


phase是一個英文單詞。英[feɪz] 美[feɪz]
詞    性
名    詞
分階段實行; 調整相位


  1. 狀態;形勢;局面
  2. 面,方面;側面
  3. 【天】【化】相,相位,盈虧,變相
  4. 階段,時期
  5. 【物】相,位相,周相
  6. 【動】型,期
  7. 狀況,情形,現象
  1. 使一致
  2. 分階段實行,分階段前進,分階段開始
  3. 逐步採用,逐步做,逐步引入,逐步廢除
  4. 使定相,使同步
  5. 調相
  6. 使分階段進行
  7. 使按計劃進行
  8. 使調整相位
  9. 按計劃進行


  • 1The investigation has entered a new phase.調查已進入新階段。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The crisis is entering a crucial, critical phase.危機正進入一個至關重要的決定性階段。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Today we enter the hottest phase of the election campaign.今天我們進入了競選活動最激烈的階段。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.婚禮標誌着埃瑪生活新階段的開始。《牛津詞典》
  • 5The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.寫作中真正最重要的階段是修改。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project.今年秋季,6000名居民將參與這項計劃的第一階段。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7McCarthy was asked to analyse the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine.麥卡西被要求分析從這種疫苗試驗的第一階段取得的數據。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.下階段的行動包括部署來自12個國家的三萬五千多名士兵。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9So begins another phase of the cycle.這樣就開始了循環的另一個階段。
  • 10We call all of this the land phase of the Phosphorus cycle.我們把這稱為磷循環的陸地階段。
  • 11This kind of periodic orbit is only a phase in a comet's life.這種週期性軌道只是彗星生命中的一個階段。
  • 12The water phase is sometimes affected by excessive fertilizers.水相有時會受到過量肥料的影響。
  • 13If not, then transformations have to be performed in the mapping phase.如果沒有,則在映射階段必須執行轉換。
  • 14Each phase should be manageable within an hour or so of playing around.每個階段應在一小時左右的時間內進行。
  • 15Though still in prototype phase, the gloves seem to have impressed the experts.儘管仍處於原型階段,這種手套似乎給專家們留下了深刻的印象。
  • 16Should you pick only one friend from each phase of your life, or more than one?你應該在人生的每個階段選擇一位朋友,還是不止一個朋友?
  • 17For this reason, this phase should only occur after you have redesigned the process.因此,此階段僅應在您重新設計了流程之後進行。
  • 18These materials turn from a solid into a liquid absorbing energy as they change phase.這些材料在相變時從固體轉變為吸收能量的液體。
  • 19If that one is called the land phase, then this has to be called the water phase, right?如果那被稱為陸相,那麼這個就必須被稱為水相,對吧?
  • 20The court has yet to issue formal indictments, and the proceedings remain in the pre-trial phase.法院沒有發佈正式的起訴書,訴訟程序仍在審訊前的階段。
  • 21This rule is an exception to the above rule of not setting mediation properties during this phase.本條規則是上述要求不在此階段設置中介屬性的那條規則的一個例外。
  • 22When heated, these materials turned from a solid into a liquid absorbing energy as they change phase.當這些材料受熱時,它們會從固態變成液態,並在相變時吸收能量。
  • 23As for us, we've started using our plane time as a work-free zone, and thus time to dip into the recovery phase.對於我們來説,我們已經開始將飛行時間用於休息,從而有時間漸入恢復階段。
  • 24Phase III, from March 1991 to March 1993, focused on the refinement and institutionalization of these activities.從1991年3月到1993年3月,第三階段的重點是對這些活動做精細的改進並且使其制度化。
  • 25It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in the overwhelmingly significant phase in European history.談論大眾傳媒在歐洲歷史上極其重要的階段中的作用並不容易。
  • 26Recent books like "Germania" and "The German Genius" suggest that English-language publishing may be entering a post-swastika phase.最近新出版的書籍如《 Germania 》、《 The German Genius 》暗示英語出版界似乎正步入後納粹階段。
  • 27Within each phase, you must achieve a major milestone via the execution of one or more micro iterations before the next phase can begin.在每個階段中,您必須在下一個階段開始之前,通過執行一個或多個微迭代來實現一個主要的里程碑。
  • 28Although using RAD during the assembly phase is a fairly common practice, many IT businesses are very specialized with only legacy systems.儘管在組裝階段使用 RAD 是一種很常見的做法,但很多 IT 企業僅在使用遺留系統方面非常專業。
  • 29Every generation develops these habits at a certain age, but Millennials seem to be extending this phase of life as they postpone marriage.每一代人都會在某個年齡段養成這些習慣,但千禧一代似乎因為推遲結婚而延長了這一階段的生活。
  • 30Little was known about the transport demands of the rural households, so Phase I, between December 1985 and December 1987, focused on research.由於對農村居民的交通需求瞭解很少,因此第一階段,即1985年12月到1987年12月,主要集中在調查研究上。 [2] 


用作名詞 (n.)
  • in phase
    1. 〈物理〉同相working or going together (with another or each other)The camshaft rotates in phase with the crankshaft, but at half its speed. 凸輪軸和曲軸協調旋轉,但速度僅是曲軸的一半。
  • out of phase
    1. 〈物理〉異相not working or going together (with another or each other)The carrier wave has got out of phase with the signal wave. 載波同信號波是異相的。
用作動詞 (v.)
  • phase down (v.+adv.)
    1. 逐步減少lessen gradually phase sth ⇔ downThe program to phase down waste in natural sources is progressing successfully in the country.逐步減少自然能源的浪費正在這個國家順利進行。
  • phase in (v.+adv.)
    1. 逐步採用introduce (sth) in stages or gradually phase sth ⇔ inWe should phase in the new working plans.我們應逐步採用新的工作計劃。The company has phased in a series of new production plans.這家公司已採用了一系列新的生產計劃。
  • phase out (v.+adv.)
    1. 逐步淘汰,逐步結束stop or remove (sth) in stages or gradually phase sth ⇔ outThe machine has been phased out.這種機器早已過時了。The factory has already phased out a batch of production equipment.這家工廠已經淘汰了一批生產設備。 [1] 