

詞    性


In order to make the readers be more familiar with the real meanings of this word, the English expressions are provided as follows.
(1)to be a typical example of sth(2)to give an example in order to make sth clearer [2] 


Exemplify method 解決困難的方法
consume exemplify 消費示範
exemplify detail 舉例説理
Professional exemplify the values 專業體現價值 [1] 


-fy, -ify 充當使役動詞,“使”
beautify v. 美化
certify v. 證明
classify v. 分類,歸類
codify v. 編成法典;編纂
dignify v. 使尊貴,使高貴
diversify v. (使)多樣化
fortify v. 築防禦工事
glorify v. 頌揚
horrify v. (使)恐懼
humidify v. 使潮濕
intensify v. 加強
justify v. 表明或證明…正當(或有理)的
liquefy v. (使)液化
magnify v. 放大;誇大
modify v. 修改 [2] 


  • 1These are not qualities we now exemplify.而我們現在倒沒有了這些品質。
  • 2The plays of Wilds exemplify the comedy of manners.王爾德的戲劇是風尚喜劇的典範。
  • 3These three pictures exemplify different sorts of evil.這三張圖展示了不同種類的惡。
  • 4None were able to exemplify Bishop Cane in his conduct.沒有人能夠重複凱恩主教的動作。
  • 5To exemplify what I mean, let us look at our annual output.為了舉例説明我的意思,我們來看一下我們每年的產量。
  • 6Use images to clarify, illustrate, or exemplify the contents.通過圖像,為內容提供澄清、註釋和示例。
  • 7All these recipes exemplify my cooking: healthy, delicious and quick.所有這些食譜例證了我的飯菜:健康、美味、快捷。
  • 8The attitudes you exemplify will become the templates for others to work with.你所示範的姿態將成為其他人所使用的模板。
  • 9However, there is no guarantee that that change will be the change you exemplify.不過,沒人能夠保證那些改變會是如同你所示範的那個樣子。
  • 10The recent oil price rises exemplify the difficulties the motor industry is now facing.最近的石油漲價是汽車工業正面臨困難的一個例子。
  • 11All right. So these exemplify, in various ways, what can be done with these three levels.好,這些例子以不同的方式説明了,如何運用這三個層次。
  • 12Adrian Mitu: These toolkits exemplify the type of integration that successful ITLM really demands.Adrian Mitu:這些工具包解釋了成功的ITLM真正需要的集成類型。
  • 13But if there was ever a company that we should expect to exemplify that idea, surely it was Google.但是,如果我們期待有一個公司去證明這一説法,那這個公司顯然就是谷歌。
  • 14The project is expressed as strips of building mass to exemplify the diverse cultural context of Box Hill.該項目表現為條狀建築體,表現出了博士山的不同文化背景。
  • 15Their opposing demeanors were meant to exemplify their respective countries' contrasting state of education.他們倆相背的行為被用來對比驗證兩國的教育狀況。
  • 16Two recent court decisions exemplify the full extent of the uncertainty created by the current administration.最近有兩個法院的裁定説明了由最近的行政行為所造成最大可能範圍內的不確定性。
  • 17Table 1 shows examples of possible formats for Numbers that exemplify why the Globalize plugin is the best solution.表1顯示了數字的一些可能格式,也例證了Globalize插件為何是最佳解決方案。
  • 18Their opponents, led by Taggart, Rearden, and theenigmatic John Galt, exemplify Rand's own philosophy of Objectivism.這些惡魔的對立面,就是由塔戈特、里爾登,以及神秘的約翰·高爾特率領的個人主義者,是蘭德本人的客觀主義哲學觀的典型。
  • 19So we'll start it at pitch there and I'll give you two and then we'll sing "La" and we will exemplify monophonic texture.那我們就從這個音高開始,我喊到二然後我們一起唱,啦,我們來演示一下單音織體。
  • 20The family has numerous stories about their brother, whom they referred to as Buddy, that exemplify the way he lived his life.這家人提到他們的兄弟的許多往事。 作為他們的好友,他的生活體現了他做人的一貫的方式。
  • 21We're going to exemplify homophonic texture here and we want you to sing the melody and we'll try to do the parts underneath of it.現在我們來演示主音織體,我們希望你唱旋律,而我們大家來唱下面的聲部。
  • 22Since the goal of the article is to exemplify the consumption of a JMS message, we skip over the exact implementation of the workflow.本文的目標是演示如何使用JMS消息,因此我們將跳過工作流的具體實現。
  • 23Two recent court decisions exemplify the full extent of the uncertainty created by the current administration. On December 10, the U. S.最近有兩個法院的裁定説明了由最近的行政行為所造成最大可能範圍內的不確定性。
  • 24We might take to exemplify this perspectivism in his own free wheeling way of articulating a great scatter of perspectives all by himself.可能舉個透視主義的例,用他,自由旋轉方式來連接分散的,透視。
  • 25Most glaring of all, India is largely absent from those supply chains in East and South-East Asia that have come to exemplify globalisation itself.最突出的是,印度非常缺乏在東亞和南亞的供應鏈來作為它自身全球化的例證。
  • 26Hence, each club member has an obligation to represent his vocation to his fellow Rotarians and exemplify the spirit of Rotary in the workplace.因此,每位社員都有義務在其他扶輪社友面前代表自己的職業,並於其職場彰顯扶輪精神。 [1] 