

詞    性
釋    義


英[nəˈreɪt]美[næret] [1] 


narrate taletelling講故事
narrate policy敍事策略
narrate e講
narrate history講史
desire narrate慾望敍事
poetic narrate詩性敍事
suffering narrate苦難敍事 [1] 


  • 1The three of them narrate the same events from three perspectives.他們3個人從3個角度敍述同樣那些事件。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Yet! - Who doth my future narrate?尚未!-誰講述我的未來?。
  • 3You can try to narrate that thing.你可以嘗試去敍述那件事。
  • 4Would you narrate me your call digit?你能吿訴我你的電話號碼嗎?
  • 5To narrate the facts or particulars of.詳細敍述講敍……的事件或細節。
  • 6Shall I narrate a strange experience of mine?我把我的一次奇遇敍述一下好嗎?
  • 7Narrate latitude converting from time to space.敍事緯度由時間向空間的轉換。
  • 8Richard went to narrate in the new radio play.理查將在這個新的廣播劇中擔任旁白。
  • 9Richard is going to narrate in the new radio play.理查將在這個新的廣播劇中擔任旁白。
  • 10From now on, I will narrate my idea in English first.從今以後,我將用英語敍述我的想法。
  • 11He once holds the tear to narrate a such story to mine.他曾經含着淚給我講述了這樣的一個故事。
  • 12Narrative voice is another important aspect to narrate the story.敍述聲音是講述故事的另一個重要方面。
  • 13To narrate is to give an account of what happened or is happening.記敍文講述的是發生在當前或過去事情的經過。
  • 14As he continued to narrate his story I could hardly bear to listen.他繼續敍述他的故事,我幾乎不忍心聽下去。
  • 15Or narrate a moment in which she was unaware that you were watching her.或者描述一個她沒有留意到你在注視着她的時刻。
  • 16The dreams are so idiotic that I can hardly bring myself to narrate them.這些夢非常無聊,我簡直不大好意思講。
  • 17The dreams are so idiotic that i can hardly bring myself to narrate them .這些夢非常無聊,我簡直不大好意思講。
  • 18Behind it is the narrate gap between prophase modernity and anaphase modernity.其背後正是前期現代性遭遇後期現代性所產生的敍事裂隙。
  • 19Morrie would walk that final bridge between life and death, and narrate the trip.莫里將走過存亡間的最終橋樑,並講述這路程。
  • 20How is your life at college? Please narrate and comment in English or in Chinese.你的大學生活如何?請敍述並加以評論(英文或漢語均可)。
  • 21In the novels about Cooperation Movement, custom is an important narrate tactics.風俗是合作化小説重要的敍事策略之一。
  • 22On image narration: Vision culture changes the narrate in the way of In-depth Report.關於圖像敍事:視覺文化對整合式深度報道敍事方式造成了衝擊。
  • 23I memorize in those early years two Niangs to once narrate me and say that he is dead.我記得當年二孃曾經告訴過我,説他已經死了。
  • 24Thus, they began to narrate, like that night, the narrative Cowboy and the Weaver Girl.於是,他們開始敍説,就像那夜,牛郎和織女的敍説。
  • 25Ever notice how kids narrate what they're doing? (" Just one more Lego and my fortress is complete! ")!有注意過孩子怎麼複述他們的行為麼?“還差一個積木我的城堡就要完成了!”
  • 26Apparent, these professional content that narrate like Ms. Liu place, did not allude in current policy.顯然,像劉女士所述的這些專業內容,在目前的政策中並沒有提及。
  • 27On basis of interview, the author address assumption and target of narrate therapy, also a method to do.在深入訪談的基礎上,筆者提出敍事治療的基本假設和目標,以及相應的工作手法。
  • 28Smile of speak own viewpoint, Sung sings snow an face to tin not narrate the facial statement of deep fancy.笑笑的説出自己的想法,宋吟雪一臉看不出深意的表情。
  • 29The women clamored to narrate their stories with an infectious energy and enthusiasm which was hard to leave behind.這些婦女爭先恐後地講述她們的經歷,其感人的活力和熱情令人難以忘懷。
  • 30In order to unfurl my faculty to use English, I plan to compose a story to narrate a young man's process to carve out.為了展示我的英語實力,我決定寫一部小説,描寫一個年輕人創業的過程。