


tempo,英 [ˈtempəʊ] 美 [ˈtempoʊ],主要用作名詞,主要意思為“速度,節奏”等 [1] 
詞    性


n. (運動或活動的)速度,節奏;(音樂的)節奏,拍子;(印度次大陸)輕型三輪貨車
[ 複數 tempos或tempi ] [1] 


production tempo 生產進度現狀 ; 生產進度近況 ; 分娩進度現狀 ; 出產進度近況
Affection Tempo 戀愛節奏
tempo mark 速度標記 ; 速率標誌
in tempo 按原速 ; 按固定速度 ; 摩天樓
Tempo primo 恢復最初速度 ; 初速度 ; 意〕同上
tempo tempi 拍子 [1] 


  • It's a difficult piece, with numerous changes of tempo. 這支曲子節奏變化多,難度很大。
  • In a new recording, the Boston Philharmonic tried the original tempo. 在一張新唱片中,波士頓愛樂樂團嘗試了音樂原本的節奏。
  • He concluded that it was no higher salaries or better research facilities alone, but also the quicker tempo that lure them. 他得出的結論是,吸引他們的不僅僅是更高的工資或更好的研究設施,還有更快的節奏。
  • The tempo can be adjusted manually on conventional karaoke machines, but the new product is the first machine to do it automatically. 傳統的卡拉 OK機可以手動調節節奏,但這款新產品是第一台可以自動調節節奏的機器。
  • The machine uses a technology that automatically adjusts the speed and tone of any song being played to match the tempo and key the singer is using. 這台機器使用了一種技術,可以自動調整任何正在播放的歌曲的速度和音調,以配合歌手所使用的節奏和音調。
  • The group is now unafraid of the occasional tempo shift, and on some songs, drummer Will Champion even trades in his brushes for real live drumsticks! 這個樂隊現在已經不再害怕偶爾的節奏變化,在一些歌曲裏面,鼓手 WillChampion甚至把他的電子刷換成真實的鼓槌!
  • What if we allowed environmental conditions to set the tempo of human life? 如果我們允許環境條件來設定人類生活的節奏呢?
  • When it comes to heart health, there is speculation that it's not the style of music, but rather the tempo that makes it so good for your heart health. 説到心臟健康,有人推測不是音樂的風格,而是節奏對心臟健康有好處。
  • "He greeted me with 'apa kabar, Bapak Presiden' (How are you Mr. President) in fluent Indonesian," Yudhoyono was quoted as saying by the Koran Tempo daily. 《可蘭日報》援引蘇西洛的話説:“他用流利的印尼語問候我'你好嗎,總統先生'(apa kabar,Bapak Presiden)。”
  • Eduardo Marturet is a Venezuelan conductor and composer represented by Tempo Primo. 愛德華多·馬圖爾特是一位委內瑞拉指揮家和作曲家,代表作為《初速度》。
  • He liked disco music tempo. 他喜歡迪斯科音樂的節奏。
  • What's tempo in music? Yes, gentleman? 什麼是音樂的速度,好的,那位先生?
  • Tempo varies widely, as do the content. 節奏隨着內容有大範圍的變化。
  • The tempo of the city itself is exhilarating . 而紐約這個城市的節奏也是令人興奮的。
  • So they should keep a reasonable tempo in study. 因此,在學習上應保持合理節奏。
  • Listen for this tempo and wait for its rhythm. 傾聽這個節拍,等待它的韻律。
  • Tempo runs are good workouts when you’re ready. 當你達到某種程度的時候,“門檻跑”是一種很不錯的訓練方式。
  • Here we go. Notice the tempo is slowed down a bit here also. 我們開始吧,注意速度,在這裏也放慢了一點。
  • Startups that master speed, tempo and pivot cycle time will win. 把握了速度、節奏和關鍵性運轉週期的新創企業將取得成功。
  • One is a long run, one is a tempo run, and one is a speed workout. 一個是長跑,一個是節奏跑步,還有一個是速度訓練。
  • Cloudy weather may also have cut the tempo of attacks on ground targets. 多雲的天氣可能也減緩了對地面目標攻擊的速度。
  • The runners didn’t up their paces, no matter how fast the music’s tempo. 無論音樂的節奏有多快,跑步者都沒辦法加快自己的步調。
  • These extraordinary shifts in tempo were, for the most part, unanticipated. 這些節奏非同尋常的轉變大體上是我們不曾預料到的。
  • Turkey's winning entry in 2004 was an up-tempo pop tune with English lyrics. 2004年,土耳其憑藉一首用英語歌詞譜寫、節奏明快的流行歌曲,才獲得了參加大獎賽的入場券。
  • Control their own adjust the tempo the natural step to ensure their own pace. 控制自己,調整節奏,確保自己邁出自然的步伐。
  • This powerful song's slow tempo makes it great for your warm up or cool down. 這首強勁歌曲的慢節奏使它非常適合熱身或者冷卻。
  • Gradually accelerate to your marathon goal pace, or even your tempo-run pace. 漸漸地增加到你的馬拉松速度,甚至到你的節奏長跑速度。
  • To burn more calories, listen to music that builds in tempo during your workout. 為了燃燒更多的熱量,在你鍛鍊時,不妨聽些符合你節奏的音樂。 [1] 