

詞    性


Greeting season 節日名 ; 慶祝節日
Greeting people 問候 ; 打招呼時 ; 打招呼 ; 打招待時
Client greeting 迎接客户
Greeting Pine 迎客松
Greeting Strangers 問候陌生人 ; 與陌生人打招呼 ; 向陌生人問候
Greeting Customers 與顧客打招呼 ; 問候 ; 招呼顧客
Advanced Greeting 高級問候語
Greeting Call 電話問候
the greeting 問候語 ; 稱謂語或尊稱語 [1] 


  • 1He managed to croak a greeting.他勉強用沙啞的嗓音打招呼。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Tom nodded a greeting.湯姆點頭打了個招呼。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3His greeting was familiar and friendly.他的問候親切而友好。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The butcher's son called out a greeting.那屠夫的兒子聲音洪亮地招呼了一聲。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5There was a tinge of condescension in her greeting.她的問候中有些許的紆尊降貴。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6Japanese people will bow in the greeting.日本人會鞠躬以示問候。
  • 7What I really like is that they even have greeting ceremonies.我真正喜歡的是他們甚至有歡迎儀式。
  • 8"Good morning, Pinocchio," said the Fox, greeting him courteously.“早上好,皮諾喬。”狐狸禮貌地跟他打招呼。
  • 9The last verse of his greeting was in these words, "Welcome, O King!"他的問候的最後一節是這樣的:“歡迎您,國王!”
  • 10Yet each of these other forms of greeting is appropriate in other parts of the world.然而,這些其他形式的問候在世界的其他地方都適用。
  • 11At this warm greeting, the poor Tunny, who was not used to such tenderness, wept like a child.可憐的金槍魚不習慣這種柔情,面對這種熱情的招呼,像個孩子似的哭了起來。
  • 12That's why we establish or reestablish connection by greeting strangers and friends with a handshake.這就是為什麼我們通過握手問候陌生人和朋友來建立或重建聯繫。
  • 13I opened the box and saw a piece of crystal snowflake and a greeting card with "Happy Birthday" in the blank paper.我打開盒子並看見在白紙中有一片水晶雪花和一張寫着“生日快樂”的賀卡。
  • 14It has been wired into millions of music boxes, greeting cards, watches, toys, games and other tune-playing products.它已經被接入到數以百萬計的音樂盒、賀卡、手錶、玩具、遊戲以及其他音樂播放產品中。
  • 15While cheek-kissing for Latin Americans is also a universal greeting form, it does not require such a high degree of relational closeness.雖然親吻臉頰對拉丁美洲人來説也是一種普遍的問候方式,但它並不需要如此高的關係親密度。
  • 16The number of bows that the Japanese exchange on greeting each other, as well as the length and the depth of the bows, signals the social status each party feels towards the other.日本人相互問候時鞠躬的次數,以及鞠躬的時間和幅度,都表明了雙方對彼此的社會地位的認識。
  • 17He raised a hand in greeting.他揚起手錶示問候。《牛津詞典》
  • 18She waved a friendly greeting.她友好地揮手致意。《牛津詞典》
  • 19He raised his hand in greeting.他舉手致意。《牛津詞典》
  • 20Her greeting was less than enthusiastic.她打招呼根本不熱情。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 21He took her hand in greeting and asked solicitously how everything was.他拉住她的手以示問候,還關切地問到她的近況。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 22He made a bow in the greeting.他鞠躬致意。
  • 23Choose proper greeting manners.選擇合適的問候方式。
  • 24What other responsibilities does Jane have besides greeting customers?除了接待顧客之外,簡還有什麼其他的職責?
  • 25In France, greeting with a kiss is very common.在法國,用親吻來打招呼是很常見的。
  • 26It seems to work, since Jane is often busy greeting new customers.這似乎是有效的,因為簡經常忙於迎接新客户。
  • 27What may be the common traditional greeting way in some European countries?在一些歐洲國家,常見的傳統問候方式是什麼?
  • 28Maybe I can surprise her with a greeting next time I visit my dad.也許下次我去看爸爸的時候,可以跟她打招呼,給她一個驚喜。
  • 29They paste up Spring Festival couplets, greeting the New Year and saying goodbye to the old year.他們貼春聯,辭舊迎新。
  • 30To help stop the spread of coronavirus, people give up their usual greeting styles and invent safe ways.為阻止冠狀病毒傳播,人們不再使用往常的問候方式,而是發明出安全的做法。 [1] 