

manure,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時譯為“肥料,糞肥”,作動詞時譯為“給……施肥”。 [1] 
詞    性


manure /məˈnjʊə/ TEM8 ( manures )
1.N-MASSManure is animal faeces, sometimes mixed with chemicals, that is spread on the ground in order to make plants grow healthy and strong. 肥料 [1] 


to manure 施肥
animal manure 動物性雜肥 ; [肥料] 畜肥 ; 牲畜糞 ; 以動物糞尿為主構成的肥料
bone manure 骨粉肥料 ;
complete manure 完全肥料 ;
goat manure 山羊糞肥
fermented manure 發酵堆肥
manure basket 糞箕
vegetable manure 植物肥料
fish manure 魚肥 ; 魚粉 ; 豆餅等魚飼料 ; [1] 


  • 1The manure should be well dug in.肥料應均勻地混入土壤。《牛津詞典》
  • 2There isn't time to dig deeply and put in manure or compost.沒有時間挖得再深些,並放入糞肥或堆肥。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Dung is used as manure.糞被用做肥料。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4Dad said the stronger the manure, the healthier the crops, and he was right.爸爸説肥料越濃,莊稼就越健康,他是對的。
  • 5And every week he cleaned Old Man McColgin's chicken house in exchange for manure.每週他都要打掃麥考金老人家的雞舍以換取肥料。
  • 6Of the collection, one letter best sums up his views on the relationship between manure and freedom.在他的文集中,有一封信很好地總結了他對於肥料與自由之間關係的看法。
  • 7The organic content in the cattle manure prescriptions was remarkably correlated linearly with muskmelon yield.牛糞配方中有機質含量與甜瓜產量呈顯著的線性相關。
  • 8The rise of the Elizabethans two centuries later was attributable to the widespread use of sheep manure.兩個世紀後,伊麗莎白時代的興起要歸功於羊糞的廣泛使用。
  • 9He had a vanload of manure.他有大量的肥料。
  • 10Lacking manure and water, crops won't grow well.莊稼缺肥缺水就長不好。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 11These school children regularly help the production teams collect manure and do weeding; they often do good deeds like this.這些小學生經常幫生產隊積肥、鋤草,諸如此類的好事他們還做過很多。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 12Most of this comes from manure.其中大部分來自糞便。
  • 13What is done with this golden manure?我們的這些黃金糞尿是如何處理的呢?
  • 14Morley: I can almost smell the manure.莫理:我彷佛還聞得到牛糞的味道。
  • 15The manure has long since been depleted.如今糞肥早已耗盡。
  • 16Mix in manure or compost to enrich the soil.把肥料或混合肥料混在土裏使土壤肥沃。
  • 17Manure supplies what is deficient in the soil.肥料供給土壤所缺乏的成分。
  • 18Never have I been so pleased to see a heap of manure.我從未因為看到一堆糞而感到如此高興。
  • 19If our gold is manure, our manure, on the other hand, is gold.如果説我們的黃金是糞尿,反之,我們的糞尿就是黃金。
  • 20“I was very envious that she had her own chicken manure, ” she recalls.“我對於她能夠擁有自己的雞肥料感到非常的嫉妒。” 她説道。
  • 21Other newcomers don't like the noise, the pesticides and the smell of manure.而其他新來的住户不喜歡噪音,殺蟲劑和肥料的味道。
  • 22Farmers doggedly carried baskets of manure on their backs from farmyard to field.農人們固執地把裝着肥料的籃子背在身後,從農家小院一路走到田裏。
  • 23Manure has become a minor source of nitrogen in all major agricultural countries.在主要的農業國家動物糞便已經不是氮肥的主要來源。
  • 24"They're able to cut their feed costs because they're able to use manure," he fumes.“他們能省飼料錢,都是因為使用糞肥,”他憤怒地説。
  • 25To fertilise them the native women had to transport human manure from the city of Fuzhou.為了給梯田施肥,當地的婦女們不得不從福州城運來人糞。
  • 26Certain success would attend the experiment of employing the city to manure the plain.利用城市來對田野施肥,這肯定會成功的。
  • 27In addition to the carbon savings in transportation, such foods rely on animal manure as fertilizer.為了減少運輸過程的碳排放,有機食品通常使用動物糞便作為肥料。
  • 28Two Canadian scientists have created a pig whose manure doesn't contain very much phosphorus at all.兩名加拿大的科學家培育了一種糞便當中不含有多少磷的豬種。 [1] 