

migratory,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“遷移的;流浪的”。 [1] 
詞    性
[ˈmaɪɡrətri; maɪˈɡreɪtəri]


migratory /ˈmaɪɡrətərɪ/
1.ADJ A migratory bird, fish, or animal is one that migrates every year. 季節遷徙的 [usu ADJ n]
2.ADJMigratory means relating to the migration of people, birds, fish, or animals. (人、鳥、魚等動物)移居的; 遷徙的; 流動的 [ADJ n] [1] 


migratory fishes 迴游魚類 ; [魚] 洄游魚類 ; 溯河魚類 ; [魚] 洄游性魚類
migratory birds 候鳥 ; 遷徙的鳥 ; 小候鳥 ; 候鳥類
Migratory aptitude[有化] 遷移傾向 ; 遷移性
migratory beekeeping 轉地養蜂 ; 轉地放蜂 ; 放牧蜂羣
Migratory Thrombophlebitis 移動性血栓靜脈炎 ; 靜脈炎
migratory spminihole 臭氧小洞
migratory high 移動性高壓
migratory aggregation 遷移集團 ; 遷移性羣集
migratory erysipelas 遊走性丹毒 [1] 


  • 1Some residents voiced concern that the rice could threaten certain species of rare migratory birds.一些居民擔心這種大米會威脅到某些稀有候鳥的生存。
  • 2To test the idea, caged night-migrating birds were placed on the floor of a planetarium during their migratory period.為了驗證這個想法,這些在夜晚遷徙的候鳥被關進籠子裏,並且在它們的遷徙期間被放置在一個天文館的地面上。
  • 3He noticed that as they fluttered around in the cage, they often launched themselves in the direction of their normal migratory route.他注意到,當它們在籠子裏到處飛的時候,通常會朝着常規的遷徙路線的方向。
  • 4Early in his research, Kramer found that caged migratory birds became very restless at about the time they would normally have begun migration in the wild.在克雷默早期的研究中,他發現被關在籠中的候鳥在它們通常開始在遷徙的大致時間會變得非常不安。
  • 5They are important and necessary feeding and breeding grounds for migratory birds.他們是候鳥必不可少的覓食和繁殖地,十分重要。
  • 6In 1934, with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Act), an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory waterfowl and the wetlands so vital to their survival.1934年,隨着《候鳥狩獵印花税法案》的通過,為阻止對遷徙的水禽以及對水禽生存至關重要的濕地的破壞,一個日益感到擔憂的國家(指美國)採取了堅決的行動。
  • 7About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System—a fact that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come.每1美元的鴨票中約有98美分直接轉入候鳥保護基金,用於購買濕地和野生動物棲息地,將其納入國家野生動物保護區系統——這一做法使得土地受到長久的保護。
  • 8The differences in feeding preferences lead, in turn, to differences in migratory habits.攝食偏好的差異,又導致了遷徙習慣的不同。
  • 9Any of migratory songbirds of the family Turdidae usually have brownish upper plumage.任何一種鶇科遷徒鳥類的上部羽毛通常為褐色。
  • 10Can migratory birds carry H5N1 over long distances?候鳥會長距離攜帶H5N1型禽流感病毒嗎?
  • 11Do migratory birds spread highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses?候鳥是否傳播高致病性禽流感病毒?
  • 12For photo of Northern Harriers, Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, ut.這張白尾鷂照片攝於猶他州貝爾河候鳥保護地。
  • 13The Salyan Rayon is located near wetlands frequented by migratory birds.薩利亞內區地處經常出現候鳥的濕地附近。
  • 14Deaths in migratory birds, infected with the virus, have also been reported.還報告了受該病毒感染的候鳥的死亡。
  • 15As the season changes, migratory birds begin to arrive at the coastal wetland.隨着季節的變化,候鳥開始陸續到達沿海的濕地。
  • 16The migratory birds gather in flocks along the coast and gradually drift southward.候鳥沿着海岸成羣聚集,並逐漸南移;
  • 17The hours were lengthy, the work difficult and migratory and the accommodations rough.工作時間漫長,工作艱苦而且需要奔波,食宿條件簡陋。
  • 18The study, appearing Oct. 29 in Nature, may improve conservation efforts for migratory birds.該研究發表於10月29日的《自然》雜誌,候鳥保育研究有了新進展。
  • 19The park is also the domain of the Porcupine caribou herd and half a million migratory birds.公園也是豪豬、馴鹿羣和50萬候鳥所佔有的地方。
  • 20To conserve energy, migratory birds prefer tailwinds, and are willing to wait for good weather.為了節省體力,鳥兒們更喜歡順風,它們期待着天氣轉好。
  • 21Their case is that the park could violate the Endangered Species Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.他們指控這座風電站可能違背了瀕危物種保護法案,及候鳥條約法案。
  • 22The role of migratory birds in the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza is not fully understood.候鳥傳播高致病性禽流感的作用尚不完全清楚。
  • 23The livestock on the green side was managed in a way designed to mimic the great migratory herds of Africa.在草木葱翠的一邊,人們模仿非洲草原上動物的遷移的模式對牲口進行管理。
  • 24Countries located along migratory routes need to be vigilant for signs of disease in wild and domestic birds.處於候鳥迴游路線的國家必須警惕野鳥和家禽患病的跡象。
  • 25A cell in the eye may be worth two in the beak, at least when it comes to a migratory bird's magnetic compass.鳥的眼睛中的細胞可能會是鳥嘴裏細胞價值的兩倍,至少當談到候鳥的磁性羅盤來説是這樣。
  • 26They are also highly migratory, and will follow warm ocean currents for hundreds and even thousands of miles.他們還會高度洄游,可以循着海洋中的暖流漫遊到數百甚至數千英里處。
  • 27Apart from aesthetics, the threat to migratory birds is the most frequently cited argument against wind farms.反對風電站的理由,除了從美觀上,還有一條經常被提到的理由,即對候鳥的威脅。
  • 28Researchers have focused on how warming trends in temperate breeding areas disrupt the sensitive ecology of migratory birds.此前,已有調查人員把重點放在了“暖動向”在影響温帶繁殖區怎樣影響候鳥敏感生境的。 [1] 