

詞    性
英    標
譯    義
美    標


英[ˈɪmɪɡreɪt]美[ˈɪmɪɡreɪt] [1] 


to immigrate移入 ; 移民
immigrate e移居入境 ; 移入 ; 移居入本國
immigrate into移民到 [1] 


  • 110,000 people are expected to immigrate in the next two years.在今後兩年裏,一萬人有望移民。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2When did the Greeks immigrate to Australia?希臘人是什麼時候移居到澳大利亞的?。
  • 3They plan to immigrate to Finland next year.他們計劃明年移居芬蘭。
  • 4They plan to immigrate to success of our work.巨大的努力確保了我們工作的成功。
  • 5He decided to immigrate to Australia to find work.他決定移居到澳大利亞找個工作。
  • 6In fact, those who immigrate to Russia, are complete loosers.事實上,那些一句俄羅斯的人都是完全的失敗者。
  • 7It's hard to say if her daughter shall immigrate into Italy.很難説她的女兒是否應該移居意大利。
  • 8It's hard to say if her daughter should immigrate into Italy.很難説她的女兒是否應該移居意大利。
  • 9Jews from around the world have a right to immigrate to the Jewish state.來自世界各地的猶太人有權利移居到這個猶太國家。
  • 10I hope you realize that many civil and other engineers are applying to immigrate to Canada.我希望你意識到很多土木及其他方面的工程師在申請移居加拿大。
  • 11I immediately called my wife to share with her about my thinking and decision to immigrate to America.我立刻打電話把我的感想和移居美國的決定,告訴了太太。
  • 12Palestinians from around the world should have a right to immigrate, if they so choose, to a Palestinian state.如果也這樣選擇的話,來自世界各地的巴勒斯坦人也有權利移居到這個巴勒斯坦國家。
  • 13It is obviously not workable to immigrate large population totally to the big cities, as the employment pressure there is most heavy.轉移龐大的農村人口,僅靠大城市顯然是遠遠不夠的,因為大城市的就業壓力普遍較重。
  • 14"Africa paradis", by Benin's Sylvestre Amoussou, is set in a future in which Africa has become a paradise and Westerners are desperate to immigrate.貝寧西維斯特-阿瑪索(Sylvestre Amoussou)的《非洲天堂》放眼未來:一個當非洲成為天堂,西方人不顧一切移民非洲的故事。
  • 15Chris Bentley says immediate relatives can immigrate without waiting. Immediate relatives include parents and unmarried children under the age of twenty-one.Chris Bentley説直系親屬不用等待就可移民,直系親屬包括父母和未婚的二十一歲以下的子女。
  • 16After the discovery of the "New World" by Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci, millions of people were inspired to immigrate there for the so called "American Dream".在"美利堅"這個新世界被意大利探險家亞美瑞格·韋斯普奇發現後,千千萬萬的人為着所謂的"美國夢"湧向那裏並定居下來。
  • 17He says most people immigrate to the United States these days through family sponsorship. This means that a family member already in the United States takes responsibility for the immigrant.他説多數近期移民至美國的人都是通過家庭贊助的方式,也就是説已經移民至美國的家庭成員對新移民負責。
  • 18These women sometimes marry foreign men hoping to immigrate to another country or have a higher standard of living, and when their aspirations are not met, they start divorce proceedings, Wang said.這些婦女有時嫁給外國男人,希望能夠移民到其他國家,或者提高生活水準,當他們的願望得不到滿足時,就開始了離婚訴訟,王説。 [1] 