


socialism,英語單詞,名詞,英[ˈsəʊʃəlɪzəm]美[ˈsoʊʃəlɪzəm] [1]  ,意為“社會主義”。
詞    性
英[ˈsəʊʃəlɪzəm]美[ˈsoʊʃəlɪzəm] [1] 


scientific socialism[社科]科學社會主義
democratic socialism民主社會主義
utopian socialism空想社會主義
Agrarian socialism農業社會主義
fabian socialism費邊社會主義
Guild Socialism基爾特社會主義
Science Socialism科學社會主義
promote socialism促進社會主義發展
Socialism Modernization社會主義現代化 [1] 


  • 1William Morris was one of the early prophets of socialism.威廉•莫里斯是社會主義的早期傳播者之一。《牛津詞典》
  • 2While some Socialists did view price protests as a direct step toward socialism, most Socialists ultimately sought to divert the cost-of-living movement into alternative channels of protest.雖然一些社會主義者確實將抗議價格視為向社會主義邁出的直接一步,但大多數社會主義者最終尋求將生活成本運動轉移到抗議的其他渠道。
  • 3Nehru ordained that socialism should rule.尼赫魯下命實行社會主義制度。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4He had decided long ago that he would put his trust in socialism when the time came.他很久以前就已決定,他到時候將信仰社會主義。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5This year's report said socialism with Chinese characteristics had entered a new era, and it drew up a two-stage development plan to build China into a "great modern socialist country" by mid-21st century.今年的報告指出,中國特色社會主義進入了新時代,並提出分為兩個階段的發展規劃,到21世紀中葉把中國建設成為“社會主義現代化強國”。
  • 6As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the main contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved.隨着中國特色社會主義進入新時代,中國社會面臨的主要矛盾發生進一步的變化。
  • 7From Britain, the new immigrants brought Fabian socialism.新移民從英國帶來了費邊社會主義。
  • 8We are still in the primary stage of socialism.我們仍處於社主義初級階段。
  • 9SOCIALISM: You have 2 cows, and you give one to your neighbour.社會: 你有兩頭牛, 你會將其一貢獻給鄰居。
  • 10There will come a day when people of the world live a happy life under the sun of socialism.全世界人民正在社會從義陰光上過幸運生活的一天是會到來的。
  • 11McCain also continued his attacks on Obama's tax proposals, which some of his supporters compare to socialism.麥凱恩還繼續抨擊奧巴馬的税改建議。
  • 12The formation and innovation of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics are aggregate theory.集合體理論是由先後遞進的個體理論構成的整體理論。
  • 13His awareness was mainly concerned about the nation, the people, the Party as well as the fate and future of Socialism.這種憂患意識主要是憂國、憂民、憂黨和憂社會主叉前途命運。
  • 14If the workers and peasant do not wish to accept socialism, our reply would be: Why waste words when we can apply force?要是工上下團結農平易近不但願接管社會形態主義,咱們的回覆是咱們能用武力為啥子還要華侈口舌?。
  • 15Agricultural university has the rich education resources, is the essential factor in enhancing the socialism new countryside building.農業高等學校擁有雄厚的科教資源,是推動新農村建設不可缺少的重要力量。
  • 16The greatest superiority of socialism is that it enables all the people to prosper, and common prosperity is the essence of socialism.但這種手段(雖然它可能在缺乏教養的人方面樹立他的優勢而得到成功)是不大可能叫任何人買帳的,除他妻子以外。
  • 17Quality and ability of higher vocational college and academy students influence the achievement of socialism modernization construction.高職高專院校學生的素質與能力,在國民經濟中的地位和作用不容忽視。
  • 18Harmony "is not just a momentous mark of the benign operation of the socialism, but also is a cultural expression of ideal social life mode."“和諧”既是反映社會良性運行的重要標誌,也是一種理想社會生活方式的文化表達。
  • 19The centre government demands all the societies concerns, supports and participation in the socialism new countryside building, and contributes to it.中央要求全社會關心、支持和參與新農村建設,為新農村建設作出貢獻。
  • 20Among those methods, the socialism criticism method, the comparative literature criticism method and the psychoanalysis criticism method are representative.其中有代表意義的是社會學批評方法、比較文學批評方法和精神分析學批評方法。
  • 21The test will contribute to defending the sovereignty of the country and the nation and socialism and ensuring peace and security on the Korean peninsula and the region.這次實驗將對保衞國家主權的統治地位和韓國半島的和平起到很大的作用。
  • 22The actual socialist practice should inherit and firm the objective of value of scientific socialism and explore the specific form of realizing objective of socialist value.企業社會責任的自我價值是核心和根本,是其社會價值的存在依據; 而其社會價值又是自我價值得以實現的要求和保障。
  • 23It does not affect our problem that some groups may want less socialism than others, that some want socialism mainly in the interest of one group and others in that of another.這個主義,某些黨團可能不怎麼需要,需要它的主要也各出於各的利益,不過都與我們的探討無涉。
  • 24How to avoid the difficulty from this bottle passing on to next generation and how to cultivate and develop rural children are an important issue in socialism village reconstruction.如何避免這種瓶頸導致的困難延續到下一代,如何培養開發農村兒童是新農村建設中的重大問題。
  • 25Also, we should consider it to be the value orientation of the ideological and moral cultivation of college students to cultivate them to be builders of socialism and reliable successors.並把它作為高校大學生思想道德修養的價值取向,來教育和培養當代的大學生。
  • 26Socialism economy has been rapidly developing. China is becoming the world's most important and fastest growing luxury goods market. This leads to attention to luxury goods from various scholars.中國正成為世界重要而且快速增長的奢侈品消費市場,這引起了各方學者對奢侈品消費的關注。
  • 27In order to meet the requirement of socialism market economy, water resources distribution of the Project will adopt market mechanism and water charge will be formed by supply-demand relationship.其水資源配置將採用市場機制運作,由供求關係形成水的價格,從而有可能造成水價劇烈波動。
  • 28Fourth, for the society, the Aesthetics of Teaching and Learning is instrumental to formation of aesthetic culture and promotes the establishment of cultural and ethical progress in the socialism.其四,對社會而言,教學美有助於審美文化的形成,從而促進社會精神文明的建設。 [1] 