

rolled,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、動詞,作形容詞時譯為“軋製的;滾制的”,作動詞時譯為“使…轉動;搖擺(roll的過去分詞和過去式)”。 [1] 
詞    性


roll /rəʊl/ CET4 TEM4 ( rolling, rolled, rolls )
1.V-T/V-I When something rolls or when you roll it, it moves along a surface, turning over many times. 滾動
2.V-I If you roll somewhere, you move on a surface while lying down, turning your body over and over, so that you are sometimes on your back, sometimes on your side, and sometimes on your front. 打滾
3.V-I When vehicles roll along, they move along slowly. (車輛) 緩行
4.V-I If a machine rolls, it is operating. (機器) 運轉
5.V-I If drops of liquid roll down a surface, they move quickly down it. (液體) 滾落
6.V-T If you roll something flexible into a cylinder or a ball, you form it into a cylinder or a ball by wrapping it several times around itself or by shaping it between your hands. 卷; 繞 (成柱形或團)
7.PHRASAL VERBRoll up means the same as . 卷; 繞 (成柱形或團)
8.N-COUNT A roll of paper, plastic, cloth, or wire is a long piece of it that has been wrapped many times around itself or around a tube. (一) 卷
9.V-T If you roll up something such as a car window or a blind, you cause it to move upward by turning a handle. If you roll it down, you cause it to move downward by turning a handle. 搖 (車窗、捲簾等)
10.V-T/V-I If you roll your eyes or if your eyes roll, they move around and upward. People sometimes roll their eyes when they are frightened, bored, or annoyed. (指眼睛) 翻轉 [書面]
11.N-COUNT A roll is a small piece of bread that is round or long and is made to be eaten by one person. Rolls can be eaten plain, with butter, or with a filling. 麪包卷
12.N-COUNT A roll of drums is a long, low, fairly loud sound made by drums. 低緩的轟隆鼓聲
13.N-COUNT A roll is an official list of people's names. 名冊
14. → see also rolling, rock and roll
15.PHRASE If something is several things rolled into one, it combines the main features or qualities of those things. 集於一體
16. heads will roll →see head [1] 


Rolled oats 燕麥片 ; 麥片 ; 即食燕麥片 ; 傳統燕麥片
rolled glass[玻璃] 壓延玻璃 ; 輥制玻璃 ; 輥軋玻璃 ; 滾壓玻璃
rolled edge 軋製邊
rolled tap 滾壓絲錐
rolled towels 捲筒餐巾紙
Rolled Walls 捲曲鈑金
rolled concrete 滾壓混凝土 ; 碾實混凝土
rolled piece 軋件
rolled hose 卷盤水帶 [1] 