

unacceptable,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“不能接受的;不受歡迎的”。 [1] 
詞    性


unacceptable /ˌʌnəkˈsɛptəbəl/ TEM4
1.ADJ If you describe something as unacceptable, you strongly disapprove of it or object to it and feel that it should not be allowed to continue. 不能接受的 [1] 


unacceptable product 不合格品
unacceptable damage 不可接受的損害
unacceptable explosives 禁止使用的炸藥
unacceptable character 不可接受的字符 ; 不能接受的字符 ; 不可接受性
offer unacceptable 發盤不能接受
unacceptable clause[法] 不能接受的條款
unacceptable burden 不堪重負
T Unacceptable 工業金屬
Configuration unacceptable 配置不支持 [1] 


  • 1This behaviour is totally unacceptable.這種行為是完全不能接受的。《牛津詞典》
  • 2It is totally unacceptable for children to swear.小孩子罵人是完全不能接受的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Racism is wholly unacceptable under any circumstances.在任何情況下種族主義都是完全不能被接受的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society.這種行為在文明社會是完全不能接受的。《牛津詞典》
  • 5Overuse of credit cards has ratcheted up consumer debt to unacceptable levels.濫用信用卡使消費債務逐漸增加到了難以接受的地步。《牛津詞典》
  • 6There have been previous attempts at coups. We regard such methods as entirely unacceptable.先前有過政變企圖。我們認為這樣的方法完全不可接受。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7The press has been blamed for intruding into people's personal lives in an unacceptable way.新聞媒體因以一種令人無法接受的方式侵入人們的私生活而受到譴責。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8Meetings at resorts are suddenly unacceptable.度假勝地會議突然變得令人無法接受。
  • 9All I did was let him know his behavior was unacceptable.我所做的只是讓他知道他的行為是不可接受的。
  • 10Using stick traps or the more deadly snap traps would be deemed unacceptable for good mice.使用棍棒陷阱或更致命的快速陷阱將被認為對於好老鼠來説是不能接受的。
  • 11Deleting an object accidentally and then replacing it with a similar object will lead to unacceptable differences of the enterprise models.意外地刪除一個對象,然後用一個類似的對象替換它,將導致企業模型不可接受的差異。
  • 12Furthermore, by gauging the reactions to our self-disclosures we learn what types are acceptable or unacceptable with particular people and in specific situations.此外,通過衡量我們對自我表露的反應,我們可以得知與特定的人在特定的情況下,哪些類型是可以接受和不可接受的。
  • 13Noise from the factory has reached an unacceptable level.工廠的噪聲達到了難以容忍的地步。《牛津詞典》
  • 14That this is a positive stereotype makes it no less a stereotype, and therefore unacceptable.這種成見即使是積極的也依然是成見,因而是不可取的。《牛津詞典》
  • 15Ask about her choices: what makes a set of clothes acceptable or unacceptable?問問她如何選擇:是什麼因素導致一套衣服為人接受或不接受?
  • 16Renewable energy will have to displace fossil fuels to a much greater extent in the future to avoid unacceptable climate risks.為了避免難以容忍的氣候風險,未來可再生能源將不得不在更大程度上取代化石燃料。
  • 17Frankly speaking, I just want to make it clear that I am personally offended that someone would make a silly superhero movie. That's unacceptable.説真的,我只想説清楚,我個人極度反感某人制作一部愚蠢的超級英雄電影的行為。那是無法容忍的。
  • 18On occasions it is the fear that certain disclosures may be unacceptable to family or friends that motivates an individual to seek professional help.有時,正是因為擔心某些信息披露可能會讓家人或朋友無法接受,才促使個人尋求專業幫助。
  • 19This is totally unacceptable.這是完全不可接受的。
  • 20A: Such accusation is unacceptable.答:這種指責是不能接受的。
  • 21Winter is, in a word, unacceptable.總之,冬天是難以讓人接受的。
  • 22This is unacceptable to China.這是中方無法接受的。
  • 23I'm afraid the offer is unacceptable.恐怕你方的報價不能接受。
  • 24That's the most unacceptable part.這是最不能接受的事情。
  • 25This is unacceptable.這是令人不能接受的。
  • 26Blogging is unacceptable?寫博客不可以接受?
  • 27At this point, failure is unacceptable.在這一點上,失敗是不可容忍的。 [1] 