

詞    性


tube sock 圓筒短襪 ; 無腳跟短統襪 ; 短襪
Sock Monkey 襪子猴 ; 軟的玩具猴子
Foot Sock 襪套 ; 英語應該是
gravity sock 帆布錐形漏斗
sport sock 運動襪
boot sock 長統襪
sloppy sock 休閒襪
Sock Puppers 假分身
nylon sock 尼龍短襪 [1] 


  • 1He groped around in the dark for his other sock.他在黑暗中到處瞎摸找另一隻襪子。《牛津詞典》
  • 2You've worn a hole in your sock.你的襪子磨出了個洞。
  • 3An old hot coffee pot is on the sock.襪子上有一個熱的舊咖啡壺。
  • 4Orders soon started coming in large numbers, and HoopSwagg became a popular brand among custom sock lovers.很快,訂單開始大量湧入,HoopSwagg 成為了襪子愛好者中很受歡迎的品牌。
  • 5Orders soon started coming in in large numbers, and HoopSwagg became a popular brand among custom sock lovers.很快,大量訂單開始湧入,HoopSwagg 成為了備受定製襪子愛好者歡迎的品牌。
  • 6He gave him a sock on the jaw.他朝他的下巴猛擊了一拳。《牛津詞典》
  • 7Hand and sock puppets are great for passing time.手工製作襪子玩偶是消磨時間的很好的方法。
  • 8Shoe is lined with tan boarded leather with green leather half sock and brown leather insole.鞋內襯黃褐色皮革,綠色皮革半襪,棕色皮革鞋墊。
  • 9Remove first sock from foot.把第一雙襪子從腳上脱下。
  • 10There's even a sock in the sink.水槽中還有一隻襪子。
  • 11We replenish the sock drawer.我們補充襪子到抽屜裏。
  • 12Look for matching sock.找相匹配的襪子。
  • 13I bought a new pair of sock yesterday.我昨天買了一對新短襪。
  • 14Okay, if you find the sock then put on sock.好的,如果找到襪子就穿上它。
  • 15We saw this with the sock algorithm a moment ago.我們前面看到了襪子算法。
  • 16Next, take the time to sock away some savings.接下來,花時間做些儲蓄。
  • 17Do you really think I won't look in your sock drawer?你真的認為我不會去翻你放襪子的抽屜嗎?
  • 18In the shoe is a foot, a rotted foot, in a rotted sock.鞋裏有隻腳,一隻穿着腐爛襪子的腐爛了的腳。
  • 19And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.而他那臭豆腐襪還沒離開過那幅牆。
  • 20Sock puppet: a false identity used for online fraud.馬甲:出於欺騙目的而使用的網絡假身份。
  • 21The sock becomes a symbol of the relationship as a whole.襪子成了整個關係的一個象徵。
  • 22Larval and nymphal ticks may penetrate a coarse weave sock.幼蟲和蜱蛹可能會滲透粗織襪子。
  • 23Cut off the foot part of an old, clean sock (with no holes!).將一隻舊的乾淨襪子裁剪一下(注意不要是那種破了洞的襪子!)
  • 24I left a red sock in with my white t-shirts and underwear.原來你把一隻紅襪子丟進去和白襯衫一塊洗,怪不得現在它們都成了粉紅襯衫了。
  • 25If the sock pads prove adequate, they will be the preferred bait.如果這回化妝棉能提供充分證據,那臭襪子將成首選誘餌。
  • 26Omg you won't believe how I'm planning to organize my sock drawer!我的天哪,你不會相信,我正打算整理我的襪子抽屜。
  • 27He realises, you sense, that he's the sock puppet of a maniac.正如你認識到的,他意識到自己是這個瘋子的傀儡。
  • 28The mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and sock.嘲笑者用長襪和短襪上的結鼓打存貨。
  • 29Put a sock in your car for when your sweaty football players come home.當你汗流浹背的足球運動員們乘車回家時,在你的車裏放一包蘇打粉。
  • 1.    sock  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-23]