

eruption,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“噴發;爆發;發疹”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ɪˈrʌpʃ(ə)n] 美 [ɪˈrʌpʃ(ə)n]
n. 噴發;(戰爭、怒氣等的)爆發;發疹
[ 複數 eruptions ] [1] 


Drug Eruption 藥疹 ; 藥皮疹 ; 藥物性皮炎
Plinian eruption 普林尼式火山噴發 ; 普林尼式噴發
volcanic eruption [地質] 火山爆發 ; 火山噴發 ; 火山噴發作用 ; 火山迸發
lateral eruption 側噴發 ; 側面噴火
eruption column 噴發柱
phreatic eruption 蒸汽噴發
fissure eruption [地質] 裂縫噴發 ; 裂縫噴溢 ; 裂縫爆發
polymorphous light eruption 多形性日光疹 ; 多形日光疹 ; 日光性皮炎又稱多形性日光疹 ; 包括多形性日光疹
volcano eruption 火山噴發 ; 前的火山噴泉秀 [1] 


  • 1Ash began to erupt from the crater.火山灰開始從火山口噴出。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The volcano could erupt at any time.這座火山隨時可能爆發。《牛津詞典》
  • 3He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses.他斷言如果他失敗將會爆發動亂。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4This could be the next flashpoint—if one does not erupt earlier.這將成為下一個暴力爆發點——如果沒有地點更早爆發的話。
  • 5If it stalls, a wave of even angrier protests may well erupt in September.如果它拖延,一場更憤怒的抗議浪潮很可能會在九月爆發。
  • 6These measures will help us diminish military risk, act before crises and conflicts erupt, and ensure that governments are better able to serve their people.這些措施將有助於我們減少軍事風險、在危機和衝突爆發之前有所行動,並確保政府能夠更好地服務於它們的人民。
  • 7An active volcano may erupt at any time.活火山會隨時噴發。《牛津詞典》
  • 8It does erupt frequently, but those eruptions are usually minor.它的確頻繁噴發,但這些爆發通常都是小規模的。
  • 9These bursts are similar to what we see when volcanoes erupt on Earth.這些爆發與我們在地球上火山噴發時看到的相似。
  • 10Under the water, volcanoes continued to erupt, sending up magma and forming mountains of basalt.在水下,火山依舊持續噴發,向上噴射岩漿並形成了一座座玄武岩山峯。
  • 11Katla seems to erupt on a semi-regular basis, with typical periods between eruptions of between 30 and 80 years.卡特拉似乎是半規律地噴發的,典型的週期是每次爆發之間相隔30到80年。
  • 12Volcanoes and geysers erupt.火山和間歇噴泉均能噴發。
  • 13Look for some of them to erupt next year.其中一些可能會在下一年爆發。
  • 14Factions began to erupt all over the town.各種宗派開始在小鎮爆發出來。
  • 15The mystery is that crises erupt so rarely.但神秘之處在於,危機的爆發如此罕見。
  • 16Is Bill Clinton a scandal waiting to erupt?比爾·克林頓是否仍有什麼醜聞尚未曝光?
  • 17In principle a volcano can erupt at any time, day and night.原則上説,火山隨時都會爆發,不分晝夜。
  • 18If I had heard someone said rotten things behind my back, I'd erupt.如果我聽説有人在我背後説我壞話的話。
  • 19Children should get sealants soon after their teeth erupt into the mouth.小孩子在牙齒萌出後應該做牙溝封閉。
  • 20If I had heard someone said rotten things behind my back, I'd erupt. Go crazy.如果我聽到有人在我背後將我壞話,我會爆發,會發瘋。
  • 21Ambassador Osman warned these issues must be resolved or conflict could erupt.奧斯曼大使警告説,這些問題必須解決,否則可能會爆發衝突。
  • 22Are there volcanoes that might erupt soon that would pose a threat to U.S. airspace?可能即將爆發的火山會威脅到美國上空嗎?
  • 23And to try to immediately address any conflicts that erupt, before they grow too large.一定要儘量在衝突剛一爆發就馬上解決掉,不然雪球會越滾越大。
  • 24The firm has taken more than 500 bets in recent months on which volcano will erupt next.公司下了超過500注在最近幾個月哪個火山會爆發上。
  • 25There are naturally funny people who can make a whole room erupt in hysterical laughter.有些人就是能夠在眾人面前侃侃而談,他們有本事讓房間裏的所有人笑得前仰後合。
  • 26The danger is that a new round of peace-destroying strife may erupt long before that happens.其危險在與新一輪的破壞和平衝突可能早在他下台之前就爆發了。
  • 27The authorities may well have feared water-related disputes might erupt during the games.官方可能擔心關於水的爭執會在奧運會期間爆發。
  • 28Today his land is a pile of jagged volcanic rocks. "We know the mountain will erupt again.直到今天,他管理的這片城區上還是堆滿了犬牙交錯的火山岩石。
  • 29Perhaps use paper mache to make a "volcano" and watch it erupt using baking soda and vinegar.用紙做一個“火山”,看着它噴發出蘇打和醋。 [1] 