


relativity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞。作名詞時譯為“物理相對論;相對性”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˌreləˈtɪvəti] 美 [ˌreləˈtɪvəti]
n. (物理)相對論;相對性 [1] 


theory of relativity [物]相對論
general relativity 廣義相對論;一般相對論
special relativity 狹義相對論
principle of relativity [物]相對論
relativity theory 相對論
general theory of relativity 廣義相對論
relativity principle 相對性原理
special theory of relativity 狹義相對論 [1] 


  • 1According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.根據相對論,任何東西都無法超越光速。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Einstein's theory of relativity won for him universal esteem.愛因斯坦的相對論贏得了全世界對他的崇敬。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 3My colleague mentioned how the theory of relativity completely changed the field of physics.我的同事提到了相對論如何徹底改變了物理學領域。
  • 4The visit was a triumph, and he said to a friend excitedly, "I was able to convince Hilbert of the general theory of relativity."這次訪問是一次勝利,他興奮地對一個朋友説:“我説服了希爾伯特相信廣義相對論。”
  • 5Albert Einstein predicted this in 1905, when he introduced the concept of relative time as part of his special theory of relativity.阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦在1905年預測到了這一點,當時他在狹義相對論中引入了相對時間的概念。
  • 6Thus time and time's relativity are measurable by any hourglass, alarm clock, or atomic clock that can measure a billionth of a second.因此,時間和時間的相對性可以用任何沙漏、鬧鐘或原子鐘來測量,其中原子鐘可測量出十億分之一秒。
  • 7Milton is infusing this passage with a powerful sense of—I don't know, what can we call it?—of gender nonconformity and cultural relativity.彌爾頓在這段中注入了一個很強烈的思想——我也不清楚,我們怎麼叫這種思想呢?——性別的不一致和文化的相對性。
  • 8Much to the bewilderment of professional scientists, quasi-religious cults are being formed around such unlikely topics as quantum physics, space-time relativity, black holes and the big bang.令專業水準的科學家十分困惑的是,準宗教崇拜正圍繞量子物理學、時空相對論、黑洞和大爆炸等不太可能的話題而形成。
  • 9The aim is to contrast veracity and relativity of identification of micrococcaceae.目的是對比微球菌鑑定的準確性與相關性。
  • 10And that is even without relativity.即使不考慮相對論。
  • 11What is relativity?什麼是相對論?
  • 12Timothy's Theory of Relativity and context.我的“相對性和關聯性理論”。
  • 13Einstein discovered the theory of relativity.愛因斯坦發現了相對論。
  • 14Einstein didn't try to make relativity strange.愛因斯坦沒有試圖使相對論奇異。
  • 15It is a foundation of the theory of relativity.那是相對論的基礎。
  • 16Thank relativity every time your car starts.每次你順利啓動汽車,都幸虧有了相對論。
  • 17— of gender nonconformity and cultural relativity.這種性別的不一致和文化的相對性。
  • 18Carroll: This goes back to relativity and Einstein.卡羅爾:這就回到了愛因斯坦的相對論。
  • 19Special relativity deals with physical extremes.狹義相對論同物理極限相關。
  • 20It is a meaningless question in special relativity.對狹義相對論來説,這個問題毫無意義。
  • 21All three are implied by Einstein's relativity theory.這三個都是愛因斯坦的相對論中的主要觀點。
  • 22One thing relativity tells us about is length contractions.相對論告訴我們的一件事是長度的收縮。
  • 23General relativity predicts that EG should be around 0.4.廣義相對論預測EG值應該在0.4左右。
  • 24He also made another serious change to general relativity.他還對廣義相對論做了另一項認真的改變。
  • 25Einstein was 26 when he first published his Theory of Relativity.愛因斯坦26歲發表他的相對論。
  • 26That seemed to violate Einstein's theory of special relativity.這似乎違背了愛因斯坦的狹義相對論。
  • 27Einstein would tackle this later in his general theory of relativity.愛因斯坦在他後來的廣義相對論中去處理這個問題。
  • 28But it does not have the double relativity of Kant's Erscheinung.但這不是康德的的雙重相對,不是對事實妄加評論。
  • 29When relativity was excluded, roughly 80% of that voltage disappeared.而那個不用相對論的模型大約80%的電伏都沒有計算到。 [1] 