

establishment,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時意為“建立,設立;權勢集團,現存體制;企業,公共機構,家庭”等 [1] 
詞    性
英 [ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt] 美 [ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt]
類    別


英 [ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt] 美 [ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt]
n. 建立,設立;權勢集團,現存體制;企業,公共機構,家庭;結婚;英國國教,蘇格蘭長老會
[ 複數 establishments ] [1] 


permanent establishment 恆久的設施
establishment of diplomatic relations 建交;建立外交關係
business establishment 營業處所
branch establishment 分支機構
establishment of business relations 建立業務關係
Royal Aircraft Establishment 皇家飛機研究院 ; 英國皇家飛機研究院 ; 但是皇家飛機研究院
Interactive Connectivity Establishment 交互式連接建立 ; 互動式連接建立 ; 交互式連通建立方式
Establishment stage 確立階段 ; 建立階段 ; 建立期 ; 確破階段
call establishment [通信] 呼叫建立 ; 調用建立 ; 呼叫建立過程 ; 建立程序
establishment ceiling 編制上限 ; 人事編制最高限額
marketing establishment 銷售企業 ; 銷售公司 ; 發賣企業
Establishment of new branch 實例之二
scientific establishment 科研機構 ; 科學機構 [1] 


  • 1The speaker announced the establishment of a new college.發言人宣佈了新學院的成立。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The establishment of the regional government in 1980 did not end terrorism.1980年地區政府的成立並沒有結束恐怖主義。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3It will result in the establishment of the world's largest marine reserve.它將促成建立世界上最大的海洋保護區。
  • 4The committee will work toward the establishment of a school for the handicapped.該委員會將為建立一所殘疾學校而努力。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5In this paper I first describe the background to the establishment of these zones.在本文中,我首先描述了建立這些區域的背景。
  • 6The different rods, placed at a height of two meters, shape a continuous mesh that "cuts down" the height of the establishment.不同的杆,放置在兩米的高度,形成一個連續的網格,“削減”了設施的高度。
  • 7We are not the ones to decide on the establishment of marine-protected areas, but we hope to contribute positively with our knowledge and experience.我們不是決定建立海洋保護區的人,但我們希望能以我們的知識和經驗作出積極貢獻。
  • 8We are not the ones to decide on the establishment of marine protected areas, but we hope to contribute positively with our knowledge and experience.我們不能決定海洋保護區的設立,但我們希望以我們的知識和經驗作出積極的貢獻。
  • 9As far back as 1995, articles in medical journals and the establishment of a Pennsylvania treatment center for overusers generated interest in the subject.早在1995年,醫學雜誌上的文章和賓夕法尼亞治療中心的建立就引起了人們對這個主題的興趣。
  • 10December 16, 1978: China and the US issued a joint communique which called for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries on January 1, 1979.1978年12月16日,中美發表聯合公報,宣佈兩國於1979年1月1日建立外交關係。
  • 11The hotel is a comfortable and well-run establishment.這家旅館環境舒適且經營良好。《牛津詞典》
  • 12The establishment seems to be off on another quest for fool's gold.該機構看似又要重蹈覆轍。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 13He is highly disdainful of anything to do with the literary establishment.他對任何涉及文學機構的事都極端的蔑視。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 14The conservatism of the literary establishment in this country is astounding.這個國家文學界的守舊態度令人震驚。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 15The fusty old establishment refused to recognize the demand for popular music.古板、迂腐的當權派拒絕承認對流行樂的需求。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 16They say they are caught in the crossfire between the education establishment and the government.他們説他們被捲入了教育機構和政府之間的爭端。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17While scientists were once considered cranks and outsiders to the system, we are now part of the establishment.雖然科學家曾被認為是怪人、是該體制的局外人,而如今我們已經是權力集團的一部分。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 18How is your establishment any different?你的咖啡館有什麼不同呢?
  • 19Tonight we have a special guest from a local establishment, the Parisian Cafe.今晚我們有一位特別嘉賓,來自當地一家咖啡館,巴黎咖啡館。
  • 20Tonight we have a special guest from the local establishment, the Parisian Café.今晚我們有一位特別來賓,他來自當地的巴黎咖啡館。
  • 21Recently, though, there have been signs that the medical establishment is trying to sound the alarm.不過,最近有跡象表明,醫療機構正試圖發出警報。
  • 22Unfortunately, that may be too much to ask from those who seek to maintain and control the art establishment.不幸的是,對於那些努力維持和管理藝術機構的人來説,這可能要求得太多了。
  • 23Leung, the chef at Bo Innovation, serves only imitation shark fin, made from mung bean, at his establishment.廚魔(Bo Innovation)的主廚梁從餐廳開業起就只供應綠豆製成的仿魚翅。
  • 24Hobbyists and students are gaining access to technologies without being part of a longstanding amateur establishment.愛好者和學生現在不需要通過加入一個長期業餘機構就能獲得接觸技術的機會。
  • 25Hobbyists and students are gaining access to technologies without being part of a long-standing amateur establishment.愛好者和學生正在獲得接觸技術的機會,而不必加入一個長期的業餘機構。
  • 26The power of such simple psychology in fighting climate change is attracting attention across the political establishment.這種簡單的心理學在應對氣候變化時具有的力量,正吸引着整個政界的關注。
  • 27If the prostitute establishment has a barbershop-like sign or neon lighting, then that's the kind of place I'm talking about.如果妓院有類似理髮店的招牌或霓虹燈,那就是我説的那種地方。
  • 28He agreed to join because he "found the foresight behind the establishment of the SBoRE to be novel, unique and likely to have a lasting impact".他之所以同意加入,是因為他“發現 SBoRE 創立背後遠見卓識的新穎、獨特性,並可能產生持久的影響”。
  • 29It is symptomatic of the swing between the outright rejection and qualified acceptance of the medium that was fairly typical of the artistic establishment.它顯現了在徹底拒絕和有條件地接受這一媒介的兩者之間的搖擺不定,而這正是藝術機構的典型特徵。
  • 30The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case.學習應該包含有激發性遊戲的元素,這一概念在學術界的大部分人看來只是愚蠢,但事實就是如此。 [1] 