


friction,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞的意思是“摩擦,[力] 摩擦力”。
詞    性


friction brake摩擦煞車 ;[機]摩擦制動器 ; 摩擦閘 ; 摩阻煞
friction clutch[機]摩擦離合器 ;[車輛]摩擦式離合器 ; 磨阻離合器 ; 磨擦離合器
friction pile[建]摩擦樁 ; 衝突樁 ; 抗滑樁 ; 摩擦椿 [1] 


  • 1The pistons are graphite-coated to reduce friction.活塞表面塗有石墨以減少摩擦。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Sara sensed that there had been friction between her children.薩拉感覺到她的孩子們中間出現了摩擦。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Friction between moving parts had caused the engine to overheat.活動部件的摩擦使發動機過熱。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The force of friction slows the spacecraft down as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.航天飛機重返地球大氣層時因有摩擦力而減慢速度。《牛津詞典》
  • 5This layer of water reduces friction.這層水減少了摩擦。
  • 6Friction between the glacier and bedrock is reduced.冰川和基岩之間的摩擦減少了。
  • 7Maglev doesn't rely on the friction of wheels on track.磁懸浮不依賴於車輪在軌道上的摩擦力。
  • 8Friction ACTS on moving bodies and brings them to a stop.摩擦力作用於運動着的物體,並使其停止。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 9That friction sometimes makes it difficult for the two teams to work together.那種摩擦有時會讓兩個團隊很難一起工作。
  • 10Friction marks indicated that they did, indeed, once form part of a necklace or bracelet.摩擦痕跡顯示他們曾經是項鍊或手鐲的一部分。
  • 11Through friction, this flexing produces heat in the moon's interior capable of melting ice.通過摩擦,這種彎曲在月球內部產生了能夠融化冰的熱量。
  • 12The generation gap can result in misunderstandings and cause friction between parents and children.代溝會導致誤解,引起父母和孩子之間的摩擦。
  • 13Under normal conditions, rocks composed of clay produce far less friction than do other rock types.在正常情況下,由粘土組成的岩石產生的摩擦要比其他類型的岩石小得多。
  • 14This friction tends to slow the speed of winds, making them far less efficient at dispersing pollutants.這種摩擦往往會減慢風的速度,使它們吹散污染物的效率大大降低。
  • 15Wind movements are also modified in cities because buildings increase the friction on air flowing around them.風向在城市裏也會改變,因為建築物增加了它們周圍流動的空氣的摩擦力。
  • 16Now, this difference between the testers and the developers can lead to an environment where there is a bit of friction.現在,測試人員和開發人員之間的這種差異可能會導致出現一些摩擦。
  • 17Some geologists wondered whether the absence of friction-generated heat could be explained by the kinds of rock composing the fault.一些地質學家想知道,是否可以用構成斷層的岩石來解釋沒有摩擦產生的熱量。
  • 18This felt thing there is just to avoid too much friction from building up with the plastic or to keep it slightly separated from the case.這種氈製品只是為了消除與塑料產生太多的摩擦力,或者讓它與外殼稍微分開。
  • 19When not campaigning, soldiers needed to be occupied; otherwise they represented a potentially dangerous source of friction and disloyalty.不作戰時,士兵需要處於忙碌狀態;否則他們就會是危險的摩擦及不忠的潛在來源。
  • 20This felt thing there is just to avoid too much friction from building up with the plastic or to keep it slightly separated from the case.這種氈製品只是為了消除與塑料產生太多的摩擦力,或者讓它與外殼稍微分開。
  • 21The legs, which are slightly curved with tiny hooks on the tips of their feet to provide enough friction to enable movement in a slippery environment.它們的腿有點彎曲,腳尖上有小鈎,提供足夠的摩擦力,使它們能在濕滑的環境中活動。
  • 22If, however, there's so much friction at home that it interferes with your academic work, you might want to consider sharing an apartment with one or more friends.然而,如果家裏有太多摩擦,干擾了你的學業,你可能得考慮和一個或多個朋友合租一套公寓。
  • 23Geologists therefore wondered whether the friction between the plates was being reduced by pockets of pressurized water within the fault that push the plates away from each other.因此,地質學家們想知道,斷層內部的加壓水袋是否會使板塊之間的摩擦力減小,從而使板塊彼此遠離。
  • 24When a raindrop falls on the solar panel and then rolls down, it creates friction on the surface of the panel, which can then be turned into electricity.雨滴落在太陽能電池板上,然後滾落下來,此時它與電池板表面產生摩擦力,這種摩擦力可以轉化為電能。
  • 25Improving communications brought more trade and contract, but also more friction between social groups.改善交流會帶來更多的貿易和合同,但也會增加社會羣體之間的摩擦。
  • 26Prior to 1965 geologists assumed that the two giant rock plates meeting at the San Andreas Fault generate heat through friction as they grind past each otherd.1965年以前,地質學家認為,兩個巨大的岩石板塊在聖安德烈亞斯斷層上相遇,通過摩擦產生熱量。
  • 27We know that there is friction.我們發現了摩擦力。
  • 28So what is friction exactly?那麼,究竟什麼是摩擦力呢?
  • 29So the maximum friction goes up.最大摩擦力變大。
  • 30There's no friction for now.現在沒有摩擦力。 [1] 