

schoolboy,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“男學生;學童”。 [1] 
詞    性


schoolboy /ˈskuːlˌbɔɪ/ TEM4 ( schoolboys )
1.N-COUNT A schoolboy is a boy who goes to school. 男學生 [1] 


Little Schoolboy 讀書郎
Schoolboy Pranks 小學生惡作劇
schoolboy U 男學生
schoolboy crush 男生暗戀 ; 小學生迷戀 ; 男童粉碎
Schoolboy Lyrics 學童抒情詩
schoolboy slang 學生俚語
schoolboy humor 幼稚的笑話
schoolboy y 男生 ; 夜叫基 ; 男學生
schoolboy form 學徒合約 [1] 


  • 1Schoolboy Josh Henderson, 10, holds his hand against that of the world's tallest man.10歲男生喬什·亨德森握着世界上最高的人的手。
  • 2A schoolboy once asked George Daniels what he had at the end of the chain that led to his pocket.一名男學生曾經問喬治·丹尼爾斯,他那根伸進衣袋的鏈子末端有什麼。
  • 3In return, the schoolboy said he would let the company sponsor the hand by putting the Mercedes logo on it – just like the adverts on F1 cars.作為回報,這個男生説他會讓公司在這隻手上放奔馳標誌並贊助它——就像 F1 賽車上的廣告一樣。
  • 4The same day, just as miserably, newspapers reported that a 17-year-old schoolboy, also in Karachi, had been arrested and charged with blasphemy.同一天,同樣悲慘的是,報紙報道同樣在卡拉奇的一名17歲的男生被捕,並被指控褻瀆神明。
  • 5It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error.那是個糟糕透頂的錯誤,一個小學生才會犯的錯誤。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6He looked for all the world like a schoolboy caught stealing apples.他那個樣子簡直就像偷蘋果時被當場抓住的小學生。《牛津詞典》
  • 7The schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street.那名男生過馬路時被一輛小型公共汽車撞倒了。
  • 8Schoolboy John Doyle suffered a 25,000-volt electric shock and lived.小學生約翰·多伊爾遭遇2.5萬伏特的電擊,還活了下來。
  • 9Can you recommend something that a schoolboy of seven or eight will really like?你能推薦一個七、八歲的男孩會真正喜歡的東西嗎?
  • 10It is nothing for a big, strong schoolboy to elbow an elderly woman aside in the dash for the last remaining seat on the tube or bus, much less stand up and offer his seat to her, as he ought.在地鐵或公共汽車上,一個身強力壯的男學生在衝向最後一個座位時,用胳膊肘把老婦人推到一邊,這算不了什麼,更不用説他本應站起來給她讓座了。
  • 11After all he is still a schoolboy.他終歸是個小學生。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 12Methusaleh seems a schoolboy.Methusaleh看起來更像是一個小學生。
  • 13A schoolboy went home with a pain in his stomach.一個男孩放學回家時,覺得肚子有點痛。
  • 14'You look like a schoolboy now!' says Brandt, syringes flying.“你現在看上去就像個學校裏的男生!”布蘭德説,手裏的注射器都快要飛出去了。
  • 15After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your hand.縱使多年已過,但每當我緊握你的手時,仍有一種自己還是高中生的感覺。
  • 16I got off the 601... somewhere, and asked a passing schoolboy where to find lunch.我在某地下了601,問一個過路的小男孩在哪可以吃午飯。
  • 17Strong circumstantial evidence suggests that van Gogh was the victim of schoolboy bullies.具有強大説服力的包含細節的跡象表明,梵高是一個校園惡霸的受害者。
  • 18Radcliffe, who turned 18 over the summer, was 11 when he was first cast as the schoolboy wizard.今年夏季將度過18歲生日的雷德克里夫在最初飾演這個小巫師的時候才11歲。
  • 19And when Marcus, a London schoolboy, loses the person closest to him, he desperately needs answers.當倫敦小學生馬庫斯失去了他的至親,他迫切地想要知道些答案。
  • 20This popular film version told the story of a clever, electrified schoolboy born on the night of a UFO visit.這部曾風靡一時的電影講述了一名聰明機智、身上帶電的小男孩的故事,他出生於一個飛碟來訪的夜晚。
  • 21He hangs out with many of his schoolboy friends, and lives within a mile of where he grew up and went to school.他仍然和很多同學一起外出,他的房子離自己生長和學習的地方只有一英里。
  • 22A schoolboy entrepreneur is celebrating becoming a millionaire - at the age of just 16, the Sun of London reported.據英國《太陽報》報道,該國一名年僅16歲的男孩,尚未走出校門,就已成為身家百萬的少年企業家。
  • 23"I am very concerned about you, I promise you, I will take the first boat and fetch you," reads a message from schoolboy P.一個男孩在尋找他父親的紙條上這樣寫道:“我非常擔心您。
  • 24Within forty minutes her head was coveded with tiny, closelying curls that made her look wonderfully like a truant schoolboy.不出40分鐘,她頭上不滿緊帖頭皮的小卷發,變得活像一個逃學的小學生。
  • 25His father, who knows schoolboy German, translated the letter, carefully wrapped in cellophane and sealed with a medical bandage.他的父親,擁有一點學前的德語能力,給他的兒子進行了翻譯,那個信息條上還是用玻璃紙和一個醫用繃帶包裹,甚為嚴實。
  • 26In return, the schoolboy said he would let the company sponsor the hand by putting the Mercedes logo on it - just like the adverts on F1 cars.作為回報,這個男生説他將允許公司在這隻手上放奔馳標誌而贊助它-就象F1賽車上的廣告一樣。
  • 27According to Karl S. Kruszelnicki with ABC Science Online, it's a simple misunderstanding of the grading system when Einstein was a schoolboy.據ABC科學在線的卡爾·s·克魯茲爾尼奇介紹,造成這種誤解的原因是愛因斯坦上學時學校的評級制度。
  • 28The Coventry schoolboy broke the record for his age during a charity bodybuilding event at the Standard Triumph Club in his hometown on Sunday.這個來自考文垂的男孩於上週日在其家鄉“標準勝利俱樂部”舉行的一次慈善健身活動中一舉打破了12歲年齡組的舉重紀錄。
  • 29According to historian Dr Peter Hicks, las Cases describes how Napoleon hated being sat down to work like a schoolboy but steeled him for the task.歷史學家彼得·希克斯博士指出,卡斯在回憶錄中描述了拿破崙當時十分痛恨像學生一樣坐下來學習,但又強迫自己去學習英語。 [1] 