

詞    性


follower dwell 從動件停歇 ; 從動件停息
follower gear 從動齒輪 ; 從動齒機
follower amplifier 跟蹤放大器 ; 跟隨放大器
follower motor 隨動電動機 ; 隨動電念頭
follower plate 擠壓墊 ; 隨動板 ; 從動板 ; 仿形圓盤
follower rest 隨行刀架
antenna follower 天線跟蹤器 ; 詳細翻譯
fringe follower 條紋讀出器 ; 條紋計數干涉儀
Trend follower 趨勢追隨者 ; 潮流追隨者 [1] 


  • 1She is a leader, not a follower.她是領導者,不是追隨者。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Now I want to say that I think that Shaffers is more of a follower than a leader in the coffee industry.現在我想説,我認為 Shaffers 在咖啡行業中更像是一個追隨者,而不是引領者。
  • 3She herself insists she is no slavish follower of fashion.她堅稱自己絕不是一個追隨時尚的人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Scott felt guilty but confused, for he'd been a strict direction-follower.斯科特感到內疚,但也很困惑,因為他一直嚴格地遵循着指示。
  • 5Yan Ning is such a dream follower.嚴寧就是這樣一個追夢者。
  • 6He took on a wealthy student, Alexander Zu Zolar, before taking on another American follower, Dorothy Olsen.在招募另一位美國追隨者多蘿西·奧爾森之前,他招募了一個富有的學生亞歷山大·祖佐拉。
  • 7Failure and recovery of a follower.follower的失效和恢復。
  • 8Failure and recovery of a different follower.不同的follower失效和恢復。
  • 9So here's his first follower with a crucial role.所以他的第一個追隨者會起到關鍵作用。
  • 10Gong was very satisfied with the new follower.公孫龍對這個新收的門客非常滿意。
  • 11The fellow's yellow pillow is hollowed by his follower.那個傢伙的黃色枕頭被他的跟隨者掏空了。
  • 12You cannot react fast enough to just be a fast follower.只做一個快速的跟隨者不能保證反應得足夠快。
  • 13I'm largely a follower of a plant-based diet, of course.當然,我也是植物性飲食的熱心追隨者。
  • 14She is cautious by nature, more a follower than a leader.她天性謹慎,傾向於做一個追隨者而不是一個領導者。
  • 15Offer a special coupon to your 1, 000th fan or follower.你可以贈送特別優惠券給第1,000名粉絲或關注者。
  • 16Should you repay the snub by unfollowing your former follower?你要不跟隨你的前跟隨者,以此來報復他們嗎?
  • 17Meanwhile, you contribute to their influence and follower tally.同時,你提升了他們的影響力和跟隨者得分。
  • 18The mature follower of Jesus stops asking, "Who's going to meet my needs?成熟的信徒不再追問:“誰能夠幫助我?”
  • 19Having been the industry leader for many years, Sony suddenly looks like a follower.多年來索尼一直是業界的霸主,可如今卻突然看起來像是一個跟隨者。
  • 20The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader. (Laughter) (Applause)第一個追隨者將使一個孤獨怪人轉變為一個領導者。
  • 21One follower wore a flowing pink scarf that trailed behind him on the dance floor.一位伴舞者戴着飄逸的粉色圍巾,圍巾隨着舞步在他的身後飄揚。
  • 22The "follower" part comes into play when we reach back beyond French and into Latin.説到“隨從”的部分,我們的追憶可要超越法語,進入拉丁語了。
  • 23Demos is a bad guy here who had been a follower of Paul but he's now betraying Paul.迪莫斯在這是壞人,他曾追隨保羅,但已經背叛了他。
  • 24USocial said businesses and individuals were queuing up to use its follower finding service.uSocial公司説很多企業和個人正排隊等着從追隨者中找到商機。
  • 25The follower runs fast (but not all-out) to pass and holds the pace for about 20 seconds.跟從者以相當快的速度(並不是竭盡全力)超越並保持這樣的步伐20秒左右。 [1] 