

nighttime,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、形容詞,作名詞時譯為“夜間”,作形容詞時譯為“夜間的”。 [1] 
詞    性


Nighttime driving 夜間駕駛
Nighttime Parenting 夜間撫育
Nighttime Factory 夜工廠
Nighttime operations 晚上作業
At Nighttime 日夜晚
nighttime integral 區域積分
nighttime visual 夜間視覺
winter nighttime 冬天夜間
Nighttime flight 夜間飛行 [1] 


  • 1Antidiuretic prescriptions can reduce nighttime urination.抗利尿的處方可以減少夜間排尿。
  • 2A 2008 British study found that compared to getting more nighttime sleep, a mid-day nap was the best way to cope with mid-afternoon sleepiness.2008年英國的一項研究發現,與獲得更多的夜間睡眠相比,午間小睡是應對午後睏倦的最佳方式。
  • 3A 2008 British study found that compared to getting more nighttime sleep, a mid-day nap was the best way to cope with the mid-afternoon sleepiness.2008年英國的一項研究發現,與獲得更多的夜間睡眠相比,午間小睡是應對午後睏倦的最佳方式。
  • 4The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half.威廉·默多克在18世紀90年代受到煤炭的易得性的啓發,發明了1500年裏的第一種新的夜間照明方式。
  • 5She gazed down upon the nighttime splendour of the city.她往下凝視着這個城市夜晚的壯美。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6Many trips that start out in daylight will probably become nighttime adventures when people can't find their way.在人們無法找到路的情況下,許多在白天開始的旅行可能變成夜間冒險。
  • 7That's the paradox that I really like, the paradox of painting a nighttime scene using so much color and light.我正是喜歡這種矛盾之處,用如此多的顏色和光線來描繪一個夜晚的場景。
  • 8When crayfish are kept continuously in the dark, even for four to five months, their compound eyes continue to adjust on a daily schedule for daytime and nighttime vision.當小龍蝦持續被關在黑暗的環境中,即使是4到5個月,它們的複眼仍然可以繼續按照日常生活時間,對晝夜視覺進行調節。
  • 9Develop nighttime fears.害怕黑夜。
  • 10Houston remains under a nighttime curfew.休斯敦仍然實行夜間宵禁。
  • 11BLOG: Nighttime Makes Urban Heat Waves deadly.部落格:夜間造成“致命”的城市熱浪。
  • 12Daytime naps steal hours from nighttime slumber.白天小睡會把夜間的熟睡時間偷走幾個小時呢。
  • 13Nighttime sleep schedules may change with age too.晚上的睡覺時間可以隨着年齡增長而改變。
  • 14Nighttime temperatures will also rise by similar Numbers.晚上的温度也將以類似的幅度提升。
  • 15But nighttime satellite imagery may offer a good proxy for its use now.但夜間衞星照相也許是一個良好的範例。
  • 16Nighttime dreams are usually very brief, lasting only a matter of minutes.夜間的夢通常很短暫,只持續幾分鐘。
  • 17Photo Tip: Nighttime photographs almost always require long exposures.拍照小技巧:拍夜景基本上都要用到長時間曝光。
  • 18The liver expects fats and sugars during the daytime not the nighttime.肝臟期待脂肪和糖類,在白天而不是在夜晚。
  • 19It was nighttime when it happened, many families would have been at home.山體滑坡發生在夜間,許多家庭應該都在家。
  • 20The other falling at nighttime would be Bobby Kennedy (five years later).“還有偉人在深夜倒下”那就是鮑勃·肯尼迪(那是五年之後的事了)。
  • 21At nighttime, if I wake up, I think Ronnie's there, and I start to talk to him.夜間,如果我醒來,我想羅尼在那兒,我開始跟他説話。
  • 22The sleep debt was also found to be most noticeable during the subject's nighttime.睡眠缺失也可以在受試者的夜間顯而易見的被發現。
  • 23It also restores our nighttime sky to the way it was when our ancestors gazed above.還使我們的夜空恢復到以前我們祖先所仰望凝視的模樣。
  • 24A prescription antidiuretic can cut down on nighttime urination if this is the only problem.如果這是唯一的問題,抗利尿的處方可以減少夜間排尿。
  • 25For about $5, tourists receive guided nighttime walks on the beach in search of turtles.你需要支付5美元,就會被允許在指導下晚上在海灘上尋找海龜。
  • 26Better would be to hit the beach during the day and save the drinking for the nighttime.其實,你最好是在白天做日光浴,酒可以留到晚上喝。
  • 27Many other questions remain about our nighttime cognition, however it might have evolved.關於我們夜晚認知仍然有許多未解之謎。
  • 28To ensure precise correlations, only nighttime photos under cloud-free conditions were analyzed.為了保證得到精確的相關性,他們只分析了在無雲條件下得到的夜間照片。
  • 29A nighttime routine can be very effective in letting your body know when it's time to sleep.晚上你會比較容易切換到睡眠狀態,因為你的身體知道——到點了。
  • 30We have lost our view of the stars, and we have mucked up our nighttime environment as well.我們已經看不見星星,也破壞了夜晚的自然環境。 [1] 