


詞    性
釋    義


Youda Fisherman 尤達漁夫 ; 優達漁夫 ; 友達漁夫 ; 漁夫小遊戲
The Fisherman 漁夫 ; 釣者
Fisherman Wharf 漁人碼頭 ; 街道地址
Fisherman Island 漁夫島 ; 費希爾曼島
cormorant fisherman 用鸕鷀捕魚的漁夫 ; 鸕鷀與漁人
Fisherman Village 漁人村 ; 距離漁人村
Fisherman Knot 漁人結
Fisherman Port 漁人碼頭 [1] 


  • 1The fisherman rowed us back to the shore.漁夫划船將我們送回到岸上。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean.斯派羅斯·拉齊斯最初的職業是愛琴海的一名地位低微的漁夫。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3With great difficulty, the fisherman manoeuvred his small craft close to the reef.漁夫艱難地駕着小船靠近了礁石。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4That fisherman is waving at us.那個漁夫在向我們揮手。
  • 5"Well, wife," said the fisherman, "are you king?"“喂,老婆,”漁夫問,“你是國王嗎?”
  • 6The fisherman said, "how happily we shall live now!"漁夫説:“現在我們該多幸福啊!”
  • 7"Wife," said the fisherman, as he looked at all this greatness, "are you pope?"“老婆,”漁夫望着這一切富麗堂皇,説道,“你是教皇嗎?”
  • 8The Fisherman took the net and the fish to the cave, a dark, gloomy, smoky place.漁夫拿着魚網和魚來到山洞,這是一個又黑又暗還冒煙的地方。
  • 9"Now, let's see what kind of fish we have caught today," said the Green Fisherman.“現在,讓我們看看今天釣到了什麼魚。”綠色的漁夫説。
  • 10Life on the sea, as any fisherman or sailor could tell you, is hard and dangerous.海上的生活,正如任何漁夫或水手都會告訴你的那樣,既艱苦又危險。
  • 11"Wife," said the fisherman, "how can you be king—the fish cannot make you a king."“老婆,”漁夫説,“你怎麼能當國王呢——魚不能讓你當國王。”
  • 12Away went the fisherman, and found his wife standing before the gate of a great castle.漁夫走了,發現他的妻子正站在一座大城堡的門前。
  • 13The fisherman went home, and found Ilsabill sitting on a throne that was two miles high.漁夫回到家,發現伊爾莎比爾坐在兩英里高的寶座上。
  • 14Mindful of what the Fisherman had said, Pinocchio knew that all hope of being saved had gone.皮諾喬聽了漁夫的話,意識到得救的希望已經破滅了。
  • 15When the Fisherman pulled the net out of the sea, he cried out joyfully: "Blessed Providence!"漁夫把網從海里拉出來後,高興地喊道:“上帝保佑!”
  • 16There also was a scene with a quiet lake, where, under shady oak-trees, a fisherman was sitting.還有一幅畫,畫中有一個寧靜的湖,在那裏,一位漁夫正坐在橡樹樹蔭下。
  • 17This Spanish term was named by a South American fisherman who noticed that the global weather pattern.這個西班牙術語是由一個南美漁夫命名的,他注意到了全球氣候的模式。
  • 18One day, I saw a beautiful piece of eel just sitting there, unpriced, and I asked the fisherman for it.有一天,我看到一條很漂亮的鰻魚就擺在那兒,沒有標價,我就向漁夫要了它。
  • 19The Fisherman cried threateningly and still holding onto the Marionette, who was all covered with flour.漁夫威嚇地叫道,仍然抓着滿身是麪粉的木偶。
  • 20The fisherman was half asleep, but the thought frightened him so much that he started and fell out of bed.漁夫已經半睡半醒了,但這個想法把他嚇一跳,他從牀上摔了下來。
  • 21Yeats seems to be reversing this trick in "The Fisherman," which seems to be converting myth back into reality.葉芝好像在《漁夫》一詩中,進行了這一轉變,似乎把神話變成了現實。
  • 22Fisherman Ray Turner hand-built the V-shaped stone overflow dam, in the East Branch of the Delaware River in New York.漁民雷·特納在紐約德拉瓦河的東支流手工建造了這個 V 字形石頭溢流堰,或稱魚梁。
  • 23My father is a fisherman.我的父親是一個漁夫。
  • 24The fisherman said in his letter that he had carried out her wishes.漁夫在信中説,他已經實現了她的願望。
  • 25Yesterday, a teenage girl named Terra Gallo, Cumberland, got some unexpected news when she received a handwritten letter from a fisherman saying that her message in a bottle had been found in Spain.昨天,坎伯蘭一個名叫泰拉·加洛的少女得到了一些意外的消息,她收到了一封漁民的手寫信件,説她的漂流瓶在西班牙被發現了。
  • 26A turtle is caught by a fisherman in the sea.一個打漁的人,在海里捕到了一隻海龜。
  • 27The fisherman crept towards the sea, and cried out, as well as he could: "O man of the sea!"漁夫躡手躡腳地走向大海,用盡全力喊道:“啊,大海的主人!”
  • 28In the opera he plays the part of an old fisherman.他在戲裏扮一位老漁翁。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 29The young Fisherman trembled.年輕的漁夫顫抖着。 [1] 