


詞    性



Flourishing Garden 懋園
flourishing thread 繡花亞麻線
human flourishing 人類繁榮 [1] 


  • 1Boston quickly became a flourishing port.波斯頓迅速成為一個繁榮的港口。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The social sciences are flourishing.社會科學正蓬勃發展。
  • 3Both men and livestock are flourishing.人畜兩旺。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4Derek Lam, Peter Som, and Lazaro Hernandez have all been put through their paces in Kors' studio before launching flourishing brands of their own.德里克·林、彼得·桑和樂扎羅·赫南德斯在推出自己興旺的品牌之前都曾在柯爾的工作室受訓。
  • 5In accordance with this kind of purism came an emphasis on studying composers' manuscript notations, a relatively new field of musicology that is flourishing even today.與這種純粹主義相一致的是對作曲家手稿符號的研究,這是音樂學中一個相對較新的領域,直到今天仍在蓬勃發展。
  • 6Renaissance ideas had spread throughout Europe well into the 17th century, with the arts and sciences flourishing extraordinarily among those with a more logical disposition.17世紀時,文藝復興的思想已經傳遍整個歐洲大地,在那些具有邏輯情懷的人士中間,藝術和科學蓬勃發展。
  • 7In the late 1960s, when Sri Lanka's flourishing coconut groves were plagued by leaf-mining hispides, a larval parasite imported from Singapore brought the pest under control.20世紀60年代末期,當斯里蘭卡繁榮的椰子果園被潛葉昆蟲侵擾時,一種從新加坡引進的寄生幼蟲將這種害蟲控制住了。
  • 8I'm glad to hear you're all flourishing.聽説你們都健康幸福,我感到高興。《牛津詞典》
  • 9Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.在目前的經濟氣候下,很少有企業興旺發達。《牛津詞典》
  • 10The size of the drug haul shows that the international trade in heroin is still flourishing.這次的毒品繳獲量説明國際性海洛因交易依然猖獗。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11It is flourishing in foreign trade.它的對外貿易正在繁榮。
  • 12Coral larvae settle among the algae and eventually establish flourishing coral colonies.珊瑚幼蟲在藻類中定居,並最終形成繁盛的珊瑚羣落。
  • 13The new work does go further than previous research and suggests that screen time should still be considered a potential barrier to young people's flourishing.這項新研究確實比之前的研究更進一步,它表明屏幕使用時間仍應被視為年輕人成長的潛在障礙。
  • 14The industry of this district is flourishing.這個地區工業發達。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 15Our cause is flourishing and has no lack of successors.我們的事業興旺發達,後繼有人。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 16A flourishing modern supermarket.現代超市書寫繁華。
  • 17Are you flourishing or are you stuck?你是順利的還是被卡住的?
  • 18Those plants you gave me are flourishing.你給我的那些植物長得茂盛。
  • 19Food markets and shops are flourishing.食品市場和商店層出不窮。
  • 20May she become a flourishing hidden tree?願她成為隱秘大樹枝繁葉茂。
  • 21Hybrids are also flourishing in the energy industry.混合型公司也盛行於能源工業。
  • 22OFF the coast of Somalia, piracy is flourishing.索馬里海域,海盜猖獗。
  • 23Commercial success is an input into flourishing culture.商貿的成功是繁榮文化的一種投入。
  • 24The sour vapour pours into the flourishing flour factory.酸蒸汽湧進興旺的麪粉廠。
  • 25I made reservoirs to water groves of flourishing trees.挖造水池,用以澆灌嫩小的樹木。
  • 26Flourishing ecosystems require pollution control. And so on.繁茂的生態系統要求控制污染,等等。
  • 27The result has been a flourishing of animal-like robots.這樣的結果使動物型機器人得到了迅猛發展。
  • 28Gravett said comic book writing was flourishing as an art form.格雷維特説漫畫書寫作風氣非常興盛。漫畫也是一種藝術。 [1] 