

filing,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、及物動詞,作名詞時譯為“文件歸檔;銼;銼屑”,作及物動詞時譯為“銼(file的現在分詞)”。 [1] 
詞    性


N-COUNT A file is a box or a folded piece of heavy paper or plastic in which letters or documents are kept. 文件盒; 文件夾
N-COUNT A file is a collection of information about a particular person or thing. 卷宗
N-COUNT In computing, a file is a set of related data that has its own name. 文件
N-COUNT A file is a hand tool which is used for rubbing hard objects to make them smooth, shape them, or cut through them. 銼刀
V-T If you file a document, you put it in the correct file. 使歸檔
V-T/V-I If you file a formal or legal accusation, complaint, or request, you make it officially. 提起
V-T When someone files a report or a news story, they send or give it to their employer. 提交
V-T If you file an object, you smooth it, shape it, or cut it with a file. 銼
V to march or walk in a file or files 排成縱隊行進
. → see also rank and file
.PHRASE A group of people who are walking or standing in single file or single file are in a line, one behind the other. 成單行 [1] 


filing fee 申請費 ; 登記費 ; 聲請費
filing block 銼台
AMENDMENT FILING 修改運價報備 ; 詳細翻譯
filing review 呈報前機密性審核
filing lathe 銼刀車牀
document filing 文件歸檔 ; 文檔整理 ; 文件備案
filing time 歸檔時間 ; 交發時間 ; 編檔時間 ; 編檔時間英語
anticurvature filing 向彎曲相反方向預備 ; 備技巧 ; 抗彎曲根管預備法 ; 相反方向預備技巧
notice filing 聲明登記 ; 通知備案 [1] 


  • 1Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails.美甲師對修剪、銼光指甲很在行。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2I discovered my husband rifling through the filing cabinet.我發現我丈夫在檔案櫃裏匆忙地翻找。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Along each wall stretched uniform green metal filing cabinets.沿每堵牆擺放着清一色的綠色金屬檔案櫃。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4You will first need to acquaint yourself with the filing system.你首先需要熟悉文件歸檔方法。《牛津詞典》
  • 5He is weighing the possibility of filing criminal charges against the doctor.他在權衡向這位醫生提起刑事訴訟的可能性。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6I mean, they've been filing the weekly progress reports with me.我的意思是,他們一直都有向我提交每週的進度報告。
  • 7Then the brain starts hunting through the "filing cabinets of the right hemisphere" to make the connections that produce the right answer.然後,大腦開始搜尋“右腦的文件櫃”,建立起產生正確答案的聯繫。
  • 8Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filing complaints to the retailer, instead of complaining to the rest of the world.消費者也可以向零售商投訴,以來改善日後的購物體驗,而不是四處向他人抱怨。
  • 9On February 7th, Alcatel-Lucent unveiled technology that reduces the size of a wireless base station from a filing cabinet to that of a Rubik's cube.阿爾卡特朗訊公司於2月7日公佈了一項新技術,該技術能夠將無線基站的體積從一個文件櫃縮小至魔方一般。
  • 10You may be able to use head of household filing status.你可用户主身份。
  • 11Filing Bugs - Creating Work items.錯誤歸檔——創建工作物件。
  • 12Filing. I don't really file anymore.歸檔實際上我沒有歸檔。
  • 13Think of it as filing for an appeal.你可以把它看作是一次申請上訴。
  • 14Read our 9 tips on using filing cabinets.讀讀我們的使用檔案櫃9要點。
  • 15And the filing will not halt operations.並且運營也不會因申請保護而暫停。
  • 16I'd like to explain the filing system to you.我想跟你講講檔案管理系統。
  • 17You don't need a complicated filing system.您不需要一個複雜的篩選系統。
  • 18Just join the mailing list or start filing issues.請加入郵件討論列表或者報告問題。
  • 19This includes filing cabinets, lamps, and shelves.這一項包括文件櫃、枱燈、書架等。
  • 20Fiji introduced electronic filing of customs documents.斐濟對海關單據採用了電子歸檔技術。
  • 21The form is used by corporations filing their taxes.企業使用此表格來報税。
  • 22There is no room for another filing cabinet in the office.辦公室裏沒有地方可再擺一個檔案櫃。
  • 23He carefully locked away the records in a filing cabinet.他把記錄小心地鎖在文件櫃裏。
  • 24Can you put those files in the filing cabinet over there?你能把這些文件放置在那邊的文件櫃中嗎?
  • 25Or there's a major backlog at an important filing cabinet.或在重要文件櫃中有一件重要的卻被積壓的工作;
  • 26On the contrary, he'd been in Washington, filing his patent claim.與此相反的是,他此時正在華盛頓提交專利申請。
  • 27Whitacre said on Thursday that GM was preparing its IPO filing.上週四,惠特克曾表示,通用IPO事宜正在準備過程當中。 [1] 