

詞    性


根據《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 》:
N-COUNT A noun is a word such as "car," "love," or "Anne" which is used to refer to a person or thing. 名詞 [1] 


noun phrase 名詞短語
abstract noun 抽象名詞
proper noun [語]專有名詞
uncountable noun 不可數名詞
plural noun 複數名詞
collective noun n. 集合名詞 [1] 


  • 1In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.法語中形容詞必須在數和性上與名詞一致。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The plural 's' is not a free form, as it must always be attached to a noun.表示複數的s不是自由語素,必須附着於名詞。《牛津詞典》
  • 3In the sentence 'I spoke to the driver of the car', 'the driver of the car' is a noun phrase.在句子I spoke to the driver of the car中,the driver of the car是名詞短語。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The more definitions a given noun has, the more valuable is each one.一個名詞的定義越多,每個定義就越有價值。
  • 5A noun is followed by any of two verbs; a verb is followed by any of three nouns.名詞後接兩個動詞中的任何一個;動詞後再接三個名詞中的任何一個。
  • 6Thus for example, every noun ends in "o", every adjective in "a", and basic form of every verb in "i".例如,每個名詞以“ o ”結尾,每個形容詞以“ a ”結尾,每個動詞的基本形式以“ i ”結尾。
  • 7Fail—"a noun or interjection used when something is egregiously unsuccessful"—was 2009's the most useful word.失敗——“名詞或感嘆詞,當某事非常不成功時使用”——被評為2009年最有用的單詞。
  • 8Let's not even get into the question of whether concepts like noun and verb can be meaningfully applied to animal communication.我們還是不要討論像名詞和動詞這樣的概念應用於動物交流是否有意義了。
  • 9The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religio, which denotes both earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence.宗教一詞源自拉丁語宗教名詞,它既表示認真遵守儀式義務,又表示內向的崇敬精神。
  • 10However, as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out, organizations increasingly use "team" as a verb rather than a noun: they form teams for specific purposes and then quickly disband them.然而,正如哈佛大學的艾米·埃德蒙森所指出的那樣,越來越多的組織將“團隊”用作動詞而非名詞,原因是他們往往為了一些特殊目的組建團隊,之後迅速地又解散團隊。
  • 11"Leap" can also be a noun, meaning a jump, or a sudden move.“Leap”也可以作為名詞,意思是跳躍或突然的移動。
  • 12Nominative is used when the noun is the subject or a predicate nominative.當名詞是主語或謂語主格使用主格。
  • 13Noun phrase, verb, noun phrase.名詞詞語,動詞,名詞詞語。
  • 14The "noun" is the target of the code.“名詞”是代碼的目標。
  • 15Teacher: What's an abstract noun, Jane?老師:簡,什麼是抽象名詞?
  • 16Noun: the luff is the leading edge of a sail.名詞:luff指的是帆的前緣。
  • 17M: Jinx. Jinx can be used as a verb or a noun.噢,jinx這個詞可以作動詞,也可以作名詞。
  • 18The noun is first attested 1841; the verb 1888.它的名詞形式在1841年首次確立,動詞形式則是1888年。
  • 19The noun "identifier" has one sense in WordNet.名詞“identifier”在WordNet中有一種意義。
  • 20Note that objective is a noun, not an adjective.注意目標(objective)是一個名詞,而不是一個形容詞。
  • 21The noun "purchase order" has one sense in WordNet.名詞“purchase order”在WordNet中有一種意義。
  • 22How to pronounce the noun "ounce" in the announcement?佈告中的名詞“盎司”怎樣發音?
  • 23Always add the appropriate articles in front of the noun.總是在名詞前加上適當的冠詞。
  • 24They're very traditional. He's the noun. She's the adjective.他們很傳統,男人是名詞,女人是形容詞。
  • 25The output of a command is a noun — data to be perused or used.命令的輸出是名詞——要查閲或使用的數據。
  • 26experiment: noun meaning something that you do to see the result.experiment:名詞,意思是做一些事情看結果,通常用來説科學家和他們的學生。
  • 27Sure, community is a noun, but it’s not something you can hold.當然,社會是個名詞,但不是你能觸摸感覺到的。
  • 28Presence is a noun, not a verb; it is a state of being, not doing.“在場”是個名詞,而非動詞。它指的是一種存在的狀態,而不是一種行為。 [1] 
  • 1.    noun  .有道詞典[引用日期2020-08-23]