

selectivity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“選擇性;分離性;選擇度”。 [1] 
詞    性


selectivity /sɪˌlɛkˈtɪvɪtɪ/
1.N the state or quality of being selective 選擇性 [1] 


selectivity coefficient[土壤][分化] 選擇係數 ; 選擇性係數 ; 選擇性 ; 選擇性係數英語
catalyst selectivity[物化] 催化劑選擇性 ; 翻譯 ; 催化劑選擇性
motivated selectivity 動機性選擇
selectivity index 選擇指數 ; 指數 ; 和選擇度
perceptual selectivity 選擇性 ; 知覺選擇性 ; 知覺的選擇性
biochemical selectivity 生化選擇性
mode selectivity 模選擇性
solvent selectivity 溶劑選擇性
polarization selectivity 偏振選擇性 ; 極化選擇性 [1] 


  • 1We haven't found any convincing evidence that selectivity or prestige matters.我們還沒有找到任何有説服力的證據來證明選擇性或聲望很重要。
  • 2Schools are tending towards greater selectivity.學校對新生的選拔有趨嚴之勢。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Selectivity is key to its success.選擇性是成功關鍵。
  • 4Step 2.5: Verify the selectivity estimates步驟 2.5:驗證選擇性估計
  • 5The selectivity of a predicate is defined as.謂詞的選擇性定義如下。
  • 6The first bucket of gold can make her life full of selectivity.這第一桶金,讓生活的可選擇性豐富極了。
  • 7Histograms are used to calculate the selectivity of the predicates.直方圖用於計算謂詞的選擇率。
  • 8This suggests a much better predicate selectivity than it appears to be!這表明謂詞選擇性比其表現出來的還要好!
  • 9The Listing 7 output is starting to look useful, but suffers from a lack of selectivity.清單7的輸出看起來有用一些了,但是缺少選擇性。
  • 10Our ears have only evolved to respond to sound with very high sensitivity and high selectivity.人類的耳朵對聲音的反應,極為敏感,也極有選擇性。
  • 11In other words, the optimizer overestimated the selectivity of the local predicates on the table.換句話説,優化器過高估計了本地謂詞對錶格的選擇性。
  • 12The optimizer can use data distributions to calculate selectivity for the filters in a query.優化器可以使用數據分佈來計算查詢中過濾器的選擇率。
  • 13Given accurate statistics, the query optimizer generally comes up with correct selectivity estimates.如果有了準確的統計信息,那麼查詢優化器一般能夠得出正確的選擇性估計。
  • 14YUSHAN YAN: "in terms of sensitivity and selectivity, the current technology out there is still inferior."嚴教授:“在靈敏度和選擇性方面,目前的技術仍存在劣勢。”
  • 15Now that you've analyzed the selectivity of the local predicates, let's now look at the table selectivity.已經分析了本地謂詞的選擇性,我們再看看錶的選擇性。
  • 16So it is obvious that the accuracy of selectivity estimation depends upon how often you run UPDATE STATISTICS.因此,選擇性估算的準確性顯然基於您運行UPDATE STATISTICS的頻率。
  • 17The use of column groups provides more accurate estimates of the joint selectivity of multiple predicates.列組的使用將給多個謂詞的聯合選擇提供更準確的估計。
  • 18But the selectivity calculated in this way is not as accurate as selectivity calculated using data distribution.但是,使用該方式計算的選擇性不如使用數據分佈計算的選擇性準確。
  • 19Let me count the ways: First, graduation rates rise with college selectivity, even among equally qualified students.讓我們盤點一下這些方法:首先,名牌大學的畢業率隨着學校的知名度而逐次升高。
  • 20Each join reduces the size of the fact table by one-tenth due to selectivity of the table filter on each dimension table.由於每個維度表過濾的選擇度,每次連接都會減少事實表大小的十分之一。
  • 21The selectivity is a value between 0 and 1 that indicates the percentage of rows within the table that the filter can pass.選擇率是介於 0 到 1 之間的一個值,表示表中能通過過濾器的行所佔的百分比。
  • 22On its own, that's pretty powerful; but XPath offers quite a bit more in terms of selectivity, all using what's called a predicate.這本身已經非常強大了,不過 XPath 還提供了更多的選擇性,即使用所謂的謂詞。
  • 23The optimizer USES data distribution information generated by UPDATE STATISTICS to calculate selectivity for the filters in the query.優化器使用UPDATE STATISTICS所生成的數據分佈信息來計算查詢中篩選器的選擇性。
  • 24At the same time, we also have found differences in signal selectivity that may allow us to target some bacteria while ignoring others.同時,我們還發現了信號選擇性的差異,這能夠使我們針對一些特定的細菌而不影響到其他。
  • 25The performance improvement depends on the selectivity of the filter on the dimension table from which the join keys are pushed down.性能的提高取決於連接鍵被下推時所在維度表的過濾選擇度。
  • 26The optimizer can then compare the input variable values to catalog statistics and compute a better selectivity estimate for predicates.然後,優化器可以將輸入變量的值與編目統計進行比較,併為謂詞計算出一個更好的選擇估計。
  • 27However, in the absence of data distributions, the database server calculates selectivity for filters of different types based on table indexes.但是,如果沒有數據分佈,則數據庫服務器根據表索引計算不同類型的過濾器的選擇率。
  • 28And each node is annotated by statistics, estimated costs, selectivity information and so forth that are used to determine the access plan flow.每個節點都有統計數據、評估成本、選擇信息等用來確定訪問計劃流的註釋。 [1] 