


詞    性


occupation tax[税收]開業税 ;[税收]職業税 ; 佔租
Present Occupation目前職業 ; 現任職務 ; 現行職業 ; 現任職業
occupation disease職業病 ; 佔位性病
occupation judgement職業判斷
Occupation Mobility工作調動 ; 職業流動
Occupation cutthroat職業殺手
current occupation現在的職業 ; 目前職業 ; 目前佔領 ; 目前從事的職業
service occupation服務行業 ; 服務性職業 [1] 


  • 1Parachuting is a dangerous occupation.跳傘是一種危險的消遣。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Her main occupation seems to be shopping.逛商店購物似乎是她的主要消遣。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The areas under occupation contained major industrial areas.被佔領地區擁有主要的工業區。《牛津詞典》
  • 4I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure.我想我那時在尋找一份冒險型職業。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation.你會被要求填寫一張有關你的出生和職業詳情的表格。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.他那篇文章的含意是,當家庭主婦遠遠不如所有其他職業。《牛津詞典》
  • 7Father's occupation is police.爸爸的職業是警察。
  • 8That was the real occupation.那才是真正的職業。
  • 9It's your occupation, isn't it?這是你的職業吧?
  • 10May I know your occupation?你的職業是啥?
  • 11What's the most dangerous occupation?最危險的職業是什麼?
  • 12We have a question here about occupation.現在我們有一個關於職業的問題。
  • 13Why are you interested in this occupation?你為什麼對這個職業感興趣?
  • 14Tell me your name, address, and occupation.請告訴我你的姓名、年齡和職業。
  • 15Television repairman was a common occupation in the 1950s, for instance.例如,電視修理工在20世紀50年代是一個很普遍的職業。
  • 16Seligian death certificates indicate only the deceased's last occupation.塞利吉安的死亡證明只顯示死者最後的職業。
  • 17This ended Israel's decades-long occupation in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.這結束了以色列對加沙地帶和約旦河西岸長達數十年的佔領。
  • 18No, I've discovered the real thing, the only genuine occupation for a life time.不,我找到了真正有意義的工作,唯一真正可以做一輩子的職業。
  • 19To cognitive researchers like Piaget, adulthood meant the beginning of occupation.對於皮亞傑這樣的認知研究人員來説,成年意味着一份職業的開始。
  • 20To cognitive researchers like Piaget, adulthood meant the beginning of an occupation.對於皮亞傑這樣的認知研究人員來説,成年意味着一份職業的開始。
  • 21Moreover, European society was relatively stratified; occupation and social status were inherited.此外,歐洲社會相對來説是分階層的;職業和社會地位是通過繼承得到的。
  • 22Your surname may be derived from a place, such as Lancaster, for example, or an occupation, such as weaver.或許,你的姓氏來源於一個地方名,例如蘭卡斯特,或者來源於職業,例如編織工。
  • 23A zoo employee who develops a serious animal-induced allergy is very likely to switch to some other occupation.動物園的工作人員如果出現嚴重的動物過敏症狀,很可能會轉向其他職業。
  • 24It also explains why some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain.這也解釋了為什麼羅馬不再在英國擁有任何正式的權威之後,還有一些堡壘繼續處於被佔領的狀態。
  • 25Like most people, I've long understood that I will be judged by my occupation, that my profession is a gauge people use to see how smart or talented I am.和大多數人一樣,我早就知道人們會用我的職業來評價我,且我的職業是人們用來衡量我有多聰明或多有才華的一個標準。
  • 26Food price protests were these women's way of organizing at their own workplace, as workers whose occupation was shopping and preparing food for their families.對食品價格的抗議是這些婦女在自己的工作場所組織起來的方式,她們的職業是為家人採購和準備食物。
  • 27Workers have the legal right to refuse certain unsafe work assignments under two federal laws, the Occupation Safety and Health Act and the National Labor Relations Act.根據兩項聯邦法律,即《職業安全與健康法案》和《國家勞動關係法案》,工人有權拒絕某些不安全的工作任務。
  • 28Careful excavation and documentation of layers in a mound can reveal a wealth of information about the everyday life of a people in a settlement over many periods of occupation.仔細挖掘和記錄一個土堆的各個層次,可以揭示出豐富的信息,關於一個民族在許多次佔領期在定居地的日常生活的信息。
  • 29A well-rounded student having learnt multiple subjects throughout their educational career will be seen as a suitable candidate by employers in their chosen occupation in the future.一個全面發展的學生在其教育生涯中學習了多種學科,他們將在所選的職業中被僱主視為合適的候選人。
  • 30Furthermore, a well-rounded student having learnt multiple subjects throughout their educational career will be seen as a suitable candidate by employers in their chosen occupation in the future.此外,一個全面發展的學生,在他們的教育生涯中學習了多種學科,未來在他們選擇的職業中將被僱主視為一個合適的候選人。 [1] 