

ratio,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“比率,比例”等。 [1] 
比率法; 信噪比; 比率的
詞    性
名    詞
比例; 比,比率; 係數


英 [ˈreɪʃiəʊ] 美 [ˈreɪʃioʊ]
n. 比率,比例
[ 複數 ratios ] [1] 
詞根: ratioadj.
rateable 按比例的;可估價的;應納税的(等於ratable)
proportion, rate, ratio, percentage
proportion (兩件事物之間的)比,比例, 通常用於各種成分或分配額的比例等;
rate 常用於表示速率,利率,出生率,死亡率,兑換率等;
ratio (表示兩個數量之間關係的)比,比例, in direct/inverse ratio to 成正比/反比
percentage 百分比,百分率 [1] 


contrast ratio [電子] 對比率 ; 比照度 ; [經] 反差比
Quick ratio 速動比 ; 速動比值
Aspect ratio [科技] 長寬比 ; 縱橫比 ; 展弦比 ; 屏幕比例
compression ratio [物] 壓縮比 ; [物] 壓縮率 ; 緊縮比 ; 臨界壓縮比
Current Ratio [會計] 流動比率 ; [電] 電流比 ; 流動化率 ; 流動比
Poisson's ratio 泊松比 ; 柏松比 ; 波松比 ; 縱橫應變比
Sharpe ratio 夏普比率 ; 夏普指數 ; 夏普比例
financial ratio [會計] 財務比率 ; 各種財務比率 ; 財務比率英語
Gearing ratio 運用倍數 ; 槓桿比率 ; 成本槓桿 ; 資本與負債比率 [1] 


  • 1The adult to child ratio is one to six.成人與兒童之比是1比6。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The school has a very high teacher-student ratio.這所學校的師生比例很高。《牛津詞典》
  • 3What is the ratio of men to women in the department?這個部門的男女比例是多少?《牛津詞典》
  • 4That would lead to the plant in its shade sensing an unusual ratio.這將導致處於陰影中的植物感知到一個不尋常的比例。
  • 5A ratio of less red and to more far-red light would cause a reaction from the plant.較少紅光和較多遠紅光的比例會引起植物的反應。
  • 6The ratio of liquid to solid cargo shipped across the Ramian Sea did not vary significantly over the period.在此期間,通過拉米恩海運送的液體和固體貨物的比例沒有明顯變化。
  • 7The ratio of oxygen-16 to oxygen-18 found in the calcite of a foraminifer's shell depends on the temperature of the water in which the organism lived.在有孔蟲殼的方解石中發現的氧-16和氧-18的比例取決於該生物生存處的水温。
  • 8The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to form glacial ice.隨着大量的水通過蒸發被抽離,並以雪的形式沉澱形成冰川冰,海洋中氧同位素的比率就發生了變化。
  • 9Agrillo's team found that mosquitofish can discriminate between numbers up to 16, but only if the ratio between the fish in each shoal was greater than 2:1.阿格利羅的團隊發現,食蚊魚最多可以分辨大到16的兩個數字的大小,但前提是每個魚羣中魚的比例大於2:1。
  • 10Although women's wages are improving, Department of Labor statistics show that the ratio of their earnings with that of men have been roughly static since 1960.儘管女性的工資在提高,但勞工部的統計數據顯示,自1960年以來,女性收入與男性收入的比率基本保持不變。
  • 11The bigger the animal is, the lower its surface-to-volume ratio; for every ounce of body mass, there is proportionately less surface through which heat can escape.動物體型越大,其體表體積比越低;軀體每增加一盎司的重量,所能散發熱量的表面就成比例減少。
  • 12Some biologists hypothesize that a plant will stop growing if it's in the shade of another plant, a reaction that's triggered when it senses an unusual ratio of red light to far-red light.一些生物學家假設,如果一株植物處在另一株植物的廕庇下,它就會停止生長,當它感知到紅光與遠紅光的不尋常比例時,反應就會觸發。
  • 13This fascinating experiment showed that plants not only detect and react to specific wavelengths of light, plants can also detect and react to changes in the ratio of one wavelength to another.這個有趣的實驗表明,植物不僅能探測和對特定波長的光產生反應,還能探測不同波長比率的變化並對其做出反應。
  • 14The ratio of applications to available places currently stands at 100:1.目前,申請人數和就業崗位的比例為100:1。《牛津詞典》
  • 15An increasing ratio of mistakes, perhaps induced by tiredness, crept into her game.可能是因為疲勞,她在比賽中的錯誤率不知不覺地升高了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 16The dominant lead ratio found in Greenland snow matched that found in gasoline from the United States.在格陵蘭的雪中發現了大量的鉛,其含量與在美國汽油中發現的相當。
  • 17A titanic impact could have stripped away a portion of its rocky mantle, leaving behind a metallic core whose density is out of proportion with the original ratio of rock to metal.超大碰撞可能剝去了水星的一部分岩石地幔,留下了一個金屬核心,其密度與原來的岩石與金屬的比例相比大得不成比例。
  • 18The effect of water binder ratio (W/C) was studied.對水灰比的影響進行了研究。
  • 19C/N ratio can be taken as a rooting index of elm tip.碳/氮比率可作為白榆新梢生根的指標。
  • 20Bilobalide in leaves had a high ratio of total terpene lactone.葉片中的雙葉利德具有很高的總萜內酯比例。
  • 21Shares are deemed pricey when the p/e ratio is above its long-run average.如市盈率超出長期平均狀況,股份價格即被視為昂貴。
  • 22Different feed gas ratio could produce synthesis gas of different H/C radio.原料氣各物質的比例不同,可以製備不同碳氫比的合成氣。
  • 23For the eccentric model, Hipparchus found for the ratio between the radius of the eccenter.對於偏心模型,希帕克斯發現了偏心半徑之間的比率。
  • 24The ratio of signal to noise (S/N) is greatly improved through the phase sensitivity detection.通過相位靈敏度檢測,大大提高了信噪比。
  • 25Fork lifter may to into the passage of each row of the rack, improving the utility ratio of warehouse.叉車可直接進入巷道內存取貨物,倉庫利用率高。
  • 26Model CR118 has a Fraction to Decimal Conversion Chart and Trigonometric Ratio Equations etched on the front side.CR118 模型的正面刻有一個分數到十進制的轉換圖和三角比公式。
  • 27The law of multiple proportions has insisted on the fundamental character of the combining ratio for different atoms.倍比定律規定了不同原子間化合比的基本特徵。
  • 28CLIA using acridinium ester derivatives as chemiluminescent label has advantages of low background and high signal-to-noise ratio.以吖啶酯衍生物為發光標記物的CLIA的特點是:自然本底低和信噪比高。
  • 29Re-adsorption under the conditions ibidem got the removal ratio 80% indicated that the material can be utilized for several times.用吸附了鉻離子的針鐵礦進行的二次吸附實驗(條件同前)去除率達到80%左右,表明該針鐵礦可以重複利用。
  • 30The ratio between the two sides is one to four.雙方人數對比是一對四。《新英漢大辭典》 [1] 