳下。
  • 24Stupid people looking for happiness in the distance, the wise underfoot sowing happiness.笨人尋找遠處的幸福,聰明人在腳下播種幸福。
  • 25Stupid people looking for happiness in the distance, the wise underfoot sowing happiness.笨人尋找遠處的幸福,聰明人在腳下播種幸福。——詹姆斯·奧本漢。
  • 26Hill a little bit of being trampled underfoot, around shrouded in clouds, as if within reach.山一點兒一點兒的被踩在腳下,雲霧在身邊繚繞,彷彿伸手可及。
  • 27High overhead, gas is flaring; underfoot, enough oil to fill 330, 000 barrels is waiting to be offloaded.石油氣體燃燒直衝雲宵,腳下則有足足33萬桶的石油儲量等待開採。
  • 28Breeders spread feed underfoot, hoping the little ones will peck at it and mouths open during rainstorms.這是喂火雞者將食品灑在文火雞腳下,但願它們啄食時發現的。 [1] 