

theater,英語單詞名詞 [1] 


英 [ˈθɪətə(r)] 美 [ˈθiːətər]
n. 電影院,戲院,劇場;戲劇;手術室
[ 複數 theaters ] [1] 


movie theater 電影院
home theater 家庭影院;家庭劇院
art theater 藝術電影院
Dream Theater 夢劇院 ; 夢劇場 ; 夢劇場合唱團 ; 夢劇院樂隊
Grand Theater Station 大劇院站
operating theater 手術室
Dolby Home Theater 杜比音效增強軟件 ; 杜比家庭影院 ; 杜比音效增強程序 ; 杜比家庭劇院環繞音效 [1] 


  • 1I grew up in a dinky little town that didn't even have a movie theater.我生長在一個無名小鎮,那裏連個電影院都沒有。《牛津詞典》
  • 2It's the South Theater Company.這是南方戲劇公司。
  • 3Hurry to the New Theater.快點去新劇院。
  • 4The theater wasn't bad.劇院還不錯。
  • 5In the theater, great excitement reigned.劇院裏一片激動人心的氣氛。
  • 6The theater caught fire and burnt to the ground.劇院着火燒成了灰燼。
  • 7People have all kinds of entertainment in the theater.人們在劇院裏有各種各樣的娛樂活動。
  • 8Shall we see the new play at the grand theater tonight?今晚我們去大劇院看新戲好嗎?
  • 9Unless some extra money is found, the theater will be close.除非獲得額外收入,否則,劇院就要歇業了。
  • 10Movies did, however, fatally impact some parts of live theater.然而,電影確實對現場戲劇的某些方面產生了致命的影響。
  • 11We left the theater around 8, just before the evening shows began.我們8點左右離開電影院,剛好在晚會開始前。
  • 12In the early 1930s, most theater owners installed new sound systems.在20世紀30年代初,大多數影院都安裝了新的音響系統。
  • 13They took classical theater and reproduced it in the Renaissance time.他們在文藝復興時期重新演繹了傳統戲劇。
  • 14Why does the author ask us to imagine buying food in the movie theater?為什麼作者讓我們想象在電影院買食物?
  • 15Picture this: You're at a movie theater food stand loading up on snacks.想象這樣一幅場景:你在電影院的食品站,吃了許多零食。
  • 16This is a fantastic chance to perform with musical theater professionals.這是一個很好的與音樂戲劇專業人士表演的機會。
  • 17Let's say you're in a movie theater and you're watching a fantastic movie.假設你正在電影院看一部特別棒的片子。
  • 18Pinocchio sells his A-B-C book to pay his way into the Marionette Theater.皮諾喬賣掉了他的識字課本,付了錢進了木偶劇院。
  • 19I would support a proposal to build a new movie theater in my neighborhood.我支持在我家附近建一個新電影院的提議。
  • 20In fact, most objects you see in a concert hall or theater serve double duty.事實上,你在音樂廳或劇院看到的大多數物品都有雙重功能。
  • 21The cinema, the theater, all that was every exciting with new things coming out.電影院、劇院、所有的一切都是非常令人興奮的新事物。
  • 22The theater audience said goodbye as Bradford locked the doors for the last time.在布拉德福德最後一次鎖門時,劇院的觀眾們向他説了再見。
  • 23They wandered everywhere, they looked into every nook and corner, house and theater.他們到處遊蕩,他們看遍了每一個角落,房子和劇院。
  • 24So what are some important considerations when we design a theater or a concert hall?那麼,當我們設計一個劇院或音樂廳時,有哪些重要的注意事項呢?
  • 25When his classmates lined up to enter the movie theater, the boy stood alone outside.當同學們排隊進入電影院時,男孩獨自站在外面。
  • 26Know, then, that written in letters of fire I see the words: GREAT MARIONETTE THEATER.那麼,你要知道,那裏用火紅的字寫着:大木偶戲院。
  • 27Let's say that you are in a movie theater and you have forgotten your sweater or jacket.假設你在電影院,你忘記帶上你的毛衣或外套。
  • 28Neither the human imitative instinct nor a penchant for fantasy by itself leads to an autonomous theater.無論是人類的模仿本能,還是對幻想的嗜好本身,都不會單獨成為獨立的戲劇形式。
  • 29Think about it, you are writing about dramatic arts, the theater, and that's the nature of theater, isn't it?想想看,你寫的是戲劇藝術、劇場,而且這就是戲劇的本質,不是嗎?
  • 30In addition to exploring the possible antecedents of theater, scholars have also theorized about the motives that led people to develop theater.除了探索戲劇可能的起源,學者們還從理論上探討了人們發展戲劇的動機。 [1] 