

foreground,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“前景;最顯著的位置”。 [1] 
詞    性


N-VARTheforeground of a picture or scene you are looking at is the part or area of it that appears nearest to you. (圖畫、場景等的) 前景
N-SING If something or someone is in the foreground, or comes to the foreground, they receive a lot of attention. 關注重心 [1] 


foreground mode 前台方式 ; 翻譯
foreground task[計] 前台任務 ; 前置任務 ; 翻譯 ; 前台任務英語
Display Foreground 顯示前台 ; 顯示前影
foreground operation 前台操作
foreground scheduler[計] 前台調度程序 ; 前調度程序 ; 翻譯
processed foreground 處理後的前景視圖
foreground detection 前景檢測
Foreground Threads 前台線程 [1] 


  • 1He is the bowler-hatted figure in the foreground of Orpen's famous painting.他就是奧彭名畫的前景中那個戴圓頂禮帽的人物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2In the foreground, the lobby was dark, sleepy.在前景,大廳是黑暗的,令人昏昏欲睡。
  • 3For example, a film-maker might opt to include the background sound of an ambulance's siren while the foreground sound and image portrays an arguing couple.例如,電影製作人可能會選擇在背景中加入救護車的警笛聲,而在前景的聲音和圖像中表現一對爭吵的夫婦。
  • 4The figure in the foreground is the artist's mother.圖畫前景中的人是畫家的母親。《牛津詞典》
  • 5You haven't drawn the figures in the foreground in proportion.你的前景人物畫得不合比例。《牛津詞典》
  • 6This is another worry that has come to the foreground in recent years.這是近年來已變成關注重心的又一件令人擔憂的事。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7Inflation and interest rates will be very much in the foreground of their election campaign.通貨膨脹和利率將很可能是他們競選的重點問題。《牛津詞典》
  • 8The small pine added to the interest and I placed it centrally to take the view from the foreground right through into the forest.小松樹增添了情趣,我把它放在(畫面的)中央,以便取景時可以從前景直接看到森林。
  • 9Small boats moved more quickly across the foreground than larger ones did that were closer to the horizon.小船在近景中移動的速度比靠近地平線的大船要快。
  • 10The fence in the foreground is blue, but somehow the overall scene gives an impression of a cold, bleak winter day on a farm.近景的籬笆是藍色的,但這個場景整體給人一種冷清、淒涼的冬日農場的一天的印象。
  • 11Ensure your "Foreground Color" is Black.確保你的前景顏色為黑色。
  • 12Creation of a foreground image with The gimp.用Gimp創建前景圖像。
  • 13The small tree in the foreground made the shot.而前景中的這棵小樹促使我拍下這張照片。
  • 14The bright object in the center is a foreground star.中央的明亮天體是一顆前景中的恆星。
  • 15Pressing Ctrl + C kills the running foreground process.按“Ctrl + C”殺死正在運行的前台進程。
  • 16You can set a foreground and a background but that’s about it.你可以設置一個前景色和一個背景色但也就只能如此了。
  • 17Foreground and background color selection, to improve readability.前景和背景顏色選擇,改善可讀性。
  • 18You may bring it to the foreground and supply the necessary input.您可以將它放到前台並提供必要的輸入。
  • 19This will start the MongoDB database server as a foreground process.這將作為前台進程啓動 MongoDB 數據庫服務器。
  • 20Salar DE Arizaro (foreground) is the largest of the dry lakes in this view.阿里·薩羅鹽沼(前景)是這一視野中最大的幹湖泊。
  • 21After you change the setting, all new buttons will have a red foreground color.改變了設置之後,所有新的按鈕的前景顏色都將是紅色。
  • 22Foreground writes: Number of foreground writes at a given instant of time.Foreground Writes:給定時刻的前台寫數量。
  • 23Here you can even make out a vein on the hand of the twin in the foreground.在這裏你甚至可以清晰辨認出畫面前方這個雙胞胎胎兒手上的一根血管。
  • 24Fittingly, denizens of the space center's rocket garden are lit in the foreground.前景是航天中心火箭園中被照亮的火箭。
  • 25You set properties on the control, such as width, height, or foreground color.為控件設置屬性,比如寬度,高度,背景色等。
  • 26Back then we used glass paintings, foreground miniatures and stop-motion animation.那時候我們用玻璃繪畫、前景微型圖、單格拍攝繪製。
  • 27In the Gradient Editor dialog box, select the Foreground to Transparent Preset.在漸變面板中,選擇前景色-透明。
  • 28The following illustration shows how to set the Foreground property in XAML view.下圖演示如何在XAML視圖中更改這個屬性。
  • 29In the foreground are scenes visible over a rocky coastline toward the Southern Ocean.前景是一眼就能看見的南大洋布滿岩石羣的海岸線。
  • 30Choose a foreground image size that is a larger multiple of your movie image tile size.選擇一個比您的影片圖像貼片大幾倍的前景圖像。 [1] 