

photovoltaic,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“[電子] 光電伏打的,光電的”。 [1] 
詞    性
[,fotovɑl'teɪk; ,fotovol'teɪk]


photovoltaic /ˌfəʊtəʊvɒlˈteɪɪk/
1.ADJ A photovoltaic cell or panel is a device that uses sunlight to cause a chemical reaction which produces electricity. 光電的 [技術][ADJ n] [1] 


photovoltaic sensor[自] 光伏式傳感器 ; 光電伏打傳感器 ; 光電傳感器 ; 光電感測器
photovoltaic cellphotocell 光電伏打電池
Photovoltaic devices 光電器件 ; 光伏器件 ; 光電設備 ; 第八章
Photovoltaic Panel 光伏板 ; 電池板
photovoltaic module 光生伏打組件 ; 光伏組件
photovoltaic photodetector 光生伏打光電檢測器
photovoltaic inverter 光伏逆變器 ; 光伏逆變電源 ; 成為具備太陽能轉換器
Shunfeng Photovoltaic 順風光電 [1] 


  • 1The technology of amplifying solar energy can save the number of semiconductor materials required for photovoltaic cells.通過放大太陽能的技術可以節約光伏電池所需的半導體材料的數量。
  • 2The laser at photovoltaic cells mounted on the pelican's underside, charged the chopper's battery, keeping it aloft for 12 hours and 27 minutes.激光瞄準安裝在鵜鶘下面的光伏電池,給直升機的電池充電,使它在空中飛行了12小時27分鐘。
  • 3Photovoltaic systems are also at less than 2 percent.光伏系統停工期同樣不到2%。
  • 4PHOTOVOLTAIC cells are already a familiar sight on rooftops.光伏電池早已成為屋頂上一道熟悉的風景線。
  • 5But others are simple - like concentrated solar photovoltaic.但是還有一些主意很簡單-比如集中起來的太陽能光伏發電。
  • 6This is not to say that big photovoltaic projects are finished.這並不是意味着大型太陽能光伏發電項目已窮途末路了。
  • 7A photovoltaic array is a linked collection of multiple solar cells.一個光伏陣列是若干太陽能電池連接在一起的集合。
  • 8Last year, manufacturers made 5 gigawatts of photovoltaic panels.去年,生產商們共製造了發電量達50億瓦特的光電池板。
  • 9The compound is cheaper to use for photovoltaic material than silicon.碲化鎘是一種比硅更便宜的光伏材料。
  • 10Solar PV (photovoltaic) cells generate electricity directly from sunlight.太陽能光伏電池直接利用陽光發電。
  • 11Energy: think of solar power, and you probably think of photovoltaic panels.能源:想到太陽能,你可能會想到光伏板。
  • 12Imagine giant fields filled with photovoltaic solar panels, soaking up rays.想象一塊兒佈滿光電轉換太陽能電池板,吸收着光能的巨大場地。
  • 13Completed in late 2008, it is the world's fourth largest photovoltaic power plant.於2008年底建成,是世界第四大光伏電站。
  • 14The company specializes in making silicon crystal wafers to be used in photovoltaic cells.該公司專攻用於光伏電池的硅晶片。
  • 15In practice that mostly means solar: 97% of the take-up has been to install photovoltaic panels.實際上,此項補貼主要針對於太陽能的推廣:97%的受惠對象都安裝了光伏板。
  • 16Better still would be electricity from a new generation of emissions-free solar photovoltaic panels.新一代的零排放太陽能光伏電板技術,也使用電的好處更加不言而喻。
  • 17Suntech has emerged as one of the top two leading makers of solar photovoltaic panels in the world.尚德作為全球領先的前兩名太陽能系統製造商之一出現在市場。
  • 18Solar or photovoltaic cells, made of silicon, produce an electrical current when exposed to sunlight.太陽能電池(或稱光伏電池)由硅製成,受陽光照射時產生電流。
  • 19The helium-filled globes will be covered with thin-film, flexible photovoltaic panels to capture sun’s rays.充滿氦氣球體的表面是薄膜。 柔軟的光電板用來捕獲太陽光線。
  • 20Zhejiang Jinko's parent is a producer of solar components and photovoltaic panels, according to its website.據浙江晶科能源公司網站介紹,它的母公司是太陽能組件和光伏電池板的生廠商。
  • 21Standard solar panels are assembled from arrays of photovoltaic cells made from silicon, like computer chips.標準的太陽能板是由硅做成的光電池並排在一起組成的,就像是電腦芯片一樣。
  • 22One reason for this is that the supply of silicon, from which most photovoltaic cells are made, has increased.原因之一是用以製造大多數光伏電池的硅材的供應量增長了。
  • 23The researchers propose creating a biological solar panel, which will contain diatoms instead of photovoltaic cells.研究人員提議生產一種充滿硅藻而不是光伏電池的太陽能生物面板。
  • 24Photovoltaic cells rely on amorphous or crystalline silicon, cadmium telluride, or copper indium selenide and sulfide.光伏電池依賴於非晶態或晶態的硅,碲化鎘或者硒化、硫化銅銦。
  • 25Conventional photovoltaic panels typically use the electricity they generate in situ, and cannot deliver power at night.傳統的光伏面板產生的電力必須就地使用,因此在晚間的時候是無法產生任何的能量的。 [1] 