

詞    性


英[ˈsemɪnɑː(r)]美[ˈsemɪnɑːr] [1] 


Jesus Seminar耶穌研究會 ; 耶穌研討會
international seminar國際研討會 ; 國際研究班
hair seminar髮型研習會
Seminar Leader研討課教師 ; 哈佛學生 ; 哈佛授課老師
GN Seminar碩士生
Executive seminar行政研討會 [1] 


  • 1The seminar was to discuss diversification of agriculture.該研討會討論的是農業多種經營。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Seminar topics are chosen for their accessibility to a general audience.專題討論會的話題是根據普通聽眾的理解力來選定的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Students are asked to prepare material in advance of each weekly seminar.要求學生為每星期一次的研討班預先準備好材料。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Master Writer is an advanced seminar.“作家大師”是一個高級研討會。
  • 5After that, I attended the week-long seminar.在那之後,我參加了一場長達一週的研討會。
  • 6The seminar originally scheduled for today has been cancelled.原定於今天舉行的研討會已被取消。
  • 7He's still going to lead a graduate seminar each semester though.不過他還是會在每個學期主持一次研究生研討會。
  • 8I won't be ready till 5:00, as I've got my statistics seminar now.我要到5點才行,因為我現在要去參加統計學研討會。
  • 9So you'll just enroll in a thesis seminar for the second semester.所以你只需要在第二學期報名註冊一個論文研討會就可以了。
  • 10I wouldn't bother with it, to be honest, but I have to read it for a seminar.老實説,我本可以不看,但為了一個研討會我不得不讀它。
  • 11That, plus a couple more foundational classes, and you will definitely be ready for my seminar.具備了那些條件,再加上一些基礎課程,你就一定能夠參加我的研討會了。
  • 12I taught a seminar on globalization and I assigned a reading that I had written about global capital flows.我在一個關於全球化的研討會上授課,並佈置閲讀一篇我寫的關於全球資本流動的文章。
  • 13I'm going to the bank, then to the jewellery store, and after that, I have to prepare a presentation for my linguistic seminar.我要去銀行,然後去珠寶店,在那之後,我還要為我的語言學研討會準備一份報告。
  • 14There was much enthusiasm and support, and an official hunch of the project was held at an international seminar in France in 2007.該項目得到了很多熱情與支持,並在2007年在法國舉行的一次國際研討會上正式宣佈了該項目。
  • 15At a recent seminar, many participants were worried about the fact that overpopulation may give rise to many social security problems.在最近的一次研討會上,許多與會者擔心人口過剩可能會引起許多社會保障問題。
  • 16One of the stories I always like to tell is of a freshman seminar that I had a chance to teach at Harvard when I was president of the university.有一個我很喜歡講的故事是:當我在哈佛大學擔任校長時,我得到了一個機會,在新生研討班上講課。
  • 17One of the stories I always like to tell is about a freshman seminar that I had a chance to teach at Harvard when I was president of the university.有一個我總是很喜歡講的故事:當我在哈佛大學擔任校長時,我得到了一個能在新生研討班上講課的機會。
  • 18We can think of a government official holding a news conference, a lawyer cross-questioning a witness in court, or a professor directing a seminar discussion.我們可以想到政府官員舉行新聞發佈會,律師在法庭上交叉詢問證人,或教授指導研討會討論。
  • 19While it will be fun, the seminar also promises to be most instructive.這次專題討論會將會很有趣,也一定會非常有啓發性。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 20When speaking to the seminar Mr. Franklin spoke of his experience, gained on a recent visit to Trinidad.在研討會上發言時,富蘭克林先生談到了他最近一次在特立尼達訪問時所獲得的經驗。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 21That year, I attended a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world.那一年,我參加了一個研討會,我們被要求創建一個能夠影響世界的項目。
  • 22A seminar leader shared her success story—she had not only lost 125 pounds, but also raised $25,000 for homeless children.研討會的一位負責人分享了她的成功故事——她不僅減掉了125磅,還為無家可歸的兒童籌集了2.5萬美元。
  • 23I assume you have taken a seminar?我想你參加過研討會吧?
  • 24But I won't be ready till 5:00, as I've got my statistics seminar now.但是我要到五點才能準備好,因為我現在要去上統計課。
  • 25Finally, there would be a seminar room with closed circuit television.最後,還有一個帶閉路電視的會議室。
  • 26Ways of reading on a train or in bed are likely to differ considerably from reading in a seminar room.在火車上或牀上的閲讀方式可能與在研討室裏的閲讀方式有很大的不同。
  • 27The seminar will review our recent work on katanin.研討會將回顧我們最近在劍蛋白方面的工作。
  • 28By filling your head with learning - read a book, listen to a seminar, take a class, attend church.用你的全身心去學習--讀一本書,聽一堂討論發表會,加入一個班級,出席教會。
  • 29The fastest is probably a speed reading seminar based upon good materials and animated by a dynamic instructor.最快的方法可能是參加一個有關快速閲讀的研討會,前提是研討會上有最佳的學習材料和一個授課生動充滿活力的指導老師。 [1] 