
save you

(Simple Plan樂團演唱歌曲)

《save you》是2008年來自加拿大且頗具實力的流行龐克樂團Simple Plan同名專輯simple plan》中的一首歌。 [1] 
save you
simple plan
Simple Plan

save you歌曲歌詞

take a breath,I'll pull myself together.
just another step until I reach the door
you'll never know the way,
it tears me up inside to see you
i wish that I could tell you something
to take it all away.
sometimes I wish I could save you
and there's so many things that I want you to know
I won't give up till it's over
if it takes you forever, i want you to know
when i hear your voice,
it's drowning in the whispers
your just skin and bones
there's nothing left to take
and no matter what i do
i can't make you feel better
if only i could find the answer
to help me understand
sometimes i wish i could save you
and there's so many things that i want you to know
i won't give up till it's over
if it takes you forever, i want you to know
that, if you fall, stumble down,
i'll pick you up off the ground.
if you lose faith in you,
i'll give you strength to pull through.
tell me you won't give up,
cause i'll be waiting here if you fall
you know i'll be there for you
if only i could find the answer,
to take it all away
sometimes i wish i could save you
and there's so many things that i want you to know
i won't give up till it's over
if it takes you forever, i want you to know
i wish i could save you...
i want you to know...
i wish i could save you...

save you樂隊介紹

簡單計劃(Simple Plan)是成軍於加拿大蒙特利爾由五位成員組成的樂隊。“簡單計劃”樂隊由五位帥小夥組成,分別是主唱Pierre Bouvier、雙吉它手Jeff Stinco及Sebastien Lefebvre、貝斯手David Desrosiers與鼓手Chuck Comeau,在2002年發表了第一張純正流行朋克專輯《No Pads, No Helmets, Just Balls》,在歐美市場的幾百萬張的銷量證明了他們並非等閒之輩。但Simple Plan沒有衝昏頭腦。2004年秋,由金牌搖滾製作人Bob Rock(曾經為“金屬”樂隊等擔任製作人)擔當監製的專輯《Still Not Getting Any…》(一無所有)的面市充分見證了這五人組合的健康成長。這不再是張專輯純粹的流行朋克專輯。其第一主打單曲“Welcome to my life”已經成為全球範圍內的熱門歌曲;“Shut up”則是生猛有力流行朋克,而“Untitled”則是一首動人的情歌。
Simple Plan的情緒其實更多是來自經典朋克們那些永不磨滅的憤怒與青春衝動,激揚的鼓點、流暢的旋律、時髦的扮相、加上不俗的實力和傑出表現使他們成為一代城市少年主流的音樂消費目標。而從其主唱Pierre Bouvier被美國《明星》(PopStar)雜誌評為2005年最性感的14個男人之一也可以看到Simple Plan未來的道路會更為多姿多彩。