

詞    性


英 [ˈsensləs] 美 [ˈsɛnslɪs] [1] 


senseless violence 毫無意義的暴力行為
senseless dream 無意義的夢 ; 無心義的夢
senseless talk 沒有意義的話
Senseless Darkened 闇昧
SENSELESS CHATTER 無謂的顫振 ; 無謂聊天者 ; 毫無意義地顫振
senseless rules 無意義的法規
fall senseless 失去知覺
position senseless 無位置傳感器 [1] 


  • 1She drank herself senseless.她喝得不省人事。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He was knocked senseless by the blow.他被一拳打得不省人事。《牛津詞典》
  • 3His dreams were senseless and inchoate.他的夢想毫無意義,很不成熟。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4It's senseless to continue any further.再繼續下去毫無意義。《牛津詞典》
  • 5His death was a senseless waste of life.他白浪費了性命,死得毫無意義。《牛津詞典》
  • 6The police blamed senseless drivers who went too fast.警察責怪莽撞司機開快車。《牛津詞典》
  • 7An innocent child's life has been snuffed out by this senseless shooting.這胡亂一槍就要了一個無辜孩子的命。《牛津詞典》
  • 8They were knocked to the ground, beaten senseless and robbed of their wallets.他們被打倒在地、不省人事,還被搶走了錢包。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9Paula was moaning, almost senseless.寶拉呻吟着,幾乎失去了知覺。
  • 10He was beaten senseless.他被打得不省人事。
  • 11Seen at ground level, the designs are a jumbled senseless mess.站在地面上看,這些圖案雜亂無章。
  • 12Millions of terrified beings scurry about through senseless mazes of tunnels and lanes.數百萬驚恐萬狀的生物在毫無意義的迷宮般的隧道和小巷裏跑來跑去。
  • 13It turned out that the woman, Natalie Smith, had read something on a friend's refrigerator: Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.事實證明,這位名叫娜塔莉·史密斯的女士曾在一個朋友的冰箱上讀到過這樣一句話:隨心隨意行善,無來無由求美。
  • 14I gave one for his nob and he fell senseless.我給他當頭一擊,他就昏倒了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 15Andre beats Jack senseless.安德烈將傑克痛扁直至其不省人事。
  • 16He lay senseless out in the rain.他毫無知覺地躺在雨中。
  • 17She was exasperated by the senseless delays.她被無謂的拖延弄得很惱火。
  • 18She bawled her senseless ditties to the audience.她聲嘶力竭對聽眾唱出她那無意義的小曲。
  • 19Senseless restrictions and arcane procedures abound.毫無意義的限制以及神秘莫測的程序無處不在。
  • 20News of her sudden, senseless death shocked the world.戴安娜意外的毫無預兆的死亡噩耗震驚世界。
  • 21The senseless man does not know, fools do not understand.畜類人不曉得,愚頑人也不明白。
  • 22Waste time on Senseless Activities - They say time is money.花時間做毫無意義的事——都説時間就是金錢。
  • 23I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you.我這樣愚昧無知,在你面前如畜類一般。
  • 24Without you, my life is senseless. If you fall, I’ll fall with you.沒有你我的生命毫無意義,如果你掉下去,我將跟你一起掉下去!
  • 25Without you, my life is senseless. If you fall, I'll fall with you.沒有你我的生命毫無意義,如果你掉下去,我將跟你一起掉下去!
  • 26It was enough to try the temper of a saint, such senseless, wicked rages!這樣失去理智、狂暴的脾氣,連聖徒也會受不了的!
  • 27That would be senseless because the future only exists in your imagination.這是無意義的,因為未來只存在於你的想象之中。
  • 28Allegation: Relativism entails that moral debates are senseless, since everyone is right.斷言三:相對主義意味着道德爭議是無意義的,因為人人皆正解。
  • 29Neither prejudice nor hate nor senseless fear should be the basis of this solemn act.偏見、仇恨或無端的畏懼都不應該成為這一鄭重舉動的依據。 [1] 