


feeder,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“支線;餵食器;奶瓶;飼養員”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈfiːdə(r)] 美 [ˈfiːdər]
n. 支線;餵食器;奶瓶;飼養員;支流;讓自己重複被對方玩家殺掉的玩家(遊戲術語)
[ 複數 feeders ] [1] 


coal feeder 給煤機;供煤機;煤漿進料機
wire feeder 送絲器,鋼索輸送機;送絲裝置
vibrating feeder 振動加料器;振動飼料斗
feeder line 饋線;進水線
vibration feeder 振動送料機;振動加料器
screw feeder [化]螺旋加料器
feeder system 供料系統
distribution feeder 配電線路;配電饋線
vibratory feeder 振動給料器
feeder service 支線列車運行;支線業務
air feeder 送風機;供氣裝置;進氣管
reagent feeder 給藥機;給藥劑機
belt feeder 帶式給料機;帶式給礦機;帶式進料器 [1] 


  • The feeder fed new feed to pigs so that they put on fat. 飼養員用新飼料餵豬使它們長胖。
  • Air India is one of only a handful of large airlines without a big domestic feeder airline. 印度航空是少數幾家沒有大型國內航空支線的大型航空公司之一。
  • The fish were placed in a tank with two feeders, one of which supplied a lot more food than the other, known as the "rich feeder". 這些魚被安置在一個有兩個餵食器的魚缸裏,其中一個餵食器提供的食物比另一個多得多,被稱為“富庶餵食器”。
  • He filled the feeder with seeds, put it in his backyard and then birds started coming. 他在餵食器裏裝滿了種子,把它放在後院,然後鳥兒開始飛來。
  • Last year we set up a bird feeder right outside our living room window. 去年我們在起居室窗外放了一個鳥兒的餵食器。
  • It is a fast-in/fast-out feeder, relying on a high output of incompletely digested food. 它是一種新陳代謝很快的進食者,這一結論依賴於它們大量的排泄物都是那些沒有未完全消化的食物。
  • The project finances small scale irrigation systems, feeder roads and other types of community infrastructure. 該項目資助小型灌溉系統、支路和其他類型的社區基礎設施。
  • PGC from genital ridge and mesenterium of human embryo was incubated on fibroblast feeder layers for subculture. 從人胚胎生殖嵴、腸繫膜中消化分離的原始生殖細胞,將其接種在人子宮內膜成纖維細胞飼養層上傳代培養。
  • A. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. 糖是癌的飼養者。
  • Remote Pet Feeder System. 遠程寵物餵養裝置。
  • Good neighbors make good feeder schools. 好的鄰居會產生好的直屬學校。
  • The feeder fed new feed to pigs so that they laid on fresh. 飼養員用新飼料餵豬好讓它們長肉。
  • The drying is due to overuse of the lake's feeder rivers. 鹹海的乾涸是由於匯入鹹海的河流被過度使用。
  • A spike, a young buck, walks into a clearing near the feeder. 一隻spike,一隻幼小的雄鹿,走進了餵食器附近的空地。
  • It landed on the bird feeder and began eating dinner as I watched. 它落在野鳥餵食器上,開始進食。
  • All day long he flies back and forth from his branch to the feeder. 這一整天,他在喂料器和枝椏之間來來回回。
  • Data: : Feeder allows for custom transformations and filters on data. Feeder允許對數據進行自定義的轉換和過濾。
  • Re-evaluate the importance of each key customer segment and feeder market in the marketing mix. 重新評估各個主要客户市場的重要性和客源市場的混合。
  • They may have a little fun chasing each other or running off a few birds from your bird feeder. 它們還會互相嬉戲,追趕,從鳥食器那兒追趕小鳥。
  • The regional and international combo network is integrated with domestic trunk and feeder lines. 地區和國際航線網絡與國內支幹線航班有機結合。
  • But unless you find a way to make your bird feeder edible, you need to master weight-loss tools, too. 不過除非連你的小鳥飼料也是可食用的。你也需要掌握減重的手段。
  • There's a feeder off in the distance that occasionally spreads corn and protein pellets on the ground. 在遠處有一個飼養器,偶爾會在地面上撒些玉米和蛋白飼料。
  • But how many people in the feeder funds, the Banks and the financial world knew that Mr. Madoff was crooked? 但是支線基金、銀行以及整個金融世界裏有多少人知道麥道夫是個騙子呢?
  • Size trumps numbers as a crane scatters black-bellied whistling-ducks near a game feeder on a private Texas ranch. 大小勝過數量,在德克薩斯州的私人牧場裏,一隻美洲鶴使一羣黑腹樹鴨分散開來,權且作為一個勇敢的飼養員。
  • On a vacation back in the United States, she visited her grandmother and noticed a bird feeder in the backyard. 在回國休假期間,她拜訪了她的祖母,看到後院有一個喂鳥的容器。
  • To get here, park along the south feeder road, a couple of miles west of Loop 335, and walk the well-worn path. 要到這裏,沿着南直線道路,環路335以西幾公里,沿着破舊的路走。
  • We have just had our first snow of the year, and this hummingbird has decided to spend his day hanging out by our feeder. 我們剛剛迎來今年的第一場雪,而這隻蜂鳥決定在喂料器上度過他的一天。
  • It landed on the bird feeder and began eating dinner as I watched. After a few minutes it flew away, singing another song. 一隻鳥飛過我的頭頂,它的鳴唱打斷了我的祈禱,它猛啄飼料盒,就在我的眼皮底下享受起晚餐來,一會兒,飛走了,連同委婉的歌聲一起消失在庭院裏。 [1] 