


prince,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“王子,王孫;國君,親王;佼佼者,名家”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [prɪns] 美 [prɪns]
n. 王子,王孫;(小國的)國君,親王;佼佼者,名家; (某些歐洲國家的)貴族
【名】 (Prince)(英、葡)普林斯,(法)普蘭斯(人名)
[ 複數 princes ] [1] 


Prince Charming 白馬王子
prince charles 查爾斯王子(英國王儲)
crown prince n. 皇太子;皇儲
prince of wales n. 威爾士親王(英國皇太子之封號)
happy prince 快樂王子(童話故事)
prince albert 雙排扣的男長禮服
merchant prince n. 富商;有影響力的商人
prince george 喬治王子城(加拿大城市) [1] 


  • The prince should be plunged into work. 應該趕緊讓王子投入工作。
  • The prince allied himself with the Scots. 王子與蘇格蘭人結盟。
  • The prince rode at the head of his regiment. 王子騎馬走在衞隊的前頭。
  • The prince was turned into a frog by the witch. 王子被女巫變成了一隻青蛙。
  • He claims to be descended from a Spanish prince. 他聲稱是一位西班牙王子的後裔。
  • The Prince awakened Sleeping Beauty with a kiss. 王子的吻喚醒了睡美人。
  • The witch foretold that she would marry a prince. 女巫預言她將嫁給王子。
  • Sometimes he had overacted in his role as Prince. 有時,他把王子的角色過度演繹了。
  • Prince continued his enthusiastic gyrations on stage. 王子繼續在台上激情地旋轉。
  • A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale. 在這部卡通童話片裏,一位王子變成了一隻青蛙。
  • The media's obsession with the young prince continues. 新聞媒體繼續對小王子進行連篇累牘的報道。
  • He is grander and even richer than the Prince of Wales. 他自視比威爾士王子還要高貴、還要富有。
  • The presence of the prince added lustre to the occasion. 王子的出現給那場面增添了光彩。
  • She married the prince and they lived happily ever after. 她與王子成了婚,從此過着幸福的生活。
  • He believed he had been a prince in a previous incarnation. 他相信他的前生是個王子。
  • The prince had performed his social duties with professional rigour. 王子以職業性的嚴謹履行了他的社會職責。
  • With a wave of her magic wand, she changed the frog into a handsome prince. 她魔杖一揮,把青蛙變成了英俊的王子。
  • The prince kissed Snow White. 王子吻了白雪公主。
  • The prince finished his story. 王子的故事講完了。
  • Tush, he must be the prince! 噓,他一定是王子!
  • The prince told him to send her. 王子讓他叫她來。
  • The lion was an enchanted prince. 獅子是一個被施了魔法的王子。
  • This is the true prince, gone mad! 這才是真正的王子,瘋了!
  • You can't sue the prince. 你不可以起訴王子。
  • The prince picked up the dance shoe. 王子將舞鞋拾起。
  • You look like a prince! 你看起來像個王子!
  • I like the adventures of little prince. 我喜歡小王子的冒險。
  • The prince loves her as one loves a child. 王子愛她像愛一個孩子。
  • Thou would'st not have an honorable Prince! 你是不會擁有一位尊貴的王子的!
  • The Prince was appointed Imperial Swineherd. 王子被任命為皇家豬倌。 [1] 