

footed,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“有足的”。 [1] 
詞    性


N-COUNT Your feet are the parts of your body that are at the ends of your legs, and that you stand on. 腳
ADJ A foot brake or foot pump is operated by your foot rather than by your hand. 腳踏的 [ADJ n]
ADJ A foot patrol or foot soldiers walk rather than travelling in vehicles or on horseback. 步行的 [ADJ n]
→ see also footing
PHRASE If you get cold feet about something, you become nervous or frightened about it because you think it will fail. 緊張; 害怕
PHRASE If you say that someone is finding their feet in a new situation, you mean that they are starting to feel confident and to deal with things successfully. (在新環境) 站住腳
PHRASE If you say that someone has their feet on the ground, you approve of the fact that they have a sensible and practical attitude toward life, and do not have unrealistic ideas. 腳踏實地 [表讚許]
PHRASE If you go somewhere on foot, you walk, rather than using any form of transport. 步行
PHRASE If you are on your feet, you are standing up. 站着
.PHRASE If you say that someone or something is on their feet again after an illness or difficult period, you mean that they have recovered and are back to normal. 恢復
.PHRASE If you say that someone always lands on their feet, you mean that they are always successful or lucky, although they do not seem to achieve this by their own efforts. 走運
.PHRASE If someone puts their foot down, they use their authority in order to stop something from happening. 堅決反對
.PHRASE If someone puts their foot down when they are driving, they drive as fast as they can. 開快車 [英國英語]
.PHRASE If someone puts their foot in it or puts their foot in their mouth, they accidentally do or say something which embarrasses or offends people. (不經意間) 犯錯誤 [非正式]
.PHRASE If you put your feet up, you relax or have a rest, especially by sitting or lying with your feet supported off the ground. 放鬆休息 (尤指坐着或躺着把腳抬高)
.PHRASE If you never put a foot wrong, you never make any mistakes. 不出錯 [英國英語]
.PHRASE If you say that someone sets foot in a place, you mean that they enter it or reach it, and you are emphasizing the significance of their action. If you say that someone never sets foot in a place, you are emphasizing that they never go there. 涉足; 介入 [強調]
.PHRASE If someone has to stand on their own two feet, they have to be independent and manage their life without help from other people. 自立
.PHRASE If you get or rise to your feet, you stand up. 站起來
.PHRASE If someone gets off on the wrong foot in a new situation, they make a bad start by doing something in completely the wrong way. 出師不利
. foot in the door →see door
. to drag your feet →see drag
. to vote with your feet →see vote
N-COUNT A foot is a unit for measuring length, height, or depth, and is equal to 12 inches or 30.48 centimetres. When you are giving measurements, the form "foot" is often used as the plural instead of the plural form "feet." 英尺 (常用單數形式表示複數)
N-SINGThefootof something is the part that is farthest from its top. 底部
N-SINGThefootof a bed is the end nearest to the feet of the person lying in it. (牀) 尾 [1] 


short footed 短柄的
footed bowl 有腳碗 ; 詳細翻譯
footed arrow 加固箭 ; 詳細翻譯
Footed salver 有腳托盤
footed bug 上棲息着一隻旗足蟲
rough footed 腳上有羽毛
footed beetle 平足甲蟲
footed cross 右腳的輸送
footed pile 盤腳樁 [1] 


He told me I was flat-footed.
The government could be caught flat-footed.
My horse is small but wiry and sure-footed.
我的馬雖矮小,但身體結實,步伐穩健。 [1] 